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shroomery down for anyone else?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion drizzit
  • Date de début Date de début
It was a DDoS attack. Basically, a hacker creates a botnet then gets a shitload of other computers to ping the website so that the servers stay so busy that the users can't access it. The site itself was not hacked. The Shroomery is accessible again, though it appears that the servers are running at a reduced traffic capacity.
"figuring out how to operate on your boards as far as private messaging is concerned. "

this is due to a post limit in place to prevent noobs or spammers from advertising or trying to infect other users with viruses or stupidity. 20 posts and you're golden.
TheDeathryder a dit:
That it is. Hopefully Ythan can get the DDoS attack sorted out soon. I've been chillin' over at Myco-Tek and checking the other forums periodically for other wayfaring Shroomery members. Wildernessjunkie has a nice oyster bucket grow posted over there, they look gorgeous! I'll be happy if my oysters turn out half as well as his.

Not sure what a DDoS attack means?

LOL. it get's worse. So I try thechroomery agin this morning and guess what...? I get a familiar looking page. but when I try clicking buttons it is taking ages to chage pages, so I do something else then go back, and I eventually get the main messageboard. So them I decide to click my account so as to check my posts, and THEN I get that page 'website offline' :rolleyes:
Tom Ryan: Ever since the divorce it's like my life has no purpose. Half the time, I walk around feeling like a zombie! C. J.: Yo, don't joke about zombies. That shit there - that's real. Mahalik: Yo, you know Nashawn, down on 120th Street? C. J.: Yeah. Mahalik: She told me that she heard a zombie going through her trash the other day. The next morning, she turned up missing. Tom Ryan: Uh... C. J.: [C.J. interrupts] What? Okay, back up. How in the hell do you "turn up missing"? Mahalik: 'Cause nobody knows where you are when they realize you ain't there! Tom Ryan: Guys, I'm trying to ask... C. J.: [C.J. interrupts again] So you telling me that you can appear and disappear at the same time. Mahalik: No, man. You can't appear and disappear at the same time. The bitch ain't David Copperfield! Tom Ryan: Uh, guys... C. J.: [C.J. interrupts yet again] Mmm. No, no. But you can't be gone from one place and show up somewhere else entirely. So when you turn up, you're never missing. And when you're missing, you never turn up. Mahalik: Unless... you a zombie. C. J.: Damn! Hey, that's some plausible shit right there. You should blog about that. Mahalik: I'm gonna put that on MySpace. C. J.: You do that!
A DDoS attack is a Dedicated Denial of Service attack that is launched by a hacker using a botnet. The botnet continually pings the website to keep the servers occupied so that regular users are unable to access them.
I thought you already wrote that :P
Hey, I have a question and it's been confusing the hell outta me because I keep getting mixed opinions the more research I do.

I have purchased a 4 tier mini greenhouse on Amazon. I plan on doing trays of coir and WBS(cubes), also have a cool mist ultrasonic
walgreens humidifier. Not sure if I want to just runt inside the greenhouse or pipe it in, however this is not my concern. My concern is FAE.

I plan on running the humidifier for 15 minutes every hour or two but I am not sure if I should have the fan running while the humidifier is running and then leave the
humidifier on for another couple seconds after the fan turns off to build up RH, or to just run the fan seperatly only like 4-6 times a day for like a minute or two.

I would think the latter would decrease the humidity too much at certain times.....

I know i need the humidity to drop and pick back up, while at the same time having fresh air, but i am unsure on what exact
timers I would need on what schedules and what options are the best.

Any advice would be great!
The DDoS attack appears to be over. The Shroomery's been at full speed for me with no site unavailable pages poping up on me. :)
Wildernessjunkie oyster barrels have a good growth posted in there, they looks gorgeous! I will be very happy if my oyster, and his half.
Shroomery IRC Refuge here. Shroomery.org the forum is up and running but the IRC server is still down. I am not going to list any names of those involved but its been a pain in the ass. A lot of us relocated to another IRC server for the mean time. I still hang out with most of the main crew that were on IRC. Not sure where the rest of the people dispursed to.