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I've found the following seeds here in Brazil for the following cactuses:

Lophophora williamsii (Peiote)
Echinopsis pachanoi (San Pedro)
Echinopsis peruviana e Peruvianus (Peruvian Torch)
Echinopsis lageniformis e brigdesii (San Pedro)

I've never planted any cactuses actually the only thing I have ever planted was beans.

The offers are very low prices for around 100 seeds of each, so I am wondering here to myself if one seed equals to one cactus? If not, how does it work?

hello, fellow brazilian! yes, one seed equals one cactus if they germinate. there are many webpages explaining how to germinate them. it is actually pretty simple, and you won't have any trouble in brazil.
I know I wouln't have any problems planting them over here since people plant many other types of cactus, but do they all germinate? Just so I dont plant 100 cactuses of each and all of them grow, cuz if they do Ima have to build a fucking desert for all of them! :P

Also is there any difference between planting normal cactuses and planting the ones I listed above? I'm also getting some Salvia to plant it's gonna be a fucking magic garden man, I swear!

Thanks for your help, much appreciated.
planting lophophora is similar to other cacti, but be advised that they grow slowly, they will be about the right size to eat in about 5-8 years. and you'll need more than one...about 5 or 6, maybe more, depending on the potency.
if they all germinate ? i don't know...it depends on the age of the seeds, how good have they been stored...and your ability to germinate them :)
I know it's slow, like I said I always wanted to start planting some stuff, as a hobby I'ma keep some as a hobby and some for trippin, still should be fun, thanks alot for your help.
I got these germination instructions from Native American Church.

See attachment ;-)

if they all germinate ? i don't know...it depends on the age of the seeds, how good have they been stored...and your ability to germinate them
They don't all sprout. Also, some sprouts die because of fungus. Very difficult to raise peyote from seed. I say, if it is hard to do, then it is worth the effort. Pretend they are pets. You will not eat them, because they take a long, long time to grow.

Buy about 50-100 seeds, and try.
They don't all sprout.

i have had seeds that ALL germinated - meaning a 100% sucess rate.

You will not eat them, because they take a long, long time to grow.

if he raises it properly (in brazil is not difficult at all, depending of the region he is in), after 8 years he can trip with some of them.

Also, some sprouts die because of fungus. Very difficult to raise peyote from seed. I say, if it is hard to do, then it is worth the effort. Pretend they are pets.

sprouts die out of fungus if he doesn't esterilize the soil. raising peyote from seed is as difficult as any other cactus, ask any experienced cactus grower and he will tell you.
i have had seeds that ALL germinated - meaning a 100% sucess rate.
Must be that fabled "white" peyote ;-)

if he raises it properly (in brazil is not difficult at all, depending of the region he is in), after 8 years he can trip with some of them.
Yeah, like I said before...

sprouts die out of fungus if he doesn't esterilize the soil.
Yes, go ahead and sterilize the soil. Then some sprout. Then air contaminates soil again, and some more may die. If you plant 50 seeds, let's say, and you raise 50 peyote cactus, then you must be the peyote god. But for the rest of us mortals, expect some loss and some bad seeds.

Use the germination instructions attached to my previous email. I got them from a man in Native American Church in Oklahoma, a good source, one of the best.
present me proof of what you say. give me the proof that a single peyote has 200-300mg of mescaline, that brasil is a bad country for cacti seedlings, and i won't even bother with your quote of sterilization of the soil, because it is completely ridiculous.
and i don't want quotations from that booklet. i want YOUR experience raising them, and some way of quantizing the quantity of mescaline that was in one peyote. i can say many things, but can you present proof ? until significative proof presented, to me, you are a liar, or you just have read a single book in your life that, for you, holds the truth.
To all who want to successfully grow peyote from seed, download these seed growing instructions.

Peyote is slow growing. You will not eat your plants next year, or even in five years, maybe not even in ten years. Peyote is a sacred plant. The Native American Church treats it like a god, like Jesus, even. This isn't about having the fastest race car, or the prettiest girl, or even about "my peyote is bigger than your peyote."

This is about love and respect and connection to God. What you have in your heart is what will be transmitted to the plants you grow. A small peyote is like a small child, it is no less valuable to the Great Spirit.
i dont grow peyote havent taking it all i have to say is if its a natural plant then let it grow naturaly like "god" intended it to.
hippietrhggr a dit:
i dont grow peyote havent taking it all i have to say is if its a natural plant then let it grow naturaly like "god" intended it to.
Would that we all think as you. Unfortunately, in the U.S., peyote is an endangered species, but the Government doesn't recognize it as such because it is also a scheduled drug. So, no protection, overharvesting, the result is it is on the verge of extinction in the U.S. in the wild.

The Texas peyoteros are almost unable to sustain the demand by the Native American Church, which tends to use only wild specimens, because of the earth beliefs of the American Indian. If the Indians were to accept growing their own as a legitimate alternative, peyote would stand a chance.

This is why we have our international friends like Geek to thank, who are willing to cultivate peyote. All plants are natural, last I heard. Yet, we grow lettuce, tomatoes and carrots and potatoes, so why not peyote, too?

Peyote Seed Germination Instructions
"the Native American Church, which tends to use only wild specimens, because of the earth beliefs of the American Indian"

The growing instructions from above come from people close to the Native American Church . Peyote has been cultivated for centuries . It was grown in the medicinal gardens of Montezuma . A good book to read on the subject of native Americans and peyote is "The peyote book" by Guy Mount ISBN: 0-9604462-3-0 , wich was written by and for friends of the native American church . It has a very good bibliography if you are interested in going deeper into the subject . Another good one is "Peyote and other psychoactive cacti" by Adam Gottlieb .
GOD a dit:
"the Native American Church, which tends to use only wild specimens, because of the earth beliefs of the American Indian"

The growing instructions from above come from people close to the Native American Church . Peyote has been cultivated for centuries . It was grown in the medicinal gardens of Montezuma . A good book to read on the subject of native Americans and peyote is "The peyote book" by Guy Mount ISBN: 0-9604462-3-0 , wich was written by and for friends of the native American church . It has a very good bibliography if you are interested in going deeper into the subject . Another good one is "Peyote and other psychoactive cacti" by Adam Gottlieb .
Yes, I have the Gottleib book, and I have also taken part in NatAm Church ceremonies. The reality is, while some Natives have peyote gardens, American Indians have a peculiar view of the peyote, and prefer it wild. Hence, Texas registered peyoteros. I've interviewed American Indians, it's a long story, but if you can imagine the connection of the wild peyote to the power of the earth, they will eat wild peyote the way the Eskimos will eat wild salmon. It's like trying to convince the Hindus in India to eat all those cows walking around the city for extra protein, they don't think in those terms. You might think garden peyote is a good idea, and I cetainly do. But the American Indians aren't fond of the idea.

The NatAm Church peyote gardens I have seen had huge peyotes growing in them, bigger than grapefruits. But, when it comes time for ceremony, they order peyote wild-crafted from registered peyoteros in Texas, usually. The Native American Church is causing over-harvesting and extinction of U.S. wild peyote. It would be better for the longevity of their religion if they would rely more on garden peyote.

One more thing, about the peyote gardens of Mexico. The Huichol (and my friend just came back from living with the Huichol for two years) actually "hunt" wild peyote. That's right, they hunt peyote just like hunting deer. They walk on long hunting expeditions. They find the peyote, and they shoot it with an arrow. Then, they begin to pick the wild peyote.

Why is peyote available to the Mexican Huichol, but hard for the Native American Church? The attitude of government, and it's protection, and the absence of careless land developers who don't dig it up with big machines so they can build swimming pools, lawns, and houses. It could be the U.S. Government wants peyote extinct, I'm sad to say so they offer no protection for the species. Hence, overpicking, less in the wild, dwindling supplies.

peyote seed germination
I will disappoint you with Peyote seed germination and success rate or percentage how much will actually become healthy cacti after one year. Cause this is part of cacti life where all of possible dangers accrue.
From 10 seeds 2 will germinate in full healthy way. Couple more seed will also but eventually they will going to die. After that you must be very careful. But if you aren't experienced grower as you say from 3-4 healthy successfully germinated seeds one cacti will survive first year. So if you have 100 seeds, 5 plus 3-4 cacti will become oldies meaning trip giving ones. But this you can improve if you post your growing stages here on psychonaut forum. I will help you just as any of guys with more knowledge bout growing cacti. First stage would be germination, then send picture for second stage or replanting stage. PEACE. Here you have link how to with medium success rate germinate your seeds. PEACE AND BLESS.
I have no experience with botanics, even tho I think it would be a fun hobby, so I can plant them the way I would plant any other cacti? I can get an advice from any local flower shop on planting peyote? If yes, then I guess thats the only question that needs to be asked here.

Does the space in between them have to be big? Cant they all grow cutely and together like mushrooms? :P
You doesn't need any XP with cacti growing. But this will effect your success rate! But no matter. You will learn on your mistakes! What yu think? That I have wrote growing instructions and that's it? NO MAN.
My advice is: SOIL FOR BEGINNERS: mix 2/5 of dark earth(flower earth from store), 1/5 of fine sand from nearest sandbox playground(place called "sand pools"), 1/5 of "cacti" soil (this is nothing else then earth without compost), 1/5 of clay soil (this is crucial for beginners, place it on top but not like final layer!, mix it with rest but half of it leave on top)
Why is clay soil so important? Many growers (me also) has used lovely soil, dark-rich soil, but this kind starts to turn into dust after some time! Sun and dry air suck water which can't be recovered with misting and you will get Peyos without solid ground! This will going to expose cacti roots and eventually kill them. 2 years my cacti suffered from this ignorance! Then one time I put some clay soil on top and cacti flourished!! But main defect is hardening of such soil, so watch it after you find some and try to find mixture of clay and earth, not pure clay. Hoping that my tips are usable. :) :wink:

baby cacti dry out very easily. when very small and they look like mushrooms a couple of day drying out will kill them so keep the soil moist. treat the soil with mild fungicide if your worried. ive lost a few hundred seedlings from drying
druglessdouglas a dit:
baby cacti dry out very easily. when very small and they look like mushrooms a couple of day drying out will kill them so keep the soil moist. treat the soil with mild fungicide if your worried. ive lost a few hundred seedlings from drying

No offense druglessdouglas
No offense druglessdouglas[/quote]
wet fungicide of cource! :roll: