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Screaming Mushrooms

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Do you see this mushrooms, screaming to get out !


It is a cubensis growkit, it got returned to Azarius from Italy after being in the mail for 6 weeks.

But don't worry the mushrooms have been freed any given some fresh water.
So did they return it because "The kit didn't work"? hehehehe

give it time people! /forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
No the package was not opened, so the postman couldn't find the house probabely, happens all the time unfortunatelly.

But we take care off the mistreaded growkits when they get back home! /forum/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Wow, im gonna get me one of those packages /forum/images/graemlins/dancing222.gif
hey, i dunno how to create a thread yet, but I need some info quick plz. I just got the growbox (the one in the picture without the tiny dudes crawling through), and in the instructions it says to put the box in the bucket and then remove the lid, so I thought you had to keep it in the box, but I don't want to screw it up and I am wondering if I have to take it out of the box....anyone can answer plz?
Keep it in the box still,... just have the lit off,... /forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif STERILE! /forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Alright, then I guess i'm set...been 4 days, bought some latex gloves, washed my arms before I placed the thing in 5 days ago. The first day I had about 30 cm square of open space, but I corrected it the second day. At some time I thought there was green stuff growing, so I opened the
opened the??? /forum/images/graemlins/think.gif
It's a fill in the blank puzzle!

Opened the.. Doors to the gateways of hell!!
wow what a trip!

hehehe See

Seems like there's hope still for my growbox by the sounds of it - I started it 10 days ago, but haven't seen anything yet. The instructions didn't say anything about spraying with water so i didn't do that.....will that help do you think? I was really excited to receive the box as it's the first time i've tried growing them myself, so as you can imagine it's a BIG downer to think that maybe nothing's gonna happen at all, but it's encouraging to see that returned box going strong after 6 weeks!!
Well the mushies grow better when the humidity is high. I like to grow mine from 80-90% Relative humidity. Use only sterile or distilled water when spraying the box. You’re only trying to raise the humidity in the box, not trying to drown the cake.
how do you check the humidity anyways, do you just look in it or do you have something that measures the humidity level?
Personally I have a remote device that I keep in my terrarium. on my desk is a meter that tells me what the Humidity and temperature is at all times. These are a little pricey (€/$100 - €/$200) but well worth it for me because I grow a lot of shrooms.

For the home growers you can pick up a small hydrometer at a local hardware shop or even wallmart for as little as €/$3.

Here is a picture of a cheap Hydrometer:

Hey, you think I could get your MSN or AIM, I have lotsa questions lol.
haha Sure
AIM: o0ACE0o
ICQ: 627617
MSN/YAHOO: [email:5lcbxzem][email protected][/email:5lcbxzem]

You'll probably have better luck asking me questions here though. I'm currently traveling all over the USA on business.
Its alright, I got my answer from several hours of reading, and I understand why nothing has grown, I had bacteria. It kind of sucks, cause on top of failing I still don't know what I did wrong, I know it has something to do with sterility, but I was so god damn careful with anything...I am guessing it is either the fact that I let to much air space in the thing (had roughly 15-20 cm square) or if its because the plastic box I had just recently bought had been opened in the store and touched as it wasn't sealed. I took a sniff in the kit yesterday cause I read it would smell bad if thats what the green and brown stuff at the bottom was, and I got a head ache : /

I'll provably try again some time soon, just won't buy the kit thing, it was pricey and its not as fool proof as I thought it would be.
Want to know a little secret to sterility?

There are 2 things that you should get even before you start growing. 1 is a LARGE bottle of hand sanitizer and the other is a True Air™ air purifier.

Get one of those pump bottle hand sanitizers and keep it right next to your mushroom workstation. Whenever you do anything where you have to touch the mushroom workstation in anyway, pump a little sanitizer in your hand. Do this even if you are just going to peek into the top and your holding the side of your grow kit.

Keep a True Air home air purifier close to your grow kit. This style air purifier will eliminate 85% of the contaminants in the air which gives the grow kit an 85% better chance of surviving. If you don’t know what a True Air purifier looks like, visit this website: http://www.shopdirect.com/Hamilton Beach/04251.html

The last trick is to keep your grow kit in some type of container. A Bucket will work fine but personally I like to use dish pans (the thing you wash dishes in). You can place up to 3 grow kits in one of these, then slap some plastic wrap or aluminum foil over it, cut a hole and your done! If you keep a humidifier running then you don’t even need to spray the kits. Just walk away and come back in 2 weeks to harvest.. Those grow kits are pretty fool proof if you do it this way. Sorry to hear that yours didn’t work /forum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

This is what one of my early work stations looked like:
