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Savannah Psychonauts?


Matrice Périnatale
Hey guys. Any psychonauts in Savannah, GA? :oops: I'd like to hang out with some like-minded people but I don't know where to start!!
go to psytrance parties, look up if there are meditation groups, that's where I met most likeminded people.

that's where I get most party informations from, dunno how well it is used in the US. concerning meditation you will have to find it yourself. dhamma.org might be a good one, but thinking about it, it's not as good a place to meet people since you are told not to talk :lol: look for a group that does meditation in the evening. people in these groups tend to be older, whereas yoga groups are younger, albeit less people do it for psychonautical reasons..

really, you will meet most people on your wavelength by chance through school, university, work or other friends or something. people who are alike attract each other anyway :D at least that's my experience, met a lot of people who are into psychedelics and spirituality.
i live (or can come to) atlanta, and there are no shortage of sacred geometry classes, yoga classes, tai chi, meditation, reiki healing, nutrition, you-name-it classes, where one could meet all sorts of people who use entheogens instead of taking them to get fucked up. i would imagine such groups exist in savannah too. there aren't really any get together and do drugs groups. all you need to do is go to a nightclub for that... you have to make friends and create something together, or maybe one of them has the information you're looking for. either way, you'll only find so much by playing with an inanimate object (computer)