Salvia on Dr. Phil

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JustinNed
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
I'm TRYING not to throw anything at my tv as I scream at the tv telling them why they are all fucking idiots, but sadly they can't hear me. I'm watching it and getting more and more and more pissed as I watch. This is fucking pathetic god damnit fucking ridiculous bullshit, "THIS DRUG IS AS POTENT AS LSD AND ITS LEGAL!!!!!!!!!" WAY TO FUCKING ADVERTISE IT DR PHIL YOU FUCKING DOUCHE BITCH. oh man, Fucking INFURIATING, oh how I wish I could of been on this show defending Salvia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ignorance is a fucking disease that this motherfucker is spreading.
This won't help Salvia remaining legal for sure...

Do you know where I can find a video of the show ?
there's a surprise. what else to expect from sensationalist journalism..

did they do the typical BS talk show technique of carefully inviting one supporter on the show and bashing him/her the entire time?

in all seriousness though, will the mainstream even listen to any people who are interested in psychedelics? i think not (for a while). the propaganda has been too ingrained in the past few decades
ya i cant beleive he did that, i was watching the show and yelling at the tv while my wife wanted me to be quiet(she likes dr fucking phill), but the problem is for one, hes not open minded, dedicated christian which saise alot, although his beleifs most likely put a profound influence in his job, so thats just a bundle labled (of fuck) for the media to blaze alll over tv for every scared middle/high class parent that worries about there kid to spread this obscene ignorant view point like wild fire to all and any influencial ppl in this damn country.

ya im new i just created an account, hello to u all, hope ile fit right in.
To be fair, salvinorin-A is as potent as LSD. Just that the effects differ vastly.

I don't blame Mr.Phil personally though. Imagine you knew nothing about the broader field of shamanism, and you would have to do some research for a show on Salvia, what will you come across? THOUSANDS of pages filled with weird trip reports, and even more videos on YouTube. The number of noncommercial sources on the background of Salvia are very few. Daniel Siebert's page is very good, is good and the Wikipedia entries are also quite good. For the rest it's just online Salvia vendors and confused teenagers.

So who is to blame? No one. Whatever has happened so far (YouTube, Dr.Phil) was inevitable. Let's not be angry at anyone, and continue doing the needful: spread the truth about drugs.
Well, it wasn't a fair game but CM is quite right.
Taking a 16-yo kid who takes it for fun as an example is not very good, on the other hand, if there are too many children experimenting with drugs in an uncontrolles way, it needs not to be banned but to be controlled (which it is not if it is banned, capisce?). On the other hand, there was no real discussion going on, just a "victim" and the "doctor" that tells it what it has done bad and that it has to stop. 750'000 people have tried it that's what percentage of all people in the US? How many dislike the effect? And why the fuck does the debile government not learn from its mistakes, that my banning/making propaganda they only advertise this stuff (--->weed???)? That if it is banned, it will become a matter of rebellion and therefore used more often? And that the fucking UN will force the whole world to ban it, too? Gosh.
Ever noticed the chairs on the DR Phil Show?
See how high they are. Why would that be?
To make the guests feel like sitting ducks.

Or children perhaps...

or compensation.................. :wink:
Omg... in the first link:

Harmless Herb or Hallucinogen?

Implying that hallucinogen = harmful :x

Omg it's pure propaganda!!!!!
“Salvia has become such a part of Jerry’s life. All he does is eat, sleep, play video games and smoke. I am worried about how salvia will affect his brain," says Rebecca. She gives a few examples of her son's decline. "Jerry has been in the ninth grade for three years. He hasn’t made any progress. As a school teacher, I’m concerned about his grades, and it’s frustrating me. I’m worried about Jerry progressing from salvia to harder drugs, like cocaine or heroin, because it could lead to his death."

Sixteen-year-old Jerry brushes off his mother's concerns. “My mom helps me get the salvia. She drives me to the smoke shop, I give her my money, and she walks in and asks the guy at the counter for the salvia, and she gives me the little container," he reveals. "I usually only smoke salvia at home because it’s pretty intense. I sometimes think about quitting salvia, but like I said, when I get bored, that’s what I do. I’m, like, addicted to it."

Jerry says he began experimenting with the herb at 15 and details his salvia trips. "The first time I smoked salvia, it only lasted about four to five minutes. It made me hallucinate. I thought my mom was changing into an African-American," he says with a grin. "I saw, in my house, there was, like, a store, and people were walking around and talking to me. One of the times, it started raining from my ceiling. I could see the water condensing onto the ceiling and falling like rain.
All he does is eat, sleep, play video games and smoke.
"Jerry has been in the ninth grade for three years."
Jerry is 16. He started smoking Salvia when he was 15. Do the math. Clearly the problem already existed long before he started with Salvia. Exactly how many hours a day has he been playing video games these past three to four years?
very good observation :!:
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
All he does is eat, sleep, play video games and smoke.
"Jerry has been in the ninth grade for three years."
Jerry is 16. He started smoking Salvia when he was 15. Do the math. Clearly the problem already existed long before he started with Salvia. Exactly how many hours a day has he been playing video games these past three to four years?
Nice of you to point out that Salvia use is probably more like a consequence of earlier problems than a source of "new problems". I do not like the way you appear to point a finger at videogames where I think that it should be pointed more in the direction of parents. Then again I might be misunderstanding the last sentence of your post :)
Psychoid a dit:
Omg... in the first link:

Harmless Herb or Hallucinogen?

Implying that hallucinogen = harmful :x

I noticed the same, fucking ridiculous. It's both, as long as people use it with sense. Fucking ignorant douchebags.

Harmless Transportion or Killing Machines? It all depends on who's driving...

But if we must blame someone, blame the teenagers who're abusing Salvia...
silv a dit:
Nice of you to point out that Salvia use is probably more like a consequence of earlier problems
Hey, I didn't say that! I didn't imply one led to the other.

I do not like the way you appear to point a finger at videogames where I think that it should be pointed more in the direction of parents.
I'm not pointing fingers, yet. I'm asking for more information on one rather important issue mentioned, namely games. If he spent many hours playing games, and his parents just let him, no wonder his results in school suffered.
Implying that hallucinogen = harmful Mad


1. it is an alliteration and is therefore probably a rather stylistic title.

2. harmless does not always mean the opposite of harmful. It can also mean that its effects are a bluff, meaning that "it does nothing" rather than "it does harm", if you get my point.

But of course it creates such an effect.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
All he does is eat, sleep, play video games and smoke.
"Jerry has been in the ninth grade for three years."
Jerry is 16. He started smoking Salvia when he was 15. Do the math. Clearly the problem already existed long before he started with Salvia. Exactly how many hours a day has he been playing video games these past three to four years?

Yeah that's the big problem! As soon as someone takes drugs all the problems in his life come from them!!! :x

Sorry Restin what you're saying is not true... Smoking an herb that does nothing is not harmless. Cause it does harm to your lungs. get it? Harm and effect are two very different thing.

It is evident that this title was made to imply that hallucinogen = harmful.