Run from the Cure

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion chiKa
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"and pariah, i hope the banging made you wake up more retarded then you were already? I saw a retarded post from you in the thread about the muslims .You covertly forced your retarded opinion on us aswell, but you are to retarded to understand discussions get heated? Even in parlement shoes get thrown! So please, stfu or participate in a normal matter, without trying to mindfuck everyone like a muslim into what you want them to be"

You broke the forum rules 4 times in that statement .
I am a cancer patient and I got a prescription yesterday for the very reason that it DOES kill cancer cells. I have spent weeks researching this very topic, and yes it is true. As far as curing cancer, cure is a strong word. It helps, just like any herbal supplementation, but I am not going to quit conventional treatment on the false hope that pot will cure me.

I learned about Rick Simpson a few weeks ago and have been researching non-stop since to see if his claims are credible. I think he is a bit too enthusiastic and may exaggerate the benefits a bit but over all he is correct. If you start searching the internet, you will be amazed at the number of scientific studies there are that show the anti tumor properties of cannabis. For starters, check out this web site:

The reason cannabis does not cause lung cancer when smoked is because the medicine counteracts the carcinogenic effects of the smoke! These side effects can be avoided if you vaporize, use hemp oil, or cook with pot butter and eat it (that medicinal snikerdoodle cookie I bought at the co-op yesterday sounds really good right now actually).

One of the reasons these benefits are not widely known is because the research takes place outside the US for the most part.

I am looking forward to making hemp oil, the problem is, I need to figure out where to grow my plants (which is my lawful right). Buying it at $50 an 1/8 ounce is too pricey to make hemp oil! Can you believe that is the price even for medicinal marijuana! Insane. I can't wait to grow...
^Hope you get well soon!
yes,get well soon. I think it is indeed best to stick to the conventional treatment and only secundarily seek other help. Did you have an operation? My father had a tumour...serious thing indeed.
chiKa a dit:
btw are you a member of the staff?? Just curious
GOD is moderator for the German section of the forum and very passionate about the website. His ways of communicating differ significantly from those at the head office in Amsterdam however, so please do not take his approach nor his views as representing this website. They are his views and opinions, and he feels that to be most effective he has to express them the way he does. He has no ill intentions, just some blind spots, like we all do.
" I got a prescription yesterday for the very reason that it DOES kill cancer cells."

What sort of cancer have you got ? What country do you live in ? What drug is the prescription for ? Do you pay for the prescription yourself or does your health insurance company pay for it ? Did your family doctor say and do that or did you have to find the "right" one ?

I hope your not talking about some states in the US where anyone from any country can get a prescription by going to the "right" doctor and saying that they have backache .

" If you start searching the internet, you will be amazed at the number of scientific studies there are that show the anti tumor properties of cannabis. "

In humans ?

"The reason cannabis does not cause lung cancer when smoked is because the medicine counteracts the carcinogenic effects "

Please show us proof of that .

What do the doctors , ( plural ) , at your hospital say about those claims ?

I hope you beat it .
My comments are in red interspersed with the text.

GOD a dit:
" I got a prescription yesterday for the very reason that it DOES kill cancer cells."

What sort of cancer have you got ? What country do you live in ? What drug is the prescription for ? Do you pay for the prescription yourself or does your health insurance company pay for it ? Did your family doctor say and do that or did you have to find the "right" one ?

I live in a country where medicinal marijuana is available and there is very little threat of getting arrested for legitimate medicianal use.

I hope your not talking about some states in the US where anyone from any country can get a prescription by going to the "right" doctor and saying that they have backache .

This is irrelevant. MJ should be available to anyone who wishes to use it as a nutritional or herbal supplementation for their health. It is unfortunate that an authority figure such as a doctor would have to give a person permission to use a health supplement, but that is the state of things now. Personally, I should have to right to use the natural herb cannabis for any problem that I think it would medicinally help. Unfortunately, the government wants to control all aspects of our lives, including our right to our own personal health care needs. In a way they have control over who lives and dies.

" If you start searching the internet, you will be amazed at the number of scientific studies there are that show the anti tumor properties of cannabis. "

In humans ?

Yes, there are many in humans, rats, and in petri dishes. The point is cannabis kills cancer cells. As to which types of cancers, and how it works, more research is being done in these areas, but it is slow due to restriction. If there is a chance it will help and there is little or no risk in using it then it is a no brainer, the benefits outway the risks to using it, so it should be used. Anything that will help is worth using when cancer is on the line.
"The reason cannabis does not cause lung cancer when smoked is because the medicine counteracts the carcinogenic effects "

Please show us proof of that .
This article is all over the internet in various forms.

What do the doctors , ( plural ) , at your hospital say about those claims ?

I am still consulting with doctors. So far I am getting mixed opinions. It seems to more have to do with politics and fear rather than sound medical advice. Physicians seem to clam up when confronted with medicinal cannabis. Like I said: little or no risk, possible high reward, no brainer, it slhould be utilized. If I find that it causes problems or makes things worse I will quit of course.

I hope you beat it .
I forgot to comment on a couple other things. No health care does not cover it, just like they do not cover my maitake, shiitake muchroom extract or my multivitamins, and I don't expect them to. There is another insurance company locally here that covers it, but I don't think mine does.

Prescription was probably the wrong word to use. Medical recommendation is more likely the proper terminology. It is more of a permmission to use it rather than you must use it. It doesn't replace any other medications, I use it for it's anti-cancer properties as a nutritional supplement.

Almost all studies that inspired paranoia that mj might cause cancer were just speculation because of the toxins in the smoke. If there are no toxins, because you are eating it or vaporizing it, this is irrelevant. What is interesting about the lung cancer study was that despite the level of toxins in the smoke and speculation that this would be harmful, it was proven that it had no effect, and was concluded that this was likely due to the anti-tumor properties of thc.
Please dont write in red , it doesnt make your opimions facts .

You avoided answering my questions , the last link you gave gives no pertinent facts about your claims , just theorys . The study was with 611 people with cancer and 1040 "healthy" people and wasnt a study it was a survey . There was no experimentation done and no scientific medical proof . It was a pseudo statistical "study" that has no statistical relevance . In exactly the same way as the "study" about testicular cancer . I dont see where you tell us what sort of cancer you have ? And all you are realy saying is that you are self "medicating" .

Can you imagine the psychelogical damage , and through that the physical damage it does to people out there with very bad cases of cancer who are desperate , when they read personal opinions that are presented as facts by people who present no pertinent evidence ?

Please answer my questions .
GOD a dit:
Please dont write in red , it doesnt make your opimions facts .
But it does clearly show who wrote what. That isn't always clear in your posts. Either use the
tags or use a different color, type, etc. Also, please stop being so rude to new members. Asking questions is fine of course, but try to be a little less demanding of others.
GOD a dit:
Please dont write in red , it doesnt make your opimions facts .

You avoided answering my questions , the last link you gave gives no pertinent facts about your claims , just theorys . The study was with 611 people with cancer and 1040 "healthy" people and wasnt a study it was a survey . There was no experimentation done and no scientific medical proof . It was a pseudo statistical "study" that has no statistical relevance . In exactly the same way as the "study" about testicular cancer . I dont see where you tell us what sort of cancer you have ? And all you are realy saying is that you are self "medicating" .

Can you imagine the psychelogical damage , and through that the physical damage it does to people out there with very bad cases of cancer who are desperate , when they read personal opinions that are presented as facts by people who present no pertinent evidence ?

Please answer my questions .

I didn't intend on avoiding any of your questions, however, you shot out several questions all at once so I apologize if I didn't give an adequate response to all of them.'

I didn't intend the red color to give more credibility to what I was saying, and that "just cause it's in red it's a fact". I was simply trying to find the least time consuming way to answer a post with several questions in it.

Before I offer you any more links or relevant information (you can do your own research you know) I would like to establish what you consider to be an adequate expirement to determine the valididy of marijuana's anti cancer properties? I think if you took the time to delve into it a bit and read some of the scientific studies, you would be satisfied. If you have your own definition as to what counts as science then I don't see us agreeing.
Skah a dit:
I was simply trying to find the least time consuming way to answer a post with several questions in it.

What I generally do is divide the text up with '[/quote]' and '
' and write text in between.
There is no need to quote my whole post .

You still didnt answer my questions .

"you can do your own research you know"

I do know that .Thank you . Untill you offer pertinent facts and answer my questions there is no point .

" I would like to establish what you consider to be an adequate expirement to determine the valididy of marijuana's anti cancer properties?"

Please be serious . You have made claims please proove them and then i will answer .

Science has ways of testingg things both statisticaly and in experiments with humans . Like mass tests , double blind tests and others .

" I think if you took the time to delve into it a bit and read some of the scientific studies, you would be satisfied."

Again , before i delve further into someones claims they must offer a serious , neutral , objective basis for their claims . I have looked at what you and others have said here and it doesnt even start to give me a reason to delve further than i have . I would love to have some reasons to do it . I would be more than pleased if your claims can be proved to be true .

" If you have your own definition as to what counts as science then I don't see us agreeing."

I do not have my own definition of what science is or scientific method is or what science acepts a sproof science does .

Please can you be serious , answer all my questions and offer proof of what you claim .
Skah a dit:

Dear GOD,

Since I believe I already provided scientific documentation in my first post, I'll quote myself. Perhaps you do not agree with the scientific studies here. Perhaps for some reason you think they are invalid (or perhaps you just never looked at the link). If you have some constructive critique I would be glad to hear it.

Just to make it easier to read, I'll just quote a few pertinent excerpts:

"Cannabinoid administration selectively increased apoptosis (programmed cell death) in pancreatic tumor cells while ignoring healthy cells, researchers found. In addition, "cannabinoid treatment inhibited the spreading of pancreatic tumor cells ... and reduced the growth of tumor cells" in animals……………..
Previous preclinical data published in May in the Journal of Pharmacological and Experimental Therapeutics reported that non-psychoactive cannabinoids, particularly cannabidiol (CBD), dramatically halt the spread of breast cancer cells and recommended their use in cancer therapy.
Separate trials have also shown cannabinoids to reduce the size and halt the spread of glioma (brain tumor) cells in animals and humans in a dose dependent manner. Additional preclinical studies have demonstrated cannabinoids to inhibit cancer cell growth and selectively trigger malignant cell death in skin_cancer_cells, leukemic_cells, lung cancer cells, and prostate_carcinoma_cells, among other cancerous cell lines."

As for human studies, they have not been as extensive or scientifically rigorous, but they are ongoing. Most human studies I have seen are statistical studies like that one I mentioned that you have a problem with, that mj has not been shown to increase the likelyhood of lung cancer.

Unfortunately, more human studies for cannabis are needed to prove to the scientific community at large that cannabis has genuine value as a chemotherapeutic agent in cancer treatment. However, as a cancer patient myself, I don't have time to wait the decades that must pass for these human studies to be complete. There are enough promising results from in vivo and in vitro studies, animal studies, etc. to satisfy me to the point of adding cannabis to my list of supplemental herbal and nutritional remedies for cancer.

I by no means am advocating the extreme that Rick Simpson seems to advocate, that conventional cancer treatment should be stopped and hemp oil replace it. On the contrary, I believe in the science behind conventional treatment, however, I can't wait for all of the science to be complete when it comes to herbal and natural supplementation. If it looks like it may help then I try it. The same goes for maitake, shiitake, and reshi mushooms. Numerous scientific studies show their anti-cancer properties, and shiitake extract is used as a chemotherapeutic agent in asia, but it has not been officially approved in the US. This does not stop me from trying those. Or, the fact that vitamin E may counter some of the side effects of cisplatin therapy, I don't need to wait for official human studies to pan out before I try it. Its just vitamin E!

As for sources to what I am asserting here, google will produce plenty. The reason I say this is rather than trust what some guy on a forum says about something, do your own research and come to your own conclusions. All I can do is thow an idea on the table.

Here is another interesting link for the layman (youtube): ... 1&index=19
Bye Bye . Have fun playing with yourself .