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What sport of cacti is it ? Did you take it out of the substrate ? Probably it would be good to take it out of the substrate , cut the bad bits off , wash the wound with water and then put the wounds in some charcoal to dry them a bit . Then wrap the whole thing in some news paper for a few days till the wounds have dried out and then re-pot it . I think that hydrophonic growing is the best way to go as soil retains the water to long and if that happens you can get root rot !!!
it is a peyote plant, i cut the orange bits off, it had spread to the core but not to far up. it is lying on a clean paper towel out of the way so that it cant get damaged. but i was kinda wondering if theres a chance that it can keep it alive, like reroot it or something, please help
It sounds to me like you have BIG problems . What you have done is probably the best . If its rotten into the green bit , the head , you are fucked . If its only the root and it doesnt dry out in a few days you could try to cut the rotten bit of the root off with a very sharp knife . If that doesnt stop the rot try cutting the whole root off and throw it away . And see if it a dry crust forms on the wound and then re-pot it . Its hard to say as i cant see it . It might sound a bit stupid but if you have some powdered anti biotics you could try to put some on the wound . Dont let it have any light in the mean time .
You might be to far to save it, but what I would recommond is buying a San Pedro or something(maybe you have one already) and grafting it onto the top of that.