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Research: MDMA/Ecstasy Experiences of Autistic Adults

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Aylish
  • Date de début Date de début


Matrice Périnatale
My name is Alicia Danforth, and I am a PhD student in clinical psychology at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, California. I currently am collecting confidential survey data and conducting anonymous interviews for my dissertation on the MDMA/Ecstasy experiences of adults on the autism spectrum, including but not limited to Asperger's Syndrome.

If you are an adult on the spectrum (age 21 or older) who either has OR has never tried MDMA/Ecstasy, I invite you to consider participating in this research.

There is general consensus that autism results in challenges with social interaction and communication. MDMA has been shown to promote prosocial feelings, aspects of empathy, and increased self-insight for some individuals. However, no studies which assess the therapeutic potential of MDMA for autism spectrum social skills limitations have been published. The purpose of this exploratory mixed-methods study is to address the gap in research by documenting the range and qualities of subjective MDMA/Ecstasy experiences in autistic adults.

More information on the study and details about how to enroll are available at:




Contact information for me and for my Committee Chair is available on the Web site if you have any questions.
Participants who complete the surveys will have an option to receive a summary report of key findings.
Glad to see someone is finally going back to what MDMA was created for, to help people reconnect with the the world and one another (originally slated to be used as a therapeutic aid to marriage counseling, showed more promising results than all of the anti-depressants in the world combined, shocking I know).