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Reliving a past life or visiting myself in another demension

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Hey all im back.. had some crazy computer problems but i got a new one so..

any who

Salvia... :D

Ive experienced 2ce what i beleve no one else has [or atlease i couldnt find anyone on the net] I took 4 large hits of regular strength salvia and went somewhere... i dont know where but i had a whole other life there, diffrent friends, mom, dad, school, neborhood, everything. The second time i did it... i went to that same place and new all of the same people and was welcomed back by everyone with a birthday-like celebration. If you are skepticle, i can completly understand... after comming back to this deminsion i couldnt beleve what i had experienced. It was udderly amazing!

I will write a trip report tomarro and post it in this thread, im just to tyred to do it right now. Its going to be on the 1st one because it was longer and had more detales that i can remember, and maby on the trip i take right after i finish this post, depending on how it goes..

Smile right now... you cant help but feel happy can you? happy energy would be greatly appreciated if it were sent my way, as i will most likely be tripping as you read this.

ok i just found some energy..

this trip seemed incomplete.. but im going to write a trip report while its fresh..

I go in my bed, proped some pillows up against my wall and went completly under my blanket, because after my 1st trip i associate this 'cuccoon' as an entrance to where ever i go with saivia. I take 3 big hits and as it starts to hit me i can somewhat hear a man and a woman talking in a small conviniant store there words mean nothing but they were talking. I decide to take another big hit.. I start to sink through my bed, then floor, then earth, where i drop into a large green feild of fake grass, theres a little girl nearby that mistakes me as a dog but when she realises im human she gets what seems to be her older sister, the sister asks me who i am i say "My name is kevin." [outloud] she replies "No... who ARE you?" as in who am I not what my name is. I diddnt know how to respond, then before i knew it i was somewhere else, on a dock with lots of boats, but the water was almost purple looking and there was something not quite right about the boats but im not sure what. It was there that i start thinking where all of these things are comming from, then i realize that im am actually INSIDE my subconsous mind, and that this is the language my mind speaks, i start to walk to where the dock meets land but before i knew it i was in a girl who i like alot's room but she couldnt see me, she was doing her hair in the mirror and then she walked right through me as if i were a ghost, this caught me off gaurd because i wasnt expecting to just get walked through lol, this place is so real that if i were to drop something on my foot, it would hurt. After her room fades away i open my eyes and it looks as if everything i see has faces[my blanket wrinkled up] and my knee looked like a tree [also with a face], all of the faces seemed welcoming so i said hello mr.tree, then i realized that i was drenched in sweat and when i puled the covers back down i was freezing.

I havent had time to let it all obsoarb yet but if anyone here is good at interpreting dreams, this im sure would be the same, so please post what you think[what means what ect..]

The 1st trip report will be up after school.
trick a dit:
Ive experienced 2ce what i beleve no one else has [or atlease i couldnt find anyone on the net]


i meant on salvia, i read like a bajillion salvia reports. Also the fact that the second time i went to the exact same place with the exact same people. What do you think it means?
well i had also some fucked up experiences on salvia... also the experiences resemlbe one another and sometimes were really similar but not really exact the same like you say...so yeah sounds kinda cool... but how you mean having had there a complete life with friends and stuff..?? have you lived through it completely or have you just tuned into it for the "felt time" you had the trip... because i mean your mind can imagine and come up with stuff quite intensely with lots of details...also it might've been like a dream...so you dream of being someone else..but that doesn't mean you were that person...well partly sure it means that , but it's only a dream too, isn't it!!? :D

ok heres the trip report from the first time, there might be some detales missing because it was around a month ago..

I took 2 hits of green then packed a salvia bowl while waiting for the buzz to kick in[i hadent smoke mary jane in a while so 2 hits was sufficint]. I set up my pillows and got in my cuccoon and while holding in my 4th hit of salvia i suddenly realized that i was watching myself from above.. almost like my room had no ceilings and i was 20ft above it, then it zoomed away into darkness for a second, next i found myself in a small all white room with around 20 other people that were all just standing there. My vision zooms out again to reveal that we were all in a huge mans hand [slightly long black hair, same all white background], I say aloud[in real life] "You guys its god!" again it zooms out even more to reveal that there are men that look the same as him holding more people in their hands for as long as i could see"Theres so many of them!" i said outloud. Next thing i know im in somekind of tubelike flying vehicle with one of my friends[from real life] sitting in front of me, there is no roof and we were zooming through my whole life. Then i was a little kid around 3 or 4, i was doing something [cant remember what but it was somewhere along the lines of playing at the playground], at the time i though that this was a suppressed childhood memory that i was reliving. Then another jump to around the age that i am in real life, im in school talking to some friends in the hall way, school ends and i walk home. When i get home i had a diffrent mom and dad waiting for me [my real parents are divoreced and i see my dad rarely], my life seems almost white pikit fence perfect. Around that time i open my eyes and diddnt move for around 5 mins, i just let everything sink in and recapped what all just happend in my head. After i took the covers off of my head i looked at the clock and just under an hour had gone by since i went in!

After reviewing the whole trip in my head i came to the conclusion that i had relived some of a past life, i hadent really reasoned to this conclusion i just 'knew', almost like the salvia told me that. I also believe that i can only relive up to the point where i am in real life[eg when im an adult i would be able to relive up to my adulthood], this also was 'told' to me by salvia.

Input anyone?

and it was dreamlike but i also had the feeling that it was the second time i had had the dream.. get where im going?
Have you ever had a dream that you were so sure was real?
What if you were unable to wake from that dream?
How would you know the difference between the dream world, and the real world?

The answer?
It’s all real.
What you consider illusive is what defines your reality.

I think you are attempting to tell yourself to wake up.
To stop ignoring what you already know to be real.

This experience is a part of you, and in so much, no one but you can understand what it means.


I think ive just discovered myself...


The true me, not just "kevin".
I know have a better understanding of how to answer the girls sisters question.

Im going there again.. right now..
"i meant on salvia, i read like a bajillion salvia reports. Also the fact that the second time i went to the exact same place with the exact same people. What do you think it means?"

i think it means salvia really works for u buds, and probly triggers somthing in ur brain although i am a hardened psychonaut, i am yet to find some salvia so sadly i cannot share experience on this subject.
but have herd mrs salvia has a few tricks up her sleves, and that the more u smoke and the stronger the stuff the more crazy shit gets.
Actually when u smoke it are u ready to sleep.maybe your mind is in a very relaxed state and very susceptible to evrything. and who knows what trippy shit lies in our subcontous waitin 2 escape.
i wanna try salvia.its bloody illegal here in the land of OZ
hey probably it's the fate of the man who lies in the hands in which they are standing in... :shock: i mean we're all connected right..so maybe we're changing the hand we stand on or don't stand on a hand at all ?? :D .... so you probably had to get in contact with the one holding you in his/her/its hands?

i strangely remember something similar now of my salvia experience, it's just i was very stoned before and can't really remember the trip very well...it was as if my head went on behind me into infinity and there were different plateaus behind there and yeah well this "i-penetrate-everything-with-my-voice"-voice ... :P maybe you went out of your body with your awareness while i did that too, but i stayed at the same time in my body partly at least and therefore couldn't see alll so clearly??

also it was striking how significant the change is when you already have smoked salvia a couple of times!! Fucking OverWhelming!!!!

Peace!! 8)
hey like some days ago i smoked salvia again 10x . it was fucking fucked up. unfortunately i can't recall the experience or not completely...the problem is i can't really grasp it and pooint it out .. i had that feeling while tripping too. it felt so fucking real... really got to remember ... already tried but i had no success... :D i can remember feeling a huge feeling of terror and madness. it felt like i was being erradicated and sort of put into a picture of image and glued into it....really strange and fucked up :mrgreen: but then this feeling faded really fast and it felt nice and somehow there was a presence speaking to me without words.

anyway maybe you can make sense out of that ... PEACE! :weedman:
buffachino a dit:
Have you ever had a dream that you were so sure was real?
What if you were unable to wake from that dream?
How would you know the difference between the dream world, and the real world?

The answer?
It’s all real.
What you consider illusive is what defines your reality.

I think you are attempting to tell yourself to wake up.
To stop ignoring what you already know to be real.

This experience is a part of you, and in so much, no one but you can understand what it means.


Thanks Morpheus! :mrgreen:
remembering a salvia trip is alot like remembering a lucid dream.. as a matter of fact, now that i look back smoking salvia really just put me into a lucid dream and thats why it lasted so long.. because i was still dreaming after the salvia wore off... man thats crazy... an instant dream inducing herb