Red Bull? or Bull-shit?

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i've also read that coca cola has the leafs. and i'm going to go with mycophile here and posit it was a move by the company and people will buy more now; they get a lot of press, they know they'll be able to unban it after the heat passes and people are just going to remember "red bull has coke so it must really work"
the only sane thing we can do is perform a preliminary action against polititians, lobbies and pharm companies, suppress the bastards wait for a global mess, then equilibrium will be reached...if you think that's cynical then stop complaining.
"I wonder where that extracted cocaine goes."

The state monitiors it and it goes to the pharma industry .

Its also used in eye surgery , but its not available on prescription here .
One can also buy real coca leaves in Holland . There are also realy nice coca tea bags available ....... wich if you try them will show you that all the shit youve ever had that you thought was real coke was infact......SHIT .

Coke is always shit even in its purest form because it's taken out of balance. The coca plant is filled with alkaloids and other stuff:

* Cocaine
* Ecgonine
* Quinoline
* Globuline
* Papaine
* Pectine
* Reserpine
* Benzoine
* Atropine
* Hygrine
* Pyridine
* Conine
* Inuline
* Cocamine

* Alfa & Beta caroteen 16,6mg
* B1 0,8mg
* B2 1,7mg
* B6 8,6mg
* C 2,0mg
* E 53mg
* H 0,5mg
* Nicotinezuur 5.0mg

Combined in the plant, it's one of the most nutritious and healthy plants on the planet.
One can also buy real coca leaves in Holland . There are also realy nice coca tea bags available ....... wich if you try them will show you that all the shit youve ever had that you thought was real coke was infact......SHIT .
Cool, I wonder if this is possible in other countries.
HeartCore a dit:
* Alfa & Beta caroteen 16,6mg
* B1 0,8mg
* B2 1,7mg
* B6 8,6mg
* C 2,0mg
* E 53mg
* H 0,5mg
* Nicotinezuur 5.0mg

Combined in the plant, it's one of the most nutritious and healthy plants on the planet.

cool that it got all those things, but to what ratio? 100g 1g of plant matter?
0.4 micrograms per liter. Wow, now that is some amount, LOL. That wouldn't even be effective if it were LSD!
Like my old chemistry teacher said: "chemical methods are just too good today, you could find traces of lead in about every product if you're looking hard enough!"

Considering the price of Red Bull Cola this would easily be the highest priced cocaine ever ;)
No really, I like the taste of Red Bull Cola - when they released it we got these promotion cans at work (some hot chicks came by and left us a crate of the cans). I really liked the taste - then I wanted to buy it a few days later and found out there must be gold and platinum in it, because a small can cost like 2.50 Euros. I refused to buy it because it was so ridiculously expensive - and I guess other people did the same. In addition to that most of my colleagues didn't like the taste in the first place - I guess they're having a hard time selling it... now a little cocaine "scandal" would be nice, huh?

Just like in the time when Red Bull was "illegal" in Germany because of Taurin, which wasn't a legal food additive - that created such a hype around Red Bull that it was sold on the black market in Germany and everyone wanted to drink it and felt "high" after drinking it. Turned out Taurin is just some shit with really no measurable effect, but hey...
They're not using it for flavor haha, it makes the drink taste like addiction, I'd bet even those who never tasted coke would fall for that sweet taste. I knew so many people who are addicts (even if they are totally sober) and who say sometimes, did I just smell coke ?

It's all subliminal and serves a homeopathic purpose... I'd even bet they formulate it so.

Oh and yah... do you honestly think they monitor all the cocaine thats extracted out of the hundreds of tons of leaves which are used by Coka-Cola ?

Right... they do alot of eye surgeries :P