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"Quid" Salvia, need help

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Matrice Périnatale
The other day I recieved 25g of dried Salvia Divinorum leaves. I decided to try the so called quid method. I saturated 5grams of leaf in water, squeesed it all out after about 10 minutes, and then put the whole thing in my mouth.

I noticed that the quid was a bit to large to put under my tongue as described it various guides on the internet. I still gave it a shot though.
The common method is to chew the quid once every ten seconds or so, and then put it back under your tongue.

Anyways, after about 40 minutes I had still to experience anything at all. The quid, which from the beginning was a solid ball of leaf comfertable situated in my mouth, was now a sludge of bitter plant material and saliva and all for nothing.

What could I have donw wrong. Was I not supposed to chew it so much? The guides on the internet tells me to put this quid thing back under the tongue after chewing. My trouble was that I wasn't able to put anything at all under there. My entire mouth was to full to to anything.

Any tips would be greatly appriciated
well ive always thought that you need fresh leaves for chewing.. i can imagine those dried leaves just cripple and u end up with a mouthful of stuff :P

also have u brushed ur teeth and cleaned ur mouth before chewing? ive read this should also improve the effects..
BombSki a dit:
well ive always thought that you need fresh leaves for chewing.. i can imagine those dried leaves just cripple and u end up with a mouthful of stuff :P

also have u brushed ur teeth and cleaned ur mouth before chewing? ive read this should also improve the effects..

There is no reason why dry leaves shouldn't do the job. Yes, I brushed the whole inside of my mouth. I even took a shot of vodka before I put it all in.
I guess it depends on your tolerance to Salvia, I've read many reports of people experiencing very little if anything on their initial attempts with the quid method. However every report I've read has mentioned the use of fresh leaf for chewing rather than dried leaf, I don't know how accurate that is but I'd have thought fresh leaf contains a lot more juices than dried leaf will.
Fresh leaves are more pleasant to quid and a bit more potent. however, quidding with dried leaves may be very efficient also.
The trick is to keep it long enough (20-30 min), then take another equivalent quid for another 30 min. You reach the peak at 40-60 min.

The Salvia potency is not in the juice but in small microscopic 'capsules' spreaded all over the leaf surface. Tha't's why the amount of juice is not that important. But leaves may have different potencies of course. The bigger, the better.
Maru a dit:
The Salvia potency is not in the juice but in small microscopic 'capsules' spreaded all over the leaf surface. Tha't's why the amount of juice is not that important. But leaves may have different potencies of course. The bigger, the better.

What source did you get that from? I only ask because I've been trying to find accurate material so I can study it more in-depth only the everything I find posted on the net seems to be very vague. Any sources would be greatly appreciated. :D
I find that this is the best and safest way to experience salvia. All other ways, in my opinion are only designed to get that potent and social high and rush that everyone seems to want to get these days. I find it to be a major lack of respect for the plant itself. That being said i will briefly explain how i utilize this method.

I take dried leaves(but i do not soak them in water) you really do not need to do this but you can if you wish, i just dont. i usually take a fairly decent sized quid of about 12-15 leaves and wad them up and put them in my cheek and gums(like you would with chewing tobacco). I allow the saliva to moisten and activate the properties in the leaves, chewing them a bit every 5 minutes or so. Now the trick here is to have some patience and resilience to the bitter taste and the fact that you should not spit the juice out or swallow the juice. you have to gage just how long you are wiling to endure holding in a big wad of spit. If you can center yourself and meditate through this time you can do it and not be the worse off. I hold the quid in for about 45minutes to an hour then i spit out the leaves, juice, and all and do a tepid water rinse( you get a lot of dregs in between your teeth, hehe. The effects are very benevolent and will last a long time when the salvia gets in to your system sublingually. I feel that this is the best way( the natural way of course) to injest this "Guide".
I do these journeys with Salvia whenever i take my trips out to the desert southwest. i go hiking for miles out there and i have found that the salvia helps with my endurance and stamina in hiking and to deal with the summer heat( of course i have adequate hydration out there). Overall my perceptions and perspectives "shift" very nicely and smoothly to where i feel so connected into the environment that i am aware of just about everything that is around me. When i first tried salvia(quid method) the initial beginning experience was that i felt like i had drank a whole bottle of Mezcal tequila. i felt so drunk but after the effects wore off i had no side effects to what would normally occur from drinking too much tequila, lol. that was the "initiation" into the divinorum and i feel like i passed the rite of passage with flying colors. It was like i was accepted and granted the permission to continue on with taking the divinorum(but these are just my own personal validations although i have to say, i have approached this Helper with the utmost respect and reverence for all that it is)
I think that is what really needs to be adressed with ANY psychotropic plant. Consider if you really should take this and if so , what are your true reasons for wanting to take it. To get high? to have a psychadelic experience? because someone said you should? all these reasons graze the superficial and social and casual drug use that this country has chosen to pursue, and is one of the main reasons why these substances have become illegal, because some fool decided to abuse these plants and either died from them or seriously messed up their own cognitive brain functioning and it did so in a manner that effected family and community( its an opinion yes but isnt too far from fact, certainly there are other reasons why these substances have become illegal).
Thankfully Salvia hasnt been criminalized as of yet.

Anyway that is my say on the manner, ill step off my soap box.

Peace to everyone here and i hope that the consiousness shifts that people experience are good ones and facilitate the "seeing" that i think alot of us wish to aqquire with the use of these "helpers" and "Guides".

Peace, Emerging Spiral