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Questions about LSD use

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adrianhaffner a dit:
poppy plants are illegal to grow. people used to make tea and things like that from poppy plants to cure ailments in the same way painkillers do. when they prescribe opiates to you, they are either 90% aspirin with (added binding agents, pill coatings etc), and/or unnecessarily potent.

lalle a dit:
Wait, what? Do you realize your claims are absolute bullshit?

good job. i must say, it's getting hard for me to not pull out the name calling if that was your goal.. i take it you dont want to dispute the fact that POPPY PLANTS ARE ILLEGAL, which is the entire point of that statement. apparently you missed that. if you dont want to address that, then how about; why is a milder, natural version of the "same thing" :roll: as you would call it, illegal?

lalle a dit:
First of all, poppy tea is just a mix of opiates. Nothing more, nothing less.

what are you even talking about? poppy tea, as it were, should be tea, made from poppy plants... have i gone mad? or what the fuck? "a mix of opiates" ?? you know not what you speak of here, clearly.

lalle a dit:
When you are prescribed OPIATES, you get OPIATES. Opiates are not mixed with aspirin, instead they're usually combined with APAP (paracetamol) for oxycodone, hydrocodone and codeine or ibuprofen for codeine. More potent opiates (hydromorphone, oxymorphone, heroin, fentanyl and the like) are mostly always pure opiates with binders. :roll:

well, this statement is all but an EPIC fail. i really dont even want to comment on it, but you are confusing people, so i must set it straight. "when you are prescribed opiates, you get opiates." you defeat your own statement by describing what those opiates you are prescribed are mixed with. which are equally on par with each other. (headache? either take an aspirin, or an ibuprofen :| ) so clearly, when you are prescribed opiates, you DONT just get opiates, as you have so eloquently put it yourself... (p.s.: in both scenarios, you are raping your liver.)
lalle a dit:
The "plants" you so much seem to worship are no better than synthetic medication. In fact, chances are they're a lot less reliable and potent, not to mention harder to produce for the masses.

first of all, "better" is a subjective point of view. only the person using can decide what they like "better", not you. but i dont even get that choice, because THEY"VE MADE IT ILLEGAL! and secondly, you dont go on to explain "why" they are better at all. do you mean to give out the advice: "always listen to what you are told." ? if so, you might consider using another forum. because alot of questions get asked around here.. :lol:

no shit they are less potent! remember this sentence? you must not because you definitely didn't read it well

"people used to make tea and things like that from poppy plants to cure ailments in the same way painkillers do. when they prescribe opiates to you, they are either 90% aspirin with (added binding agents, pill coatings etc), and/or unnecessarily potent."
can you see the bold?

while you are making your next reply, you can also address my main points that you neglected last time.

-they've made poppy, as well as innumerable other plants unavailable for home remedies. (HOME remedies. you dont need someone to produce it for you, you grow it your damn self. there you go, now it's no longer "difficult to produce for the masses" because its FREE)
- they spend more money on trying to SELL this stuff to people, than they do on actually developing it.

if you cant address those points, that is perfectly fine, just dont expect another response from me. :retard:

i feel like im taking crazy pills!

oh wait, that's right... i dont take pills.

dont attack me, and you wont be attacked.
you could also address this if you like

"aspartame. ephedrine. diet coke. asbestos. would you like a list of all the companies that are getting the shit sued out of them for giving people horrible diseases?"

those are regulated by the same people. the same people who ok'ed cocaine as a pharmaceutical. are you an advocate of cocaine too? this is a joke. hows your paper coming?
b nys :P
adrianhaffner a dit:
i dont know what sort of separate stance you are picking from me, but i dont fit into a catagory that you've provided thus far, so dont throw out classical stereotypes at me, dont assume what i haven't said please.

Sorry guy, I wasn't picking on you there. I just started quoting you and then went off on a rant about "those hippies".

Regarding poppy seeds. They've had to illegalize them because too many idiots are using them to make and distribute opiates in a form that will send people into the worst spirals a drug can. It's not that they're trying to stop you accessing them so they can sell the pharmaceuticals, it's because wrongersdoers are abusing them.

Also, pharma companies DO know something about what they're doing; albeit not everything. The level of equipment and skill their labs posses surpasses just about any lab on the planet. They use distributed processing and some of the worlds fastest supercomputers to simulate protein foldings, docking and interaction before going into real world R&D with glass, reagents and cell culturing. Then they go into clinical testing, which can take a decade and tens or hundreds of millions of dollars.

LSD you could call a mistake; particularly as Hoffmann didn't intend to create anything like it when he started. The new anticancer and HIV drugs are NOT mistakes. They have taken vast amounts of money, time and effort to produce. Those drugs have been desired, targeted, worked for and found.

IJesusChrist a dit:
Beyond, Peach, how the fuck do you think we will transition to wind power & solar if people just put off buying an electric vehicle because its powered by coal? You buy an electric car, you shut off your computer, unplug your TV, microwave, laptop for the night, VOILA your car is charged for 'free'.

Wrong. Sorry. This is the kind of distorted reality I'm talking about. A car uses exponentially more energy than a computer. Your idling computer will be using tens of watts at most. Now work out how much power it takes to accelerate a car weighing a ton or two in a few seconds and the power wind resistance requires to overcome (that's high school level physics). It's orders of magnitude out of line. It's like saying "turn out the lights" and then leaving a window open. Even the old incandescent bulbs only burned 100W. Your boiler is running at between 20,000 and 30,000 watts. You leave a window open when it's cold outside and you've instantly wiped out months or a year of switching fluorescent bulbs out. You get on an aeroplane and you can forget talking about cars or any other form of carbon footprint. Planes burn literally tens of thousands of pounds of fuel per flight. They have to dump fuel to make an emergency landing, so the wings won't snap off as they bump on the runway. Seriously.

Your need to look at the physics of wind power and solar energy versus a typical power station (coal, gas, oil or nuclear) and what a fusion station could output. Even if panels could absorb energy 100% efficiently (which is nowhere near where they are now), you'd only get 1KW per meter square. An electric shower uses about 10KW, so does an oven. And the boiler is tens of thousands of watts. Incidentally, a fusion station can not only NOT go into meltdown (as per a fission reactor) due to the way the reaction functions, it's output is perfectly safe helium. An element that is actually very rare on Earth and in high demand by the scientists developing new technologies. Rare because it only occurs in minute quantities around radioactive oil fields. Expensive for that reason and because it evaporates so easily, meaning it needs a lot of energy to liquefy. So highly desired because it is the most unreactive element in the noble gases and can achieve near absolute zero in a liquid state. At which point, matter takes on some very odd properties. E.g. liquid helium can 'condense' light to a solid, allowing you to store data on spin states (it's like comparing a kids book with one letter per page to a CD, you could condense every neuron in a humans brain into something smaller than a grain of dust using those methods) and it has ZERO viscosity (in the same way a superconductor actually has ZERO resistance), so it'll flow up the sides of containers and out. These are the only fields of science that can genuinely claim ZERO as a result. There are no decimal place errors, they are literally perfect results.

why have you both taken the position that they have ANYTHING that can outdo what nature already provides?

EASY. Because if nature could already provide those solutions we wouldn't have spent tens of thousands of years suffering the diseases the pharma industries have cured in a few decades, like biotic infections (like small pox). One of the most disgusting, dangerous and infectious diseases known to man, eradicated from existence (it's worse than anthrax). They absolutely RAINED all over the fucker on a global scale, unlike any normal war. Chasing it through forests by word of mouth and against people who would grenade their equipment on sight through fear. Fuck individual counties or regions, they've followed it around the globe. Wherever, whenever, however, killing it. There is not, and never has been, an army or species on earth that has done that to another form of life and none that have approached those ratios of fighters versus defenders.

Where do you think they got the ideas for aspirin, pennicillin, or heroin from?

Nature. Absolutely NO argument there. But the newer drugs, whilst being based on our understanding of how the body functions, are not based on naturally occurring substances in the same sense. E.g. there is no naturally occurring, usable nuclear reaction on Earth. It needed people to work out what was happening to harness the reaction which is now powering the reactors that are supplying the energy for you to view this reply.

The hippies were more 'right' than the prevailing mentality in all our cultures this day and age;

I would adore another 60's. Since before I was a teen I've loved that idea. Shit.... anything would be better than goths, emos, scene kids, war and credit collapse.

spend, hoard, spend, spend.....dose self.....spend...TV...spend....must get new toy.....hoard....have beer.......spend......dont think......vote.....spend....spend

That actually made me laugh out loud.

I'm sorry, I have to agree with him to some extent. He actually sounds remarkably tuned into what I consider reality. A scary percentage of trippers think they understand medicine and the world when they have no idea what they're talking about. A few trips or even half ounces does not immediately qualify someone capable of passing judgment against people who've spent their entire lives nerding out on text books when it comes to their domain of intelligence; as someone who's tried both. I've entirely left the physical world and my body. And I've read the textbooks and been to university to study science. Just because two people are in the same place, it DOES NOT mean they have the same level of intelligence. My own tutor at university made mistakes in his journal entry (which he handed out to us to review as an example of quality scientific writing) that drug users wouldn't make. I certainly wouldn't have made those mistakes. Yet he also directly questioned my intelligence and place on the course. Most scientists know they could be wrong. A lot of trippers believe they're right, because they've had a tactile experience. It's an absolutely IMMENSE topic that even university level education only just starts explaining.

It wasn't until the pharma industries invented cocaine derivatives that we had powerful local anesthetics, and we could perform life saving, painless operations on people without addicting them or killing them with the drugs or purely through pain and shock. Similarly with general anesthesia. Forget heart surgery, forget lung transplants, any organ transplant or deep surgery. None of it would be physically possible without the pharma derived variations. Nothing in nature can do that without killing someone. Pharma companies had to refine curare for general anesthesia because it kept killing people in the naturally occurring form. Both of these came from naturally occurring substances, yes. But it took pharma companies to refine them into usable forms. And, as I've said, the new drugs are quite remote from naturally occurring substances.

(p.s.: in both scenarios, you are raping your liver.)

True. I never take ibuprofen, aspirin, codeine or paracetamol for headaches or pains unless I'm in a very bad way; e.g. I can't swallow saliva anymore. And then I'll take ibu., para. and cod. all at once. Something called the "power trio" by A&E, as each acts on a different part of the system. That's what they use before switching to serious opiate based methods. I have even extracted my own codeine from blended tablets. It doesn't work as well as smaller doses of all three together. If you pump grams of those into yourself when you feel a little off color, you're a fucking idiot and there are natural remedies that could work more safely and better (like having sex or a sleep. Or sex and sleep, the power dual). Back to my original point about the general public being children who need their decisions made for them.

You're just blinded by the books the big pharma made! :wink:

Personally, I think he's very well tuned into reality. He's not ass kissing them, he's pointing out facts. Naturally occurring sedatives and anesthetics are either dangerous or highly addictive. The derivatives are far stronger, locally acting, not addictive and not as dangerous. If you've ever had an anesthetic at the dentists, doctors or hospital... forget arguing against pharma. If not, if you're ever (hopefully never) in serious pain and in need of help, I'm sure you'll change your mind.

you defeat your own statement by describing what those opiates you are prescribed are mixed with

Harmless binders that most of us are snorting up our noses for the most part, which they wouldn't recommend.

as well as innumerable other plants unavailable for home remedies. (HOME remedies. you dont need someone to produce it for you, you grow it your damn self. there you go, now it's no longer "difficult to produce for the masses" because its FREE)

List some genuinely significant herbal alternatives that can perform as well as pharmaceuticals, based on clinical trials or in operating theatres, that they've made illegal.

they spend more money on trying to SELL this stuff to people, than they do on actually developing it.

Because we let them do it. The majority of other countries in the developed West don't allow pharma companies to market directly to the public. We're the idiots for letting them do it. Of coarse they're going to do it if you let them, because their competitors would wipe them off the map if they didn't.

those are regulated by the same people. the same people who ok'ed cocaine as a pharmaceutical. are you an advocate of cocaine too. this is a joke. hows your paper coming?

Not long after cocaine was extracted and prescribed as pharmaceutical, it was made illegal and none addictive derivatives where produced by the pharma companies. The same drugs you rely on when you need a tooth drilling, removing, skin suturing, surgery or any other pain inducing medical treatment.

Freud wrote a lot about cocaine when it was first extracted. He used to be on it all the time and wrote a paper about it. He also noted how it made areas it touched turn numb. He didn't notice it's additive properties. I could be an asshole here and say that was because he was a psychoanalyst and akin to trippers who think imagining things and deducing a lot from little is unbiased and realistic. He mentioned the numbing to an ophthalmologist. Who put some in solution, then on a frogs eye and who then tried scratching it's eye. It didn't blink. Then he put some in his own eye and poked it with the tip of a knife. Then it was released. When it was found addictive, it was made illegal and derivatives were produced by the pharma companies.

KICK ASS CONVERSATION! Makes a welcome change from "that" stuff. I bet the original poster didn't expect this. :D

edit by bananapancake: decolored for general eye-ache prophylaxis
This conversation is great, but please don't get offended by my pissed off-ness, I just am pissed off.

Most of these diseases being treated by big pharma are caused by our way of life - the way we live out of tune with nature, introducing synthetic fats and food derivatives that taste yummy, feel yummy, make you full or make you thin. Give you cancer, give you obesity, clog your arteries, liver, lung, esophogele, stomach, intestinal, kidney failure, diabetes... The list goes on. We KNOW these are from our way of life, this strive for wanting, needing, yet we don't stop. Instead of eating from the fields that are safe, we eat from the toxic dump, and then go to big pharma to get rid of the toxins.

My point is WE WOULDN'T NEED BIG PHARMA if we lived a more individualistic life... which becomes another discussion so I digress. MY SECONDARY POINT (lol) is that nature has millions of years to make medicines, and we have had thousands to find them. Where do you think penicillin came from? Or the anti-malarial drug? Natural sources.

Nature is better than man at curing disease, I cannot stress that enough. IF you believe otherwise you are NOT seeing the big picture here. YOU are nature, you were not designed by man, nor will your ultimate cures be designed by them.

Opiates are natural. They are addicting, because they make you feel fucking good, it is YOUR choice whether they destroy you. All things in moderation; that being said, if you get fucked up off opiates, mother nature isn't to blame - it's YOU. If you get fucked up off big pharma, chances are you are taking the recommended dose [cough every day for the rest of your life cough] but still the shit gets to you.

Nature is natural. It is evolved. Gaia is the manufacturer, and gaia will serve. Take that to your hippie pipe and smoke it.

You guys need to get smacked in the face with a shaman's stick.

Side note; cocaine was made illegal for its ability to make people seem invulnerable to bullets back in the early 1900's. Get high on cocaine and beat a cop, while bleeding from a few bolts of lead.
peach I want you to understand what I have derived from your post;

you and 'lalle' want to stereotype 'trippers'....what category does this place you in, by default?

You want to really cut through some shit here, then let's.....

You only have two ways of looking at this -


"get a gun....Invade....dominate....earth is your enemy....must conquer it.....everything that isn't subscribing to this mode of thinking is inferior.....women are weak, so are the men who think like them.....men with long hair are lesser......EAT MEAT.....have a prozac.....some Jack Daniels....no such thing as a biosphere, we can't hurt the earth......here's some refined sugar.....want a kilo of coke?.......hippies are bad....alternative energy is for fags......obey or I'll force you to.....I will take everything you have if I can justify it economically......my values are the only values...."

Maternalistically- "there's something wrong with all that" ^^^^

Don't defend something with such a horrible fucking track record.

.....and lalle, you're a fucking troll.
......maybe they ('trippers') are very annoying to you as a subset where you live, but you need to remember that you are lumping everyone into a categorical box when you deride them.

The last time i saw anyone stand up to the US government, with any degree of success at all, was a bunch of unwashed hippies in the 60's.

The world would do well to take up some of the causes they espoused back then, that is, unless you're all content to be told what to do, and think, forever.
1. Age
2. When did you first try LSD
3. Approximately how many times have you done LSD
4. Have you had any bad trips? If yes, please specify how many.
5. If yes, have they left lingering bad effects?
6. Have you ever had LSD flashbacks? If yes, please specify how many.
7. If yes, were they pleasant or unpleasant.
8. Would you rate your experience with the drugs as positive, negative or neutral.

...... I'll treat this as if you were authentic, though, it's 1 am and I'm bored.

1)age- 47
2)I tried it first when I was 18. when you first try it isn't relevant, when you first 'get it' is.
3)approximately over 100 times
4)There's no such thing as a bad trip, only someone who strives for too much control
5)-------(wait, my bullshit meter is pretty sensitive. People like yourself may experience this as a 'lingering bad effect')
6)LOL....no....flashbacks are BS, you troll
7)------(the connotation 'flashback' itself is a negative one. Quit playing semantic games. Since you're so smart)
8-All three

I relly think you're a bored LEO.....have some nuts and out yourself.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNSlpfti ... re=related
Ethics don't trickle up-


Maybe this will help you....here's an excerpt-

"You see, it is the nature of the corporation itself that can ultimately be destructive to society, regardless of the positive intentions of those who work there. In this case, the intention of the corporation is quite simply, "Maximize profits." And that intention clearly collides with broader issues like serving humanity or actually healing people. To be more specific, if you teach people how to PREVENT cancer, heart disease or diabetes (three diseases that are at least 90% preventable, by the way), then you lose billions of dollars in profits as a drug company (because people who aren't sick don't need drugs). Thus, the idea of teaching disease prevention stands opposed to the obligations of the corporate leaders: to make more money! This is one reason why disease prevention is simply not taught in this country."

Rebut that
Medical science has absolutely, 100 percent, failed in the curing and prevention of illness, sickness,
and disease. Consider the following startling bits of data:
· More people get colds and flus than ever before.
· More people get cancer than ever before.
· More people have diabetes than ever before.
· More people have heart disease than ever before.
· More people have multiple sclerosis, lupus, muscular dystrophy, asthma, migraine
headaches, joint, neck, and back pain than ever before.
· More people have acid reflux, ulcers, and stomach problems than ever before.
· More women have menopause problems than ever before.
· More women have more frequent PMS and more severe PMS than ever before.
· More kids have attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity than ever before.
· More people have chronic fatigue than ever before.
· More people have insomnia than ever before.
· More people have bad skin, acne, and dandruff than ever before.
· More people suffer from depression, stress, and anxiety than ever before.
· More men and women suffer from sexual dysfunction and infertility than ever before.
· More people suffer from allergies, arthritis, constipation, fibromyalgia, cold sores, and
herpetic breakouts than ever before.
· More men suffer from prostate problems than ever before.
· More women suffer from yeast infections than ever before.

Yet surprisingly enough...

· There are more people going to visit doctors than ever before.
· There are more people getting diagnostic testing, such as blood tests and X-rays, than ever
· More people are taking nonprescription and prescription drugs than ever before.
· Not only are more people taking drugs, but each person is taking more drugs than ever
· There are more surgeries performed than ever before.

why's this, smartness?
Medical science has done a very good job at addressing symptoms.

However, the treatment of a symptom has two flaws.

First,the treatment itself usually causes more problems which will have to be treated later.

Second, the cause of the symptom is usually never addressed.

When you do not address the cause, you are allowing for problems later on. With this said, if you are in an emergency situation such as that caused by a sudden accident of some sort, drugs and surgery can save your life.

However, drugs and surgery have failed at preventing illness and they do not address the cause of illness.

Virtually every pharmaceutical company is a publicly traded company, which means that the officers and directors have a legal responsibility to increase shareholder value. That means that the officers and directors of virtually every pharmaceutical company have a legal responsibility to increase profits. The only way they can increase profits is to sell more of what they sell and produce those products at a lower cost. Drug companies, therefore, have one goal, and that is to sell more drugs and produce those drugs at the cheapest possible cost. Think about that. A drug company's objective is not to cure disease. A drug company's goal is to sell more drugs. You are their customer. They want you to use more drugs every single year. They want to produce those drugs at the lowest possible cost and they want to do whatever they can to make sure that they can sell those drugs at the highest possible price. That's why there is a huge debate about people buying pharmaceutical drugs from other countries. The FDA makes up this silly excuse that a country like Canada doesn't produce drugs under the same safety guidelines as America.

The fact is that American pharmaceutical companies want a monopoly.

They do not want anybody competing with their sales; therefore they have managed to coax the federal government into
forbidding any American to purchase a pharmaceutical drug outside of America. They are in effect stopping free trade and stopping competition, which would result in lower prices.Why is the FDA doing that? As I mentioned to you before, the drug industry gives millions of dollars to the commissioners when they leave the FDA. It's a payoff.

Remember: Drug companies do not want people to get well. A drug company's goal is not to cure disease. If everyone in the world was healthy, the drug companies would be out of business. A drug company only wants to sell you more drugs. So here is how the cycle works. The drug industry gives billions of dollars to medical schools. Why? So that their drugs can be put in the textbooks and doctors are taught to prescribe certain pharmaceutical drugs, thus guaranteeing sales of those drugs by the pharmaceutical company. Remember, in medical school doctors are taught two things: to prescribe drugs and to cut out parts of a person's anatomy, which is surgery. When a doctor comes out of medical school, most people don't know that the pharmaceutical industry then pays that doctor to prescribe certain drugs. Often, this is done through "incentives."

For example, if a doctor prescribes a certain drug to ten patients, he is given thousands of dollars in cash from the pharmaceutical company. Drug companies routinely give doctors all expense-paid trips to "medical conferences" around the world. These medical conferences are really sales presentations by the drug companies, teaching the doctor about drugs and how to prescribe them, and giving financial incentives to prescribe those drugs. They are disguised as medical conferences.

They are not.

The 'experts' at these medical conferences are compensated by the drug industry. So doctors are trained in medical school to prescribe drugs and are given incentives and additional training throughout their medical career directly by the drug industry to prescribe more drugs.

How the FUCK can you even attempt to defend this?

This is bullshit.....(and you ain't all that smart)
In order for a drug company to get a drug patented and approved by the FDA, it costs approximately $800 million in research and testing.

Where does that $800 million go?

Well, let's just follow the money trail. Remember, it's always just about the money.

The companies that are approved by the FDA to do certain research, interestingly enough, are publicly traded companies. Guess who owns the stock in these publicly traded companies?

Would it surprise you to know that politicians and members of the FDA own stock in those companies? Would it also surprise you that the people that work for those research companies are friends and relatives of politicians and members of the FDA?

Once a drug is approved and the pharmaceutical company has the patent, it becomes the only company that can sell that drug. Getting a patented drug is an automatic billion dollars in the bank! This is why you will never see a pharmaceutical company promoting a natural cure. Natural cures cannot be patented! You can only make profits if you have a patented drug.

There are no large profits in selling a natural cure that cannot be patented.


When you have a patented product you are the only company that can sell it. You have no competition. You can sell it for an outrageously high price, and the profits are guaranteed. If you are selling a non-patented natural product, a hundred
other companies could also sell the same product. You have no monopoly. Because of the competition, the prices will come down and the profits become incredibly small.

That is why the drug industry will only promote patented drugs, because that's where the profits are.
This is also why the drug companies gave tens of millions of dollars to lobbyists to get the FDA to
make a new "law."

The FDA has the power to make "laws" and enforce them without congressional approval or debate. In order to protect the
profits of the drug industry the FDA passed the most incredibly insane "law" of all time.

The FDA has now made as "law" the following statement, "Only a drug can cure, prevent or treat a disease."

Come on, smartness.....bring it
So how do the drug companies get you to buy their drugs?

Years ago, the drug companies had to basically make sure that you were sick and had a problem that the drug addressed.

Second, they had to make sure that the doctors prescribed their particular drug. That still goes on. The pharmaceutical companies give huge cash incentives and information to the doctors about the drugs they make to ensure that the doctors, who are in fact legal drug pushers, get their drugs to you via prescription.

Remember, the pharmaceutical companies have ensured that you are sick. How do they do that?
This is going to blow your mind, but it's true. One of the major reasons why there is so much sickness and disease is because of the poisons you are putting in your body.

The number one poison you put in your body consists of prescription and nonprescription drugs!

That's right.

The prescription and nonprescription drugs you are taking to eliminate your symptoms are, in fact, one of the major reasons that you get sick.

The longer I do this, lalle, the dumber you're looking.
The pharmaceutical companies know that all drugs have side effects.

This is the dirty little secret that the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know.

Just as the tobacco industry (anyone want to defend them, while I'm here, playing iconoclast?) knew that smoking cigarettes were addictive and could cause lung cancer, yet lied for decades about this fact, the pharmaceutical industry today knows that all drugs have negative side effects and can cause further illness in the body! The pharmaceutical industry knows that the drugs people are taking are actually causing or contributing to the increases in cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and dozens of other diseases.

Why is the drug industry keeping this information a secret?

Mainly because it's profitable.

Here's a little tip.....

These things aren't hard to see, but you have to get up off of your knees, and remove the cock of industry from your mouth.

LSD can help you with this.

OWNED damn spice way to just whip it out...

just to incorporate into all of this (fight club):
A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.

replace all car crash references with pill deaths.
IJesusChrist a dit:
Nature is better than man at curing disease, I cannot stress that enough. IF you believe otherwise you are NOT seeing the big picture here. YOU are nature, you were not designed by man, nor will your ultimate cures be designed by them.

I agree with your points about what's causing these new diseases, but not about pharma.

The derivatives ARE safer for major pain relief. That's clinically proven fact. You can't operate on someone using natural extractions. Also, extracting penicillin from the mold has made it safer, easier to access and to distribute to a mass audience. It is the masses themselves who've abused it. As drug users end up abusing alcohol, weed, pills and other things. And, as I've said, the newest pharmaceuticals bear little similarity to the things nature can produce. They're not just simple extractions or derivatives, they're massively computed complexes.

you and 'lalle' want to stereotype 'trippers'....what category does this place you in, by default?

You have to believe me, you of all people will know what my involvement with chemicals has been like. The only reason I've chosen that path is the complexity of a total acid synthesis and the ease with which mushrooms can be grown, and how incredible my own choice is. I've been chatting to people on the shroomery for so long I seriously don't remember the numbers; I'd spend all day and night on there in the advanced sections. Of coarse not all of them are the same. But so many "hippies" claim such extreme personalities, that care for every living thing, know so much and are enlightened with regards to the rest of society. Yet they display so little. Or actively display the hypercritical opposite; relying on society to give them the free time to trip and act "unique" and harming nature and life by not acknowledging that science may know better sometimes (e.g. nuclear fusion versus wind power). A lot of what they're using to advanced their drug growing is based on science. Acid came from pharma companies. I can't go into detailed reasons for how I've come to that conclusion. But it's there. Some of them are the best people on Earth. But it's like religion, it's not the bible, jesus or god doing the harm, it's the believers. Who twist it up for personal gain and excuses. "I know better than a scientist because I've had a few 1/8th trips." I love tripping. And I love nature. But tripping does not give someone the right to the kinds of things so many of them claim. It's like a flag on someone else's country. You might be able to help in some way, but you're not the person living there. And, quite often, you might end up harming the people there. Trippers who don't know the difference between a volt and an amp can fuck off when they start talking about green power. As far as this tripper is concerned. The very basics of the physics they're trying to claim they know more about than physicists who understand energy at it's most fundamental levels. It's like someone claiming they know more about reduction than Spice because they know what a solvent is. Most of the questions on the shroomery are to do with how to sterilize something, inoculate, spot contaminations, spawn or fruit. All explained, countless times over, in other threads. They're lazy. It's back to my rants about references. I mean shiiiiiiiiit. I don't mind helping people, I'm still trying to help gcteman (despite, along with others, tearing into the guy for not listening to experienced advice). But the same questions repeated endlessly and you have to question how true to the cause that person is.

The last time i saw anyone stand up to the US government, with any degree of success at all, was a bunch of unwashed hippies in the 60's.

What did hippies change? We still have nuclear weapons. And they're working on newer ones that are still classified. Like antimatter weapons, special chemical agents and new biological weapons. The developed west then sets up treaties within it's self to "ban" lower forms of testing so others can't compete with their Z-machines and national ignition facilities. Anyone at the basic stages, like Iran, is a terrorist making WMDs. Iran doesn't even have enriched uranium, let alone plutonium or fusion bombs or antimatter weapons. Neither did Iraq. The world is still at war. What about black people standing up and saying "You can fuck off! I'm sitting where I like!", knowing they could be murdered by some pricks who won't even show their faces as they're killing them. I'd say that took quite a lot of courage from a single woman on her own and changed a lot more than hippies ever did.

4)There's no such thing as a bad trip, only someone who strives for too much control

OH YEAH! Can't agree anymore. Crashing a "bad trip" means you shouldn't have taken it in the first place. Bad... good... it's all part of the lesson. And a lesson you've invited to be lectured to you over 6-12h. I am most definitely of the opinion that people who have "bad trips" haven't learned the lesson, and perhaps may never learn it as they munch through their trip crashers.

6)LOL....no....flashbacks are BS, you troll

Agreed. I have seen indescribable things whilst tripping. I've remembered them. But none of it has come back to perpetually haunt me. All you need do to avoid "bad trips" is look straight at what's scaring you and smile. It really is that easy. Confidence and wanting to meet what scares you, as opposed to running away. The more you run, the worse it gets. It's like running from an angry dog. It's going to catch up with you. If you just stand still, it'll calm down too. There in lies the lesson for me. Not the visions and trippy things, but being able to confront something you don't agree with and say hello with a massive smile.

It's not different brains. It's different attitudes. A trip can't hurt you if you don't want to harm anything yourself. The harmless are invulnerable to being harmed themselves when it comes to tripping. A lot of people would say I'm a harmful person, being interested in what I am. I've never had a bad trip in my life. The harmlessness comes from the very deepest part of yourself, not what you publicly display as innocence and naivety.


And that intention clearly collides with broader issues like serving humanity or actually healing people. To be more specific, if you teach people how to PREVENT cancer, heart disease or diabetes (three diseases that are at least 90% preventable, by the way), then you lose billions of dollars in profits as a drug company (because people who aren't sick don't need drugs). Thus, the idea of teaching disease prevention stands opposed to the obligations of the corporate leaders: to make more money! This is one reason why disease prevention is simply not taught in this country."

That's not entirely correct. If they couldn't clinically demonstrate that their products helped remove or cure the effects of a disease, they wouldn't get sold. They get sold because they do that. And some of those diseases are simply far beyond things you can cure with a pill at present, or are inherent to the way humans operate. For example, metabolism is the primary requirement of life, and also causes most of the diseases that kill people. That is a monumental system to start messing around with.

I can also agree with some of your increases in problems. E.g. cosmetic companies sell products that strip the oils from your skin and hair. Then sell you exfoliants to scrub skin off. Then antimicrobials that aren't needed or don't work as well as a teaspoon of bleach diluted down (bleach fucking kicks ass in terms of safety and germ killing). Then sell you moisturizers that fail to put the natural oils back in place. But the cosmetics industry is not pharma. It's a joke by comparison. Diabetes hasn't risen due to pharma, it's risen due to fast food. Cancer has risen due to smoking. Sexual dysfunction has risen due to rising social pressures. They're all due to the public buying into them. They're not caused by pharma. It also doesn't account for the increasing rate of diagnosis. People with diseases that would have previously gone unnoticed can now be identified. Cancer rates, for example, have risen because we know what cancer is and can give it a name when we see it. But yes, that can go too far, as in the case of ADHD and Ritalin (something I despise).

In terms of pharma making money for it's self. Look at it from the other side. The people posting journal entires and working for the government aren't producing none profit cures. Why is that?

Come on, smartness.....bring it

Will do! :P Can you list off a significant number of these naturally occurring, none patentable alternatives that are as effective or more so than pharma derivatives when it comes to clinical trials and in hospital use? E.g. having some poppy seeds or extract will not mean you are fit for deep surgery.

I lost around $1200 taking part in a rain forest plant classification project. The kind of thing that finds natural remedies. But the minute a monkey picked up a rock and used it to break something open, humanity was saying "We can do better than nature".

Don't get me wrong. I know the doctors are over diagnosing and over prescribing in a lot of cases. I hate it as well. But for a lot of others, nature just isn't good enough. There are a lot of people for who nature would kill them before letting them get better. And, when they've over prescibing, it's because the public are overbuying into the idea that they need it. It's not one persons fault, and the public certainly have some blame to bear for asking for it in the first place. Just don't go to the doctor asking or forcing it from them with annoying complaints that don't need the pharmaceuticals. Problem solved.

As I've said, outside of the US, it's actually illegal for pharma companies to market directly to the public in numerous countries.

The number one poison you put in your body consists of prescription and nonprescription drugs!

No, it's food and oxygen. Virtually all major diseases can be traced back to metabolism and the act of living it's self. This is why addressing the cause of root, wide scale disease is so difficult. Nothing us chemists struggle with even comes close in comparison to messing with something like metabolism at a genetic level. There are so many stages involved in the transitions from breaking down your dinner, through metablism to death it's uncountable, and each change you make at that level needs to filter through it all and affect each stage in a positive way. For example, you could increase radical scavenging ability in metabolism, then simultaneously take out an enzyme downstream that relies on radicals. People are working backwards towards that goal, but to go from knowing balls all about humans to messing with what makes them live in the first place is a monumental jump. Anyone taking that jump at present would be a fool and hurt people. We deal with optimizing a couple of steps in a workup. Now imagine thousands involving tens, hundreds or thousands of interactions each, gigantic molecules that'll fail with one atom out of place and with a result that equals the harm or death of a person. That's curing the root of disease.

Just as the tobacco industry (anyone want to defend them, while I'm here, playing iconoclast?) knew that smoking cigarettes were addictive and could cause lung cancer, yet lied for decades about this fact, the pharmaceutical industry today knows that all drugs have negative side effects and can cause further illness in the body! The pharmaceutical industry knows that the drugs people are taking are actually causing or contributing to the increases in cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and dozens of other diseases.

True. And not good when the risk is significant. But it can also be extremely rare and the general public (I mean, the journalists in particular) will blow it out of proportion with regards the good things can do. To create drama and sell their own (brutally harmful) product, biased broadcasts. There are guys in Africa, who own vitamin companies, scaring people into not taking anti-HIV drugs because they have some listed negatives. Suggesting they take their vitamins rather than the free drugs, to cure HIV. The government it's self is playing along, suggesting vitamins over the antiviral drugs. Whilst those in the west blame the poor uptake on pharma companies trying to kill blacks. I'm a big believer in a healthy diet, but vitamins will do fuck all against HIV.

One of my own family members died of cancer. They had an entire lung removed. They also were prescribed chemo and radio therapy. And it absolutely tore them apart. To the point of them not being able to swallow jello. They wouldn't have gotten any better on their own.

There are people selling bottled water as something that'll heal all your ills. Vitamins and fish oils that they near guarantee to make you super smart and live forever. The art is in balancing the two. Some pharma, some vitamins. The general public are shit at it when it comes to both.

I entirely agree pharma can be and is being abused for profit. But at the same time, the none profit organizations haven't done anything better. I know the law regarding patents inside out, and those people could develop cures or treatments if they knew how to or had the motivation. They could also protect the ideas for free distribution by publishing them, so they couldn't be patented. They don't. There is a lot you can do naturally to help yourself, a lot of disease is caused by lifestyle choices and a lot of people don't need the drugs they're prescribed. But ultimately, pharma has produced a number of life saving compounds nature simply can't provide. And it's the publics own fault for allowing them to market it directly to them and then lapping it up when they have headache.

All of my water tastes of iodine. :D

A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.

No. Because the pharma industry has just about everyone involved with medical science watching it. If a drug is seriously harmful and doesn't produce clinically significant, positive effects for someone, it'll be forced off the market. It's already gone even further with people like the Cochrane Collaboration conducting meta-analyses against every published study involving a drug or treatment. If some of your cars fail and 99.999....% of them work, do you modify the design or recall them all? Recall them all and you don't have enough money to produce the next series of safer models. Pretty much everything around you that's been produced by humans has failed at some point during it's development, sale and use. Is it a good thing some people are harmed or loose out in the process? No. Is it a good thing we have the technology they've developed? Yes. That is also a poor statement to quote. It tries reducing things to pure math. Then tries to bias the discussion emotionally by talking about being burnt alive. Dead would suffice. It also doesn't connect deaths to failure rates. Indicating it's using the idea of death and then being burned alive to emotionally bias the math discussing failure rates, not death or burning alive. You shouldn't be involved with science if you can't spot that very obvious attempt. They have a point to prove. If A number of cars were produced and B resulted in a number of deaths. And B equaled a low ratio when compared with A. Those cars wouldn't be on sale anymore. And that's an even more simpler bit of math not involving the bias.

I know where that statement came from. And, if you liked that, you'll love Bad Science by Ben Goldacre.

You can't expect perfection in an imperfect world, other than from strange experiments being run by the highest order of ultra nerds in physics that strive for exactly 0 or 1 as a result. :P
hippie... pagan... whatever you call it our philosophy might in fact be older the competition.

big pharma is crooked as hell, but at least they never sold me contaminated or bunk pills yet. they sure do hate independent farmers who compete with them though... in some countries they shoot 'em; in others they "seize" their land and all their assets and lock them in jail for decades. Take that for Daring to Grow Organic Medicines- you Dirty Farmers You!

It's all contrived... The farmers are driven by simple economics. They have no real choice and the people robbing them know it! (Those are the people that piss me off- the bureaucrats and their associated thugs who "make" their living purely by stealing from the productive labor of others, without the consent of those laborers, while offering little of value in return. Fuck these people. If it were up to me- Their Salary = $0. You're gonna soon learn to Dumpster Dive for your Grub in *MY* utopia, Mr. ex-Senator, if you can't produce anything of value.)
I'm no longer even interested in this topic, and my argument isn't with you, peach. We can discuss it, and come to the agreement that we do or don't disagree.

What I said speaks for itself.....

don't hide behind peach,lalle.....you can even borrow his arguments.

I'll come back for you. :wink:
'What did hippies change? '


For one, they made America leave Viet Nam, saving my dads life, and probably thousands more......and you cannot dispute the fact that they did do this, the pressure they generated ( and because they had the cojones to protest, many citizens who agreed came out of the closet and added their weight to the protest, which was a game changer) forced the government into making some boneheaded decisions, such as sending ARMED national guardsmen to a protest at this little college called Kent State. What ended up happening is that American soldiers shot and killed American STUDENTS PROTESTING, students exercising their constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech. This shifted public opinion decisively, and the government never recovered. That was ALL hippies/students doing.

Here's something I think many people miss; I'm not saying they were dead on right about everything, what I AM saying is, look at the example that they set, they actually defied authority.

(and they didn't do it anonymously, the way we do, over the internet. They put their faces behind their defiance. They walked the walk.)

Don't you think there is something there worth learning from in this modern day?

I do

Google it.

edit: Nevermind, here- from wiki

The Kent State shootings – also known as the May 4 massacre or Kent State massacre – [2][3][4] occurred at Kent State University in the city of Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting of unarmed college students by members of the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970. The guardsmen fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.[5]

Some of the students who were shot had been protesting against the American invasion of Cambodia, which President Richard Nixon announced in a television address on April 30. Other students who were shot had been walking nearby or observing the protest from a distance.

Photographs of the dead and wounded at Kent State that were distributed in newspapers and periodicals worldwide amplified sentiment against the United States' invasion of Cambodia and the Vietnam War in general. In particular, the camera of Kent State photojournalism student John Filo captured a fourteen-year old runaway, Mary Ann Vecchio, screaming over the body of the dead student, Jeffrey Miller, who had been shot in the mouth. The photograph, which won a Pulitzer Prize, became the most enduring image of the events, and one of the most enduring images of the anti-Vietnam War movement.

The shootings led to protests on college campuses throughout the United States, and a student strike – causing more than 450 campuses across the country to close with both violent and non-violent demonstrations.[8] A common sentiment was expressed by students at New York University with a banner hung out of a window which read "They Can't Kill Us All."[28] On May 8, an antiwar protest at New York's Federal Hall held at least partly in reaction to the Kent State killings was met with a counter-rally of pro-Nixon construction workers organized by Peter J. Brennan, later appointed U.S. Labor Secretary by President Nixon, resulting in the "Hard Hat Riot".

Just five days after the shootings, 100,000 people demonstrated in Washington, D.C., against the war and the killing of unarmed student protesters. Ray Price, Nixon's chief speechwriter from 1969–1974, recalled the Washington demonstrations saying, "The city was an armed camp. The mobs were smashing windows, slashing tires, dragging parked cars into intersections, even throwing bedsprings off overpasses into the traffic down below. This was the quote, student protest. That's not student protest, that’s civil war.

Not only was Nixon taken to Camp David for two days for his own protection, but Charles Colson (Counsel to President Nixon from 1969 to 1973) stated that the military was called up to protect the administration from the angry students; he recalled that "The 82nd Airborne was in the basement of the executive office building, so I went down just to talk to some of the guys and walk among them, and they're lying on the floor leaning on their packs and their helmets and their cartridge belts and their rifles cocked and you’re thinking, 'This can't be the United States of America. This is not the greatest free democracy in the world. This is a nation at war with itself.'

A 17.24-acre (6.98 ha) area was listed as Kent State Shootings Site on the National Register of Historic Places on February 23, 2010. The listing was announced as the featured listing in the National Park Service's weekly list of March 5, 2010.[59] Contributing resources in the site are: Taylor Hall, the Victory Bell, Lilac Lane and Boulder Marker, The Pagoda, Solar Totem, and the Prentice Hall Parking Lot. The National Park Service stated the site "is considered nationally significant given its broad effects in causing the largest student strike in the United States history, affecting public opinion about the Vietnam War, creating a legal precedent established by the trials subsequent to the shootings, and for the symbolic status the event has attained as a result of a government confronting protesting citizens with unreasonable deadly force."

Bullshit, peach, they fucking A did change things.