peach a dit:
But I can't stand the hypercritical nature of them.
i have to agree. although i should point out that i dont really generalize everyone like that, but i do see a flimsy-footed majority that this applies to. the hippies today are not hippies by comparison to the first wave of the movement. but lets not get carried away..
peach a dit:
I also dislike the way they try to distance themselves from people who like pills or other drugs, and try to make out that those are 'dirty', whilst messing around with hallucinogens is something holy and nothing related to drug use.
i refuse to take downers, ie: opiate derived pharmaceuticals, muscle relaxers, etc. because of their addictive potential as well as the fact that i simply DO NOT like being UNable to function properly, it's as simple as that. psychedelics do not do this to me, and i have had insights from them, some SO significant that i would not be alive today if i had not encountered them. that being said, alot of psychedelic substances ARE toxins, so i think alot of people should be clear on that, and in this line of thinking i cannot say that psychedelics reign supreme over other drugs, even if you COULD compare two drugs to each other, which you CANT. each have their respective uses, and should be taken in moderation. fact is, if you take a certain substance on a regular enough basis, it will lose its effects and start to cause your body harm. opiates stop "killing" your pain and they slow your mind. psychedelics stop giving insights and start to make the mind unstable. too much time away from sober EITHER WAY is not good for ones health. EVEN SMOKING WEED.
peach a dit:
At least other drug users acknowledge their substances of choice for what they are. Fun, but not reality. And probably not good for them. Trippers don't even manage that. They extend the illusions to some hyper-reality and make fun of others.
what is "not reality"? everything is reality. whether it's fucked up cant get off the couch without hiting the floor reality, or, shit i feel funny laughing and cant sit still fucked up, that is your view. it does not separate from normal waking consciousness. just a filter to see through.
about pharmaceuticals. i try to avoid processed things. i dont like white bread, i dont like refined suger, shit i'd be more than happy with a handful of live grain and some fruit instead. i dont prescribe to societies conveniences because they know not what they do, they just do it, and then we are the test subjects until the figure out whats up 20, 40 years later.. aspartame. ephedrine. diet coke. asbestos. would you like a list of all the companies that are getting the shit sued out of them for giving people horrible diseases? i dont think that that should be necessary... therefore, i dont see why one might try to put all drugs in one catagory. that is all that i mean to say. see, i draw the line here. i would smoke or eat OPIUM, but would not take a percocet, which is not to say that i have not, in fact i have done a good bit of dabbling in the world of downers, just found it to not have much mental benefits associated. but my point is that there is a basic point of refinement, that, once passed, gives the substance a much more concentrated and amplified effect, and i DO NOT think that society has learned the proper applications, proper situations, nor proper doses for such things. to set the same "standard dose" for EVERYBODY? a man who is 200 lbs is not a man who is 130. they know not what they do, and they show me that repeatedly. dont even get me started on birth control.
idk i just cannot agree with some of what you said, because clearly there are substances that are better for your health, just like there are substances that are worse. and some stuff inbetween. but i do agree that hippies are virtually extinct by the characteristic definition that they used to be known