English :
Sorry man I did not notice - I am a new commer !
Question is : being a cocain user, I am fed with street deals and would like to know if ther is an anlternative way of getting some, as :
- extracting it home (doubtful)
- getting it from a doctor prescription - which name, which advisable prescription
- does some drugs (name) be or contain cocain
Also, if someone knows :
- is there on the street market "chloridrate" and "sulfate" forms, and if yes, do they differ in term of solubility;
- in injection, I usually notice an ether taste, but no more in the late one : is this a sign of good or bad product ?
Thanks fellows... this would help avoiding junk mixes !
French :
Il est souvent difficile d'en trouver de la bonne.
Alors :
Peut on l extraire soi meme ? Si oui comment ?
Sinon, peut-on en acheter sur ordonnance en pharmacie (comme la morphine), si oui quel nom ? quelle prescription ?
Ou alors, y a-t-il un medicament qui en contienne (nom) ?
Enfin, quel bon conseil un consommateur averti peut-il me donner ?
J'en ai marre de courrir après et voudrais simplement pouvoir en user comme il me convient mais avec le max de sécurité.
Merci à tous !!!
Sorry man I did not notice - I am a new commer !
Question is : being a cocain user, I am fed with street deals and would like to know if ther is an anlternative way of getting some, as :
- extracting it home (doubtful)
- getting it from a doctor prescription - which name, which advisable prescription
- does some drugs (name) be or contain cocain
Also, if someone knows :
- is there on the street market "chloridrate" and "sulfate" forms, and if yes, do they differ in term of solubility;
- in injection, I usually notice an ether taste, but no more in the late one : is this a sign of good or bad product ?
Thanks fellows... this would help avoiding junk mixes !
French :
Il est souvent difficile d'en trouver de la bonne.
Alors :
Peut on l extraire soi meme ? Si oui comment ?
Sinon, peut-on en acheter sur ordonnance en pharmacie (comme la morphine), si oui quel nom ? quelle prescription ?
Ou alors, y a-t-il un medicament qui en contienne (nom) ?
Enfin, quel bon conseil un consommateur averti peut-il me donner ?
J'en ai marre de courrir après et voudrais simplement pouvoir en user comme il me convient mais avec le max de sécurité.
Merci à tous !!!