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Quand on aime la cocaine..

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nirvanana
  • Date de début Date de début


Glandeuse Pinéale
English :
Sorry man I did not notice - I am a new commer !

Question is : being a cocain user, I am fed with street deals and would like to know if ther is an anlternative way of getting some, as :
- extracting it home (doubtful)
- getting it from a doctor prescription - which name, which advisable prescription
- does some drugs (name) be or contain cocain

Also, if someone knows :
- is there on the street market "chloridrate" and "sulfate" forms, and if yes, do they differ in term of solubility;
- in injection, I usually notice an ether taste, but no more in the late one : is this a sign of good or bad product ?

Thanks fellows... this would help avoiding junk mixes !

French :

Il est souvent difficile d'en trouver de la bonne.

Alors :

Peut on l extraire soi meme ? Si oui comment ?

Sinon, peut-on en acheter sur ordonnance en pharmacie (comme la morphine), si oui quel nom ? quelle prescription ?

Ou alors, y a-t-il un medicament qui en contienne (nom) ?

Enfin, quel bon conseil un consommateur averti peut-il me donner ?

J'en ai marre de courrir après et voudrais simplement pouvoir en user comme il me convient mais avec le max de sécurité.

Merci à tous !!!

This is the new French section?
Sorry man I did not notice - I am a new commer !

Question is : being a cocain user, I am fed with street deals and would like to know if ther is an anlternative way of getting some, as :
- extracting it home (doubtful)
- getting it from a doctor prescription - which name, which advisable prescription
- does some drugs (name) be or contain cocain

Also, if someone knows :
- is there on the street market "chloridrate" and "sulfate" forms, and if yes, do they differ in term of solubility;
- in injection, I usually notice an ether taste, but no more in the late one : is this a sign of good or bad product ?

Thanks fellows... this would help avoiding junk mixes !
Extraction: You need about 100 coca plants to get 1 gram of pure cocaine. That's not the worst thing about it. You need a LOT of kerosine. It's virtually impossible to extract it at your home. Let alone the growing conditions of the coca plant.

Doctor prescription: No.

Other drugs containing cocaine: No.

I don't know an answer to the other questions.

Yer pretty much stuck to the street if you want to feed your cocaine addiction.
If you want to get off of coke you could try to substitute with ritalin. I don't know if it works, but from what I read ritalin acts really similar to cocaine. Probably not as good, but maybe as a starter for breaking your habit and getting off the street stuff?
tryptonaut a dit:
If you want to get off of coke you could try to substitute with ritalin. I don't know if it works, but from what I read ritalin acts really similar to cocaine. Probably not as good, but maybe as a starter for breaking your habit and getting off the street stuff?

Though I do not intent to quit, it might be useful so thanks for this notice.

Do you know if Ritalin available in France ? Switzerland ? This brand name or what else ? What is its prilarily purpose ? Is it free or against prescription ?

Thanks indeed !
Ritalin is available in France.
Ritalin is the brand name, the active compound is "methylphenidate".
It is used for the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity.

You can't get it free, it is scheduled as narcotic. You need a prescription, and the first prescription must be established in an hospital by a specialist..

La Ritaline est disponible en France.
Ritaline est le nom commercial, le composé actif étant le méthylphénidate.
On l'utilise pour traiter le Trouble Deficitaire de l'Attention +/- Hyperactivité.

Tu ne peux pas l'acheter librement, il est classé comme stupéfiant. Tu dois avoir une ordonnance, la prescription initiale devant être réalisée a l'hopital par un specialiste.
Merci pour ces généreus conseils (bien que je préfère pour l'instant ma bonne vieille C quand elle est bonne). Mais est-il possible concretement de se le faire prescrire ? Sous quel prétexte ? Par un ORL en ville par exemple, sans que ca pause de probleme ? Quel devrait être une prescription plausible si on n a pas d'enfant hyper-actif ?
Peut-être devrais-je initier un sujet la-dessus si ce n est deja fait ?
Encore merci par avance !!!
Well actually, you can extract it at home.
A 100 grams of coca-tea will yield .4-.5 grams of pure cocaine. 100 grams of coca tea is a box of tea bags. You can also get the coca leaf in bulk tea bins.

Legality varies from country to country. Often coca tea is considered a food product in the countries that produce it but associated with the drug in many other countries. Although there are exceptions...

Most companies will ship to you no matter where you are, you take the risk, and if something happens most likely only product will be seized. Ordering can be a seroius risk for some to do so, it may not be for you.

And yes you can find at home teks to extract. Think wetdreams and bluelights. Or google around. :D

Good luck!
lsdenthusiast a dit:
Well actually, you can extract it at home.
A 100 grams of coca-tea will yield .4-.5 grams of pure cocaine. 100 grams of coca tea is a box of tea bags. You can also get the coca leaf in bulk tea bins.

Legality varies from country to country. Often coca tea is considered a food product in the countries that produce it but associated with the drug in many other countries. Although there are exceptions...

Most companies will ship to you no matter where you are, you take the risk, and if something happens most likely only product will be seized. Ordering can be a seroius risk for some to do so, it may not be for you.

And yes you can find at home teks to extract. Think wetdreams and bluelights. Or google around. :D

Good luck!

Well well well !!! This seems very much encouraging ! Specially since I can not find good product at that time and this is driging me crazy !

If you would so kind to, would you have a TRUE receipt of extracting this coca tea, as I am cautious about all the miscellaneous extract processes edited on the web. Also, would you have an address where to order that tea ? I never saw it on the sites I surf on...

This seems too great to be true, but this may be a lucky day, couldn't it ?
@arecibo : héhé => :] :lol:
Sure no problem in sending you in the direction of recipe and leaf. I am unsure on how this forum regulates giving out sources, although I did hint above.

If you do a search for coca tea you will find more than a few companies selling leaf/ tea products, even coca candy. You can buy the coca leaf in whole form or powdered when you find one of the right sites. Some of the particular sites can be rather expensive but if you shop around they can be found much cheaper. The high priced stores will sell 100 tea bags for 20-45 usd. The reasonable retail export stores will have it for 10-25 per 100 bags. They also have 900 grams of powder tea for 59.00usd.

There is also a site that is bulk wholesale. The are the direct manufacturer their tea sells for 2-3 usd a box of 100, but be ready to speak Spanish. Also they have kilos of hcl, but you better be a legal buyer or know how to circumvent customs before you order that.

If you can't find the store online, send me a pm and I'll give it to you. Also the forums with the recipe were hinted at above, and if you can't find those either again just pm me. If a moderator says it's ok to post everything in public within the forum I can do that too. Just don't want to break any rules being a new member and all :).

Nice to meet everyone!
Je sais pas, il a édité son post...

[I don't know, he has edited his post]

edit : Ah ok j'ai compris. (i understood)
Bon ben j'aime toujours la C ! Et continue à fureter comme un petit furet que je suis hi hi/...

Voila (@Erowid) :
Pharmaceutical cocaine is a by-product from the industrial extraction from coca of flavoring agents used in the soft-drink industry. The isolation process is proprietary and cannot be detailed in this study; however, it is known to proceed through numerous recrystallization and purification steps. The final product, cocaine hydrochloride, is generally of better than 99.5% purity.

Il me semble avoir vu passe une recette utilisant le Coca ? Qqun au courant ?

<<<ce serait too much avec un produit de départ aussi accessible !!!

Tous les procédés me paraissent extremement compliqués, y en aurait pas un petit facile pour cuisine familliale ? javascript:emoticon(':drinkers:')
2 man down

Avec modération bien sur !!!
The reasonable retail export stores will have it for 10-25 per 100 bags.

Could you please pm me one of those stores? I love chewing coca leaves and I'd really love to get a few boxes (I know tea bags contain dusted leaves, but you can chew them, I've done it). A friend of mine once brought a box from Peru, but I was never able to find an online store that would sell it.
Nirvanana a dit:
Tous les procédés me paraissent extremement compliqués, y en aurait pas un petit facile pour cuisine familliale ?
Justement non !
La synthèse de psychotropes c'est de la chimie, pas de la cuisine !

The synthesis of psychoactive drugs concerns chemistry, not cooking!

Could you please pm me one of those stores? I love chewing coca leaves and I'd really love to get a few boxes (I know tea bags contain dusted leaves, but you can chew them, I've done it). A friend of mine once brought a box from Peru, but I was never able to find an online store that would sell it.
I know a guy who purchased coca leaves from an online shop, and he was visited by customs...
If only coca leaves we're legal, then you could just chew on them and then they would be healthy 'cause of all the vitamines that are in them and most of the topics about coke would be in the natural psychedelics section...

Damn druglaws