Thanks, thats exactly what I wanted to discuss, diferent insights, videos can prevent harm in people who take some drugs and suddenly realise they have chi and dunno what to do with it... I know it's pathetic in a way but it's by seeing how many people handle it that we'll get a clear idea how it's better... because everyone does it.
I observe it everyday, people use chi to hypnose others, and do all kinds of sick stuff, even have self-gratifying dreams or steal vitality from others... it's now widespread like the 100th monkey theory, so now we have to see whats straight in it that we can figure.
I will listen to the video after dinner, but I'm certain my rythm and breathing are fine, I can attain pure bliss while being completely sober, and I can play indian music and hear things which 99% of the people do not even close to hear, it's all about recursivity and moving the cerebrospinal fluid in the spine, which makes it resonate.
I started noticing the effect of unconscious chi when I listened to the same piece of indian music master, and didn't hear the same thing twice. Sometimes it was highly blissfull and I could hear loooong resonance phrases, and other times it sounded flat without much interest.
It was diving into the realm between the two that I figured out about melodic rythm, and how to approximate the turning points... it's really a human specie thing, fascinating !