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Psychonautica #27 OUT NOW

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion maxfreakout
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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In this fortnight's installment of psychonautica, Max Freakout talks about entheogen-induced anxiety, the pros and cons of using entheogens to combat such anxiety, the auditory effects of psilocybin and the mushroom's mastery of aesthetics. Next Max talks about the spiritual healing effects of psychedelics, frequency of tripping, psychedelic tolerance including the abscence of tolerance with Salvia and DMT, the adrenaline rush often experienced alongside the DMT flash, the effects of DMT on the lungs and the difficulty of obtaining pure DMT. In response to psychonautica 26, Max talks more about Datura, the severity of its effects, its steep dose-response curve, the difference in potency between the leaves and the seeds of the Datura plant, Datura as the witch's flying ointment, genital application of Datura using broomsticks and the difficulty of finding a good Datura trip report because of its amnesic effect, and rowing your own Datura. Next, Max reads out an Amanita Muscaria trip report, then talks about the historical use of Amanita, pharmacratic inquisition and Clark Heinrich's book about the Amanita, the metaphorical meaning of Jesus' miracle 'turning water into wine' as a reference to urine drinking following Amanita consumption, the relative weakness of Amanita mushrooms as an entheogen, compared with psilocybe mushrooms, the similarity in appearance of the Amanita mushroom to other toxic species of mushroom. Next Max reads out a zany magic-truffle trip report, then talks about the possible extra-terrestrial origins of magic mushrooms, and its potential connection to scientology, and finally, Max reads out an excellent salvia trip report from Texas, involving rapid switching of realities, neverending loops, and world of warcraft.

Erykah Badu - Other side of the game
Krs-one/Channel Live - Mad izm

Download episode 27 here:
http://media.libsyn.com/media/dopecast/ ... ica027.mp3
Are you saying that people have good experiences on Datura but dont remember them because of amnesia ? Then why do they remamber the bad parts ? Why dont the people who have been with people who have taken Datura report that part of the experience was good ?

Please tell me what reliable evidence there is that wiches used Datura , that they used a flying ointment , that they aplied an ointment to their genitals and that they did it with a broomstick .

Please explain how jesus could have eaten enough Amanita Muscaria to piss enough to give all the people at a wedding party an effective dose . If Amanita Muscaria was the secret sacrement of the jews please explain why non of the people at the party new what the wine jesus made was and why they couldnt/didnt make that wine themselves , and please explain why the storys call it new wine if Amanita Muscaria had been known and used throughout their culture for several thousand years .
GOD a dit:
Are you saying that people have good experiences on Datura but dont remember them because of amnesia ? Then why do they remamber the bad parts ? Why dont the people who have been with people who have taken Datura report that part of the experience was good ?

im not saying that at all, im saying people have really bad experiences on datura (this is clear from a brief look at the erowid datura vault, the overwhelming majority of datura users describe their experience as very unpleasant and often physically dangerous. Datura may cause severe, long-lasting disorientation, confusion, delirium, and hallucinations. There are many reports of serious injury and arrest resulting from datura intoxication, and several deaths have been attributed to datura use) but they dont remember the precise details of what happened because of the amnesic effects. The people who are with people on datura dont, as far as i am aware, report that part of the experience was good, accidents and self-injuries, sometimes requiring hospitalization, are alarmingly frequent among datura users. Several users of datura have reported committing crimes such as breaking and entering or assault while under the influence of datura

GOD a dit:
Please tell me what reliable evidence there is that wiches used Datura , that they used a flying ointment , that they aplied an ointment to their genitals and that they did it with a broomstick

This is an idea i heard from pharmacratic inquisistion although there are many places on the net that mention it
it is very common knowledge that witches use flying ointments, one of the images most commonly associated with witches, is the witch flying on the broomstick, with the broomstick between her legs


datura ointment is green (often the colour of witch's skin in artistic representations) and vaginal/anal apllication of ointment is a very effective method of ingestion, because of this, and the known effects of datura ingestion (vivid hallucinations) it makes sense to identify the flying ointment with datura

GOD a dit:
Please explain how jesus could have eaten enough Amanita Muscaria to piss enough to give all the people at a wedding party an effective dose . If Amanita Muscaria was the secret sacrement of the jews please explain why non of the people at the party new what the wine jesus made was and why they couldnt/didnt make that wine themselves , and please explain why the storys call it new wine if Amanita Muscaria had been known and used throughout their culture for several thousand years .

again this is an idea i heard from pharmacratic inquisition

Jesus is not considered to be a real person, but rather a mythic allegory for entheogenic plants, therefore the water-into-wine miracle is allegorical, for the effect of producing intoxicating urine after amanita consumption

so the incident at the party was in no way a 'real' incident, something which actually happened, it is a myth, this can explain all your questions