..'to philosophise is to learn to die'.
Simone Weil,
Gravity and Grace
the psychonaut is not a hero;
those who go charging with
blind idolatry
of psychedelia are the ones who want to get
fucked up,
not to
the psychonaut is not a philosopher;
there is quite a bit of thought involved -
as far as my experience goes,
i am a thinker while i am out exploring -
but i cite my quote,
a true psychonaut
does not want to learn
but instead
id say the psychonaut is an archetype all to its own.
explorer, seeker, adventurer;
appropriate terms to express the mindset,
but daring and mindfulness are required if one
wants to attempt to experience the
Universe -
godhead or ego-death,
if you will -
in its most primal form.
most of the people i have encountered in
person who deem themselves a 'psychonaut'
have a tendency towards one portion of an extreme;
ate too much,
werent mentally prepared,
and other problems that come with ill-prep'd tripping.
the people i have met who were the
real psychonauts, -
or what i would consider a true psychonaut -
they are well rounded to an extent.
theyve been out there and experienced
the Universe at its best and worst.
these are the people who shared their experiences
without hesitation so that those who listened would be
able to imagine what they were going to experience.
the main thing i noticed of these people,
they were humbled by their experiences;
comfortable with who they were.
the Psychonaut is its own,
just as the Universe is its own;
this Psychonaut is a seeker of
communion, illumination, and wisdom.
forgive digressive writing and choppiness please.
first post, dont use forums often, and i am a bad poet.