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Psychonautic Archetype

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion EndlessEntity
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Alpiniste Kundalini
WE the psychonauts are an archetype
the thinker
"I realize that nothing we've been doing is new. We haven't been tapping into new areas of the brain, we've just been awakening the most Ancient. This TeChnology is simply a realm, to powers, that conjurers and alchemists used centuries ago."
we the explorer, the curious.
those who don't question reality accept their death sooner than necessary
EndlessEntity a dit:
The Hero seems like a much more fitting archetype, I think. Note the similarities between our own voyages of discovery and the archetypal hero's journey.
The thinker sits and thinks, a philosopher (lover of wisdom). I think the better archetype is "The Seeker", we seek and not necessarily through thought alone.
..'to philosophise is to learn to die'.
Simone Weil,
Gravity and Grace

the psychonaut is not a hero;
those who go charging with
blind idolatry
of psychedelia are the ones who want to get
fucked up,
not to

the psychonaut is not a philosopher;
there is quite a bit of thought involved -
as far as my experience goes,
i am a thinker while i am out exploring -
but i cite my quote,
a true psychonaut
does not want to learn
to die
but instead
to live.

id say the psychonaut is an archetype all to its own.
explorer, seeker, adventurer;
appropriate terms to express the mindset,
but daring and mindfulness are required if one
wants to attempt to experience the
Universe -
godhead or ego-death,
if you will -
in its most primal form.

most of the people i have encountered in
person who deem themselves a 'psychonaut'
have a tendency towards one portion of an extreme;
ate too much,
werent mentally prepared,
and other problems that come with ill-prep'd tripping.

the people i have met who were the real psychonauts, -
or what i would consider a true psychonaut -
they are well rounded to an extent.
theyve been out there and experienced
the Universe at its best and worst.
these are the people who shared their experiences
without hesitation so that those who listened would be
able to imagine what they were going to experience.
the main thing i noticed of these people,
they were humbled by their experiences;
comfortable with who they were.

the Psychonaut is its own,
just as the Universe is its own;
this Psychonaut is a seeker of
communion, illumination, and wisdom.

forgive digressive writing and choppiness please.
first post, dont use forums often, and i am a bad poet. (:
EndlessEntity a dit:
those who don't question reality accept their death sooner than necessary

imo shouldn't view it like that

its to each his own to awaken during his present, past or future lives

you can only love and respect them

@fauwysniper: that wasn't too bad now e ^^

imo being a psychonaut means to understand our experience of our earthly life, and enjoy, taste all its richness while at the same time showing great respect to everything and love all. Besides that he also tries to understand and (for some) attain our "real" purpose of existence
We, The true psychonaut only fit one description. Truth Seeker.

All other perceptions are merely stereotypes, Psychonauts come from all walks of life 8)
agreed. but you should add "through the use of entheogens or other related drugs"
wota a dit:
agreed. but you should add "through the use of entheogens or other related drugs"

Assuming you still need them. Granted I am enjoying seeing what happens when I use them but I often find my self in psychedelic/shamanistic experiences throughout the day naturally.

I had that experience in the gas station where I reached that omg im never gunna stop tripping moment. (Didnt believe it but still had it and if youve ever had it you know what it feels like even if you know its not real.)

Ive stepped out of time a few times. There were months there where I was feeling like I lived inside Slaughter House Five. I hadnt even read it before that until my mentor told me to read it cuz she said I was pretty much living it.

I still have episodes of entering into a trance where I fly a space ship and help people and train people and rescue people going from a deep dark pit up into a glorious mountain. Always other people with me in some form or another helping me do 'the job'. I think its a metaphorical/spiritual/shamanistic expression of something that I dont fully understand yet. Its definitely out of time in the sense that I think its happening in the future even if the effects are spread out through my entire lifetime. I have these episodes about 2 to 3 times a week on average these days and I can identify some of the people related to people in my real life.

Then there is the deep soul searching and exploration of my personal psyche and hacking my own brain. Training it to do its own things. Programming it to do things subconsciously cuz the subconscious is so much faster and more efficient then the conscious.

There is also the social hacking like knowing how to manipulate conversations and speak and read body language and what not. Thats all part of the psyche process as well.

Lots of other stuff to. Been doin all that for about 10 years with maybe two bowls of salvia divinorum in the entire 10 years until about 2 weeks ago.

HIGHLY recommend trying to get beyond the chemicals. I think you can go further/more free-er because its not a chemical experience its a spiritual one. However you see spirituality I think finding a paradigm that works for you will let you transcend the chemical experiences. Then once you transcend them you can go back to them and use them to augment/refine/experiment with new paths.

I'm looking forward to some legal mild shrooms soon. Got some kratom too and some random non-weed bud that looked interesting. Wanna see how that all affects me now that I have a natural psychedelic state without it. As it is doing 2 big puffs of salvia sends me tripping for three days lol. Its kind of like it turns on the psychedelic and it doesnt turn off naturally like it does when I dont take it. I still sleep and stuff but I wake up high and go to bed high and at one point dreamed high.

That could be psyche meds maybe but I dont think the slaughter house five thing is psyche meds lol. Arent they supposed to fix that? :D

I could be wrong in all this of course but its my current take and personal explanation to myself on what's happening to me. Makes a lot of sense to me especially if you buy the psychedelic=shamanistic thing because I was already identified with a prophet from the bible type spiritual situation before I got near this board and a prophet from the bible could be seen as a christian shaman to a degree but with a specific categorical dogma attached to it.

As for the archetype itself. I would say a mixture of them and though we may not be breaking new ground in the grand scheme of human history we are breaking new ground using the current paradigms as expressions. Dont think the shamans of africa 100 years ago were using the internet to share their experiences. Wonder if any of them had Eorwid? :D
we psychonauts are dreamers, adventurers, scientists, artists, philosophers, spiritualists, transcendentalists and revolutionaries... and maybe a lot more too.. it's like that at least to some extent we are only bound by our own capacity
to imagine what we would like to be experiencing... i think psychonautism is a matter of perspective like probably everything is...
to me it's an interesting idea to think of us as soldiers or so of the plant kingdom, because while we may be using them, at the same time they may be using us too... for sure they probably may be more able to survive withous us, than we without them... besides, in addition to that as i see it, learning to die is at least to a certain extent equal to learning to live. know what i'm sayin'... :P :lol: :)
