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#Psychonaut IRC-chatroom

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Ilian
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 028
Hi all,
Ive requested the old thread to be unstickied, because it was outdated. We have a chatroom called #Psychonaut on an IRC-server. Of course chatting with other psychonauts is fun and sometimes very interesting, but there arent so many on the chat! It would be nice if more people join the chat so we can really get to know eachother better.

There are 2 ways to join the channel:
- IRC client - This is a program that connects to the IRC network and doesnt require much CPU at all. The most popular IRC clients are mIRC and Xchat. More about using mIRC later.
- WebIRC - This is usually a Java script that connects to the IRC server from your browser. Because of its relatively high CPU usage its not nice to run in background, so an IRC client is always preferred. It's meant for people who arent familiar with IRC yet

How to get on the IRC channel using mIRC:
If you already have an IRC Client, use these settings to connect:
Server: irc.Quakenet.org
Channel: #Psychonaut

mIRC allows multiple servers, if you want to be on the other server as well type:
/server -m irc.quakenet.org -j #psychonaut

If you don't have a client:
Download mIRC from www.mirc.com/get.html (its free)
Install mIRC and run it
After pressing continue the options menu will popup, you must enter a (fictional) real name and email addres, and of course a nickname.
Press OK and type:
/server irc.quakenet.org -j #psychonaut
Now mIRC will connect to the server and you will join the channel as soon as youre connected.
Chat! There should always be some people hanging around in the channel, but they cant read the chatroom at all times. Give it some time and you should get a reply after some time :)

How to get on the IRC channel using WebIRC:
I hope the psychonaut.com crew will some day install a WebIRC to the site. Until then you can use this one to get the idea:
Press "Eingang in #hardwarelabs" and let the Java applet connect (this takes some time)
Once connected, type:
/join #psychonaut
Chat! There should always be some people hanging around in the channel, but they cant read the chatroom at all times. Give it some time and you should get a reply after some time :)

I will update this post if/when we get our own psychonaut.com webchat! :)
I can't connect :(. It keeps giving an error when trying to connect:
"Disconnected by software... retrying..."

Bastards :lol:
Kwarkfanaat a dit:
I can't connect :(. It keeps giving an error when trying to connect:
"Disconnected by software... retrying..."

Bastards :lol:

How's that possible? Maybe it's blocked by the company?
Aren't you supposed to work btw?

And due to very positiv reactions by some forummembers I'm also going to give it a try next week!
kwarkie: it could be your firewall?

else im not sure either.. maybe u can use the (crappy) webirc
well, im not that expieranced with IRC but i have used it in the past. Im in the channel right now but no one is on. There a time where it usually gets some people?
GMT evening times. Usually.
well armaros we also have some people from the USA/canada on the chatroom, so in theory there should be someone at all times. most people are from europe though and most are around at ~8PM GMT
the chatroom is slowly getting more active, yesterday we had a peak of 7 users online at once :P just pop in, say hi, and hope u get a reply within half an hour ^^ its worth the wait!
of course it works :P

too bad it is as inactive as it was before i made this post, the only one from this forum in there are me and kcar, and there are 3 other people from other sites..

just drop by sometime and dont leave within 5min :/ cant expect any of us to look at the screen 24/7 :x
count me in:)