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Psychoactive amanitas

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My 'trip' I guess lasted 5-6 hours perhaps?
3-4 if you don't include the sleeping time.

As for Euphoria, I've felt it in smaller dosages, I tested a couple small bits with food to slowly gauge how I would react.

The next day I felt perfectly normal
FrigginJoe a dit:
My 'trip' I guess lasted 5-6 hours perhaps?
3-4 if you don't include the sleeping time.

As for Euphoria, I've felt it in smaller dosages, I tested a couple small bits with food to slowly gauge how I would react.

The next day I felt perfectly normal
Did some more this weekend. Ate three caps Saturday night, but on a full belly. Made me pretty nauseous, but the nausea went away completely by 10:00 at night. I slept like a baby.

On Monday morning I ate one medium cap, and walked for about eight miles. I had a ham and egg bagel and a cup o' joe. No superhuman feats of endurance, but the walk was very pleasant until I got sore feet and sore shoulders from my backpack. The buzz was good, and no nauseous feeling whatsoever. I think as I get used to the amanita, I need less of it for a good effect.

(leaving out supernatural parts that might bore you)

When I got home two hours later, I was starting to peak. But it made me so tired, I just crashed and slept like a baby for three hours.

Your right, the whole trip lasted between 5-to-6 hours max, and that includes when I first put it in my mouth.

As best as I can describe the amanita experience, as it happened to me, is like being drunk, but not staggering or slurring my speech, or kind of like being stoned, but no red eye and no paranoia whatsoever. Not as strong as weed, more mild in the small doses I took. Definitely not placebo, but a real mind journey.
Some notes on low~mid Amanita doses.

As I said I have only experimented within this dose range quite a lot of times.

*Smoking cannabis on the peak of the euphoric/stimulating effect is really something, especially in low/mid + mid doses. But remember not to overdo it with the cannabis, or it will cover the amanita effect eventually and their combination will result in increased sedation than amanita alone.

*Drinking alcohol during or after the main effects is not so recommended. Especially drinking a lot. I suppose hardheads to weed / alcohol might feel like doing it or a social situation might induce the thought, but I suggest avoiding drinking much unless you feel strongly towards it. The combination of the 2 [amanita/alcohol] or of the 3 [amanita/alcohol/pot] eventually results in a more sedative effect than amanita alone, and it might well result in a blackout, I can easily imagine someone switching off on this combo. Also, the amanita/alcohol combo would propably be more damaging to the liver and maybe even more than each added.

*Also, alcohol or too much weed suppresses the next days afterglow, another major minus of the aforemantioned combos.


Oh, DeepTurtle, you don't mention how you prepared the stuff. Making a tea results in a faster absorbtion than eating the dried stuff...


Oh, did I ever quote my Pantherina bioessay? Here I quote it now. It is my last amanita experienece, some 2 months ago.

some 12-14 hours ago I did my first bioessay of amanita pantherina. here is my report...

ABOUT. 2 persons. purpose is to be careful, aim to a low-mid dose like others I have had with a.muscaria.

MATERIAL: Self picked from an oak forest. The material was oven dried, then powderised then exposed to sun light at daytime and UV light [a cheap 'black' light] the rest of the time, for a couple of days. [is supposed to turn the remaining ibotenic acid into muscimol, hence making the material more potent]

PREPARATION: 2,5 cups of water were brought to boil, then left to sit. 4,2 gr of powderised dried mushroom was added, left and stirred a few times, then served. Some of the material, as well as half a cup wasn't consumed [left in the pan for now]. The taste and aroma were milder, but still pleasant.

MAIN EXPERIENCE: It was me and a friend, not accustomed with amanita, but not really virgin to psychoactives. I advised him to drink only half of his cup at first and then wait a bit, while I rushed mine to determine the potency... The tea was very potent! With what I estimate was somewhat less then 2 gr for each person, the effect came quite fast and was distict, euphoric and uplifting. Actually it was one of the 2 more distinctively euphoric and energetic experience with amanitas I have had. With some reservation, I could say it had a bit different chracter to muscaria, but I cannot say in what way. I drank some sips more of the remaining material after some 2~2:30 hours. They 'worked' and as we were improvising electronic music with the friend, I decided I needn't finish it [that 1/4 cup, nor the other 1/4 sitting in the pan with the remaining material].

My friend said it worked, actually quite fast, as I noticed. He was both euphoric and energetic and afterwards pleasantly sedated but still cheerful, until I left to leave hime alone with his girlfriend and returned home.

I also made some insight / spontan thoughts as we were leaning to the sedation phase. In some moment it felt somewhat similar to S.divinorum, the term dissociative came in mind, it's hard to describe, but D#M is also considered a dissociative, no? Anyway. I also felt that particular spaces potential.

FURTHER THOUGHTS: In mid amanita doses, towards the sedation phase, the sedation is enough to have you feeling like you might easily sleep at any time, but some happy / uplifting trigger like a funny joke, an interesting conversation or anything one would do in a chill setting would feed the euphoria back. The somewhat energetic part, is a bit vanished though, after a while [1~2hours]. Also, drinking some more to get that euphoric/energetic feeling back while the experience is advancing [once you have decided that you re comfortable with the overall feeling, of course, and the energy rise has ceased] 'works' best before the sedative phase approaches.

Amanita pantherina impressed me with it's potency. My material was somewhat 'boosted' if at all, but even though... less than 2 gr, maybe even 1,5 gram for such an effect.... Quite hard to measure the dose properly... I can only guess that 4 gr of this material will propabvly blow someone in a full blown amanita experience.

Beware of the pantherinas ! Very 'difficult' material...
I took a look at a lot of the google references you ofered , obviously you didnt . I could only find one from someone who had claimed that he had drunk Amanita piss and got a "trip" from it and it is unbelievable . Its written in playboy style and he says several times that he was having a wank . At thge bottom of the page it says "Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the individual authors who submit them . Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid" .

I`m not sure about exactly what is ment with the 80% of the active ingredient gets pissed out story . Either it means that when someone eats fresh flyagaric the active ingredient is ibotenic acid , wich gets decarboxylated to muscimol and muscarine by the body . For some reason the body needs to take up a large amount of ibotenic acid to give the eater a "trip" and that the body only uses 20% of the muscarine and muscimol and pisses 80% out = 4 people could get a "trip" by drinking one persons piss .

Those people live there and know their life cycle for thousands of years . The fly agaric are not very common and their reindeer eat them , so it would be quite hard for people to find loads of them . The season is also not very long = they would have to dry them and eat the dry ones out of season . They would soon notice that the fresh ones give you bad physical symptoms and the dryed ones are more psychoactive and less physicaly uncomfortable .

Why should anyone eat them fresh and get physical discomfort when he only has to dry them and get non , and why would he throw 80% away in his pisss if he could eat 20% of the amount of dryed mushrooms and get a"trip" without having to either drink his own piss or throw it away ????? = no normal person would eat fresh flyagaric if he could eat dry ones .

The other posibility for the 80% story is - the dry mushrooms contain the converted ibotenic acid = muscimol / muscarine and the body pisses 80% of the ingested dose out again . = for example the body needs 100 units so it can take 20 out to cause a psychoactive reaction and then it pisses 80% = 80 units out = for someone to get a psychoactive reaction from drinking amanita piss he would need to collect ALL the piss from 1.25 experiences = more than the piss from one person = exactly what i have been saying .

The wanker and his "girl friend" you mentioned only drank one piss each = not enough for a "trip" , and claimed that they had both had a "trip" . They didnt have any come up they just drank it and slipped from real life to a "trip" instantaniously without the lazyness , distance and other side effects that most people who have eaten flyagaric talk about .

Caduceus posted a video interview with his highness D.McKenna recently talking about drinking flyagaric piss where he said that to know if it works someone would have to try it = he doesnt know of any authentic reports of anyone , anywhere at any time drinking amanita pisss and getting a psychoactive reaction = it most probably hasnt happened .

= You and your wanker friend are talking bullshit................

Just like in the Datura thred you are making stupid claims while being to cowardly to try them yourself , why dont you prove that it works . Drink Amanita piss . I am willing to help you and piss in your mouth..............
hey man you're absolutely pathetic, why don't you get a life? I don't even post so much around here....

Almost everything you say about amanitas shows complete lack of research of them and/ or a desperate attempt to bash my sayings, which are for most part a result of a long and objective, I want to believe, research plus several bioessays by me and friends from low to mid doses.

There is another possibility though. You are a complete idiot and you cannot understand what you are reading [and I will not go down to possible reasons whys this might be so, tempting as it might be]
Again you out yourself and show your true colours . The only thing you are doing is insulting , you have no points , no evidence , no facts and you dont even try to answer the points i have raised........ because you cant . You just make irelevant empty statements .
Of course I don't try to answer. I don't bother
a LADY BY THE NAME OF AMANITA DREAMER on you tube has done a lot of research m She has drank her own pee and recomends doing so. Tonight is my third time trying them. I picked these mushrooms myself and dryed them under a hundred and forty degrees. According to Amanita dreamer drying this way converts 20% ibotenic acid to muscimol. Most of the purchased amanitas are probably in this range, unless they state otherwise. If the mushrooms are dried whole with the gills facing upward you can cocentrate most of the active ingredients to the center of the cap where it will show a darker color. The stipe or stem on a fresh amanita are only half as strong as the caps by weight. She suggests that you take 60 grams of dried mushrooms ground up to make a tea to find your personal dose with. Using four cups distilled water heat it to a boil and then reduce heat to just under boiling for 30 minutes. Add water as needed to maintain the four cup level. This converts another 20% percent of the Ibotenic acid to muscimol. She adds the juice of two whole lemmons to this (LEMON TECH) to help reduce nausea from the chitin that all mushrooms have. She uses this for her microdosing. For trips start with 1 cup of tea and if not felt in two hours drink a second and 2 more before a third till you find your level at which you can start with the next time if made with the same batch of shrooms. New batches need new dosing as they can vary widely in potency. Conversion of Ibotenic acid to muscimol can only happen in a liquid state. I sugest checking amanitadreamer.net and .com or her amanita dreamer videos on you tube. She says a lot of her use these days is in her amanita smoke blends. I have done this myself and was suprised that it was actually a pleasanrt smoke compared to liberty caps a psilosibe with its disgusting flavor. She uses only the cap. She takes the gills and spores out with a brush or finger. she uses mostly the higher concentrated darker portions of the cap. I mixed mine about 50/50 with either cannabis or tobacco. With the cannabis it was hard to feel the mushrooms a whole lot as cannabis was strong. I used the stronger parts of the mushroom When I tried it with tobacco. That gave me an alcohol effect with a little bit of pain relief and helped with sleep and dreaming and felt well rested and not still tired when I woke up. Amanita Dreamer uses kratom in her smoking mix to relieve major back pain. The effect seems to last 3 to 4 hours and without residual headaches or other opiate withdrawel symptoms. Back to my trip report. Started with heavy sweating and chills shakiness of movement I experienced super saliva glands that filled my mouth to bursting within a minute. Also a softened stooll that insisted on a quick release and 2 movements in ten minutes and then not another word from it, had a little weighted feeling about the temples. A little drowsiness that faded away. Body a little tired and sore from long day so going to sleep now to hopefully take a trip towards enlightenment