@tryptonaut: Yes, isohunt and btjunkie will most of the time link to the same torrents, they are both some kind of meta-search for torrents on other sites (they don't host themselves) but the difference is btjunkie is more popular and you will find comments/description(good/bad) ..etc so it is more reliable. When I'm looking for torrents, I always go: mininova->btjunkie->thepiratebay.
Also, as for buying the albums...Yes, I do agree we should help the small labels at least or emerging artits..but in my situation for the past 2 years, it wasn't quite possible ;s ..Barely got enough money to pay rent, bills, university, and food..so my main entertainment comes from the 50$/month on internet, and I try to maximize it through torrents..But, yeah, once I'm good in that department..sure I'll be buying their albums
@jenigner: Thanks for the other podcast, I'll listen to it ;p and for the psycast, is it you that manages it or whatever?? Keep us posted when the next episode is out!
@caduceus: As tryptonaut said, they are already mp3 files, when you download the ".torrent" file, it acts as a link to the tracker. And once that torrent is added to your BT program (I also use "utorrent", very compact and effective), it will start downloading all the files, and create the directories on your PC.
If you need help/walkthrough on how to set it up on your PC, let me know..you can add me on MSN. (easier through IM)
Cheers people! Keep the music up! :weedman:
Also, as for buying the albums...Yes, I do agree we should help the small labels at least or emerging artits..but in my situation for the past 2 years, it wasn't quite possible ;s ..Barely got enough money to pay rent, bills, university, and food..so my main entertainment comes from the 50$/month on internet, and I try to maximize it through torrents..But, yeah, once I'm good in that department..sure I'll be buying their albums

@jenigner: Thanks for the other podcast, I'll listen to it ;p and for the psycast, is it you that manages it or whatever?? Keep us posted when the next episode is out!

@caduceus: As tryptonaut said, they are already mp3 files, when you download the ".torrent" file, it acts as a link to the tracker. And once that torrent is added to your BT program (I also use "utorrent", very compact and effective), it will start downloading all the files, and create the directories on your PC.
If you need help/walkthrough on how to set it up on your PC, let me know..you can add me on MSN. (easier through IM)
Cheers people! Keep the music up! :weedman: