well i would say it could make sense to connect the notion of a superconductive state to the idea of a higher intelligence.
the question is how to properly connect to it. i dunno, but in that context i just got reminded of the concept of synchronicity.
"time as a factor of synchronisation"... and this becomes more interesting when we ponder about the fact how subjectively and psychologically time is being experienced by each and everyone.
hmm basically we are light beings and maybe the idea of constellations in connection with micro- and macrocosm could be seen analogically to how molecules work. well i think in some sense this is just another way of saying how life can be everywhere.
and of what we see as life...but yeah... mind you, it's only speculation and i certainly don't want to speculate too much etc etc... but yeah i just find it interesting to think about reality/what is supposed to be reality like that.
i think there are probably individual and collective levels of dream/reality/"dreaming of reality". and they are connected in some way... some are focussing on the individual expressions and some more on the collective, but i would say we can even find both aspects in either of them. in some sense it's similar to the idea of evolution/growth. and of course the idea of seeing on the one hand in a literal sense and on the other in a figurative, mental and/or spiritual sense or so...
to conclude i just want to say one more thing... i heard or read somewhere that a supposedly enlightened perspective is that opposites/extremes or so are supposedly the same thing, essentially... so maybe this means that micro- and macrocosm and for example light and darkness, inside and outside or man and woman are basically the same.
and it's sometimes good to be open for new ideas and sometimes not. the mind-state is what does the great difference.
this is how the human brain is a quantum computer. how it's all about the mind-states and as far as i understand, what defines a quantum computer is that it can have several states at once, in contrast to "ordinary computers".
the that idea we all can practice on a day-to-day basis is what we would define as a mind-state and what mind-states we would like to experience and what we can do to experience them. free your mind!!!
i hope any of this possibly makes some sense.