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Psilocybin found to REDUCE brain activity.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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Study finds that psilocybin reduces activity in the brain - the greatest affects of psilocybin, according to MRI scans, shows significant reduction in brain activity in certain areas.

It was also shown that the connection between two parts of the brain (thought to "filter" information) was reduced, possibly eluding to Huxley's theory of psilocybin removing the filter in our minds.

http://www.scientificamerican.com/artic ... n-activity
hmm interesting... maybe it's because it allows the body to have a superconductive state or so so that we can "think" with the whole body... therefore needing less energy or so...well it is known that body and mind(physical brain?) form a unity and from a certain point of view you could also say that they are the same thing. maybe the body functions (or can function) like a mind ("computing" for example food ... LOL seems like a crazy idea but yeah...there is food for thought also so the analogy is not as far fetched as it may seem) and the same vice versa... mind you i am only speculating lol.... but to me it makes some sense... it's like a psychedelic theory... not a normal one... lol :lol: 8)

Psilocybin was promoted by an ex Public Relations CEO of JP Morgan who also happened to be a member of the Council of Foreign relations (Gordon Wasson). It came out that his Russian wife was actually a double spy. Also it came out that another character of JP Morgan around 1840, already was doing some research with psilocybin mushrooms. What exactly do they mean when they say 'Gordon Wasson discovered magic mushrooms'.... And this is only the tip of the psychedelic iceberg (search leary cia, pm me for some amazing breadcrumbs). If someone like that wants you to take psilocybin, you better assume it is meant to hurt you. Maybe not now, but in the long run. It doesn't have to be physical damage, it can be mental, bringing you to a sleep of a whole new level but still, deep asleep. And while you are sleeping, you are convinced that you are so much more awake than the rest of the profane. Don't take my word for it, research for yourself. You can only understand the present and the future by studying the past.

Don't take your history lessons from Terence Mckenna, he won't tell you the really fascinating things but only just enough to keep you going around in circles while planting the suggestion that you are actually learning anything instead of being led around in circles for years and years. When Mckenna talks about Huxley and/or Darwin, he leaves out the real interesting historic stuff. Stuff that he must have been aware of but for some reason, left out of his all his work. He (and mushrooms), had me by the balls for almost two decades. That's almost two decades of following bullshit and propagating that bullshit to everybody who wanted to hear (and everybody who didn't want to hear).

I know nobody wants to hear it, I would have dismissed it as bogus myself only six months ago.
HeartCore a dit:
Psilocybin was promoted by an ex Public Relations CEO of JP Morgan who also happened to be a member of the Council of Foreign relations (Gordon Wasson). It came out that his Russian wife was actually a double spy. Also it came out that another character of JP Morgan around 1840, already was doing some research with psilocybin mushrooms. What exactly do they mean when they say 'Gordon Wasson discovered magic mushrooms'.... And this is only the tip of the psychedelic iceberg (search leary cia, pm me for some amazing breadcrumbs). If someone like that wants you to take psilocybin, you better assume it is meant to hurt you. Maybe not now, but in the long run. It doesn't have to be physical damage, it can be mental, bringing you to a sleep of a whole new level but still, deep asleep. And while you are sleeping, you are convinced that you are so much more awake than the rest of the profane. Don't take my word for it, research for yourself. You can only understand the present and the future by studying the past.

Don't take your history lessons from Terence Mckenna, he won't tell you the really fascinating things but only just enough to keep you going around in circles while planting the suggestion that you are actually learning anything instead of being led around in circles for years and years. When Mckenna talks about Huxley and/or Darwin, he leaves out the real interesting historic stuff. Stuff that he must have been aware of but for some reason, left out of his all his work. He (and mushrooms), had me by the balls for almost two decades. That's almost two decades of following bullshit and propagating that bullshit to everybody who wanted to hear (and everybody who didn't want to hear).

I know nobody wants to hear it, I would have dismissed it as bogus myself only six months ago.

Yeah thats what I thought when I first took mushrooms... Made you crazy and stupid but thought you were smart.

My question is, HeartCore, that if you believe this, and since you just replied to a pm that you are going to continue to grow mimosa, why would you indulge in mimosa, but not psilocybin?

>> There is no conspiracy to psilocybin. Leary was involved with the CIA because they were involved in psychic research at the time. They had dreams of truth serums, mentally transmitting information, killing people with "mind-bullets" etc. They were very interested in the brain in general.
Your speculations sound fear based Heartcore.

Are you sure that intellegence is all it is cracked up to be?

Do the animal kingdom face extinction based on the fact that the cheetah in the next province has developed nuclear weapons and a keen fascination in trying to create black holes??? I think not.... :roll:

Reducing brain activity could be very beneficial to some one like a schitzophrenic by the modern day neurological understanding of schizophrenia. That being, usually inactive parts of the brain are very active.

I would like to remind every one of the story of Faust.

I'm pretty sure psychedelics offer a deeper connection to the spirit and a clean spirit is far more important then an exercised mind. You have to be in the frame of mind to create the reality you desire ;)

P.S. Why do you think we have intuition?
Scientific American Source a dit:
Nutt and his colleagues suggest their results could explain some of the therapeutic effects of psilocybin. Depression involves hyperactivity in the mPFC, leading to the pessimistic outlook and pathological brooding characteristic of the condition, so mPFC deactivation could alleviate those symptoms.

This speaks volumes for what we all already know 8)

Also, as we learn our brain creates networks and pathways. However not everything you learn is good, Take OCD for instance, Anxiety and uncontrollable fear. You must hardwire yourself to think like this and psychedelics give you the ability to undo this type of hardwiring. Plus, Not every one comes away feeling like they are super smart, Others merely find they have the ability to think for themselves.

Heres some info on Neurons, Synapses and Brain Development - Neural Connections: Some You Use, Some You Lose by John Bruer - http://www.jsmf.org/about/j/neural_connections.htm

The old saying that drugs makes you crazy is a myth, Not being understood could make you feel like you are going crazy but drugs merely bring to the surface that which was already there ;)
i heard on Discovery channel, cant remember what was watching?
But the chemist was saying they had identified over 6,000,000 compounds produced by the body naturally but of those six million compounds only roughly 600,000 had been activated by the body.

He thought this very strange and definitive proof that Man was not all he could be, as he put it if the body could link these atoms together into unique molecular formation than it has the ability to Activate them Too.
He compared this to the Fact that Human Beings in present state only use arguably next to nothing of their brains active capacity, and the fact that our bodys can re-generate ourselves but do so soo slowly that we eventually grow old get sick.
Guys I'm sorry but, what is psilocybin, in what kind of stuff is it found, and should I avoid consuming it?
Enlighten me please :D
Psilocybin is the ingredient in "magic mushrooms". It is a hallucinogenic, and while it should be treated with respect, avoiding it is up to the individual, as many positive enlightening moments can be found as well. To be completely accurate, there are also amanitas (fly agaric - classic big red tops with white spots) which are also hallucinogenic mushrooms, but their main ingredient is muscimol.
was watching discovery again lol, and they were saying how cannabis 'THC' makes the brains function differently by by-passing certain areas and choosing a faster route to the solution.
"makes you think faster"
they did not get into doses though, and im sure when i have smoked all night and day in the past my thoughts get hazier and disappear
REDUCED brain activity? Oh my word!
I need all the brain activity my brain can handle.


I want to be seizing up with great googly flashes of thunderous brain activity.

And these 'certain sections'...I am quite certain these certain section must be very important to something.
Verily, this is bad juju. Leary, Wasson, and Shulgin are all Greys and this post is trying to discredit it all.
Psilocin, 'magic mushrooms' do reduce brain activity overall, BUT in doing this shifts in brain activity occur, and the activity moves to other sections of the brain which are usually dormant.

so it shifts the brain into another gear so to speak, achieving altered conscious, bringing light and energy to areas of the brain usually left in the dark unused, collecting dust?

it is essential for the flow of energy to reach all the deep reaches of the mind, Like opening a window to Air out a house, a moldy stale house is not attractive.........

and since plants and chemicals seem to be the only way to bring on this change in flow it seems obvious to use them.

i quote BrainEater
maybe it's because it allows the body to have a superconductive state or so so that we can "think" with the whole body
love the notion of a superconductive state :)
except, i don't find it to be a 'maybe' because scientists have been able to demonstrate it's superconducting abilities in studies in the past.

it doesn't flood ones brain with synapse firing unless one requires it. if all the scientist in the study does is make a person sit in a chair and stare at a wall while they take brain readings, then, uh, what kind of readings should anyone expect?? :retard:
well i would say it could make sense to connect the notion of a superconductive state to the idea of a higher intelligence.
the question is how to properly connect to it. i dunno, but in that context i just got reminded of the concept of synchronicity.
"time as a factor of synchronisation"... and this becomes more interesting when we ponder about the fact how subjectively and psychologically time is being experienced by each and everyone.

hmm basically we are light beings and maybe the idea of constellations in connection with micro- and macrocosm could be seen analogically to how molecules work. well i think in some sense this is just another way of saying how life can be everywhere.
and of what we see as life...but yeah... mind you, it's only speculation and i certainly don't want to speculate too much etc etc... but yeah i just find it interesting to think about reality/what is supposed to be reality like that. :)

i think there are probably individual and collective levels of dream/reality/"dreaming of reality". and they are connected in some way... some are focussing on the individual expressions and some more on the collective, but i would say we can even find both aspects in either of them. in some sense it's similar to the idea of evolution/growth. and of course the idea of seeing on the one hand in a literal sense and on the other in a figurative, mental and/or spiritual sense or so...

to conclude i just want to say one more thing... i heard or read somewhere that a supposedly enlightened perspective is that opposites/extremes or so are supposedly the same thing, essentially... so maybe this means that micro- and macrocosm and for example light and darkness, inside and outside or man and woman are basically the same.
and it's sometimes good to be open for new ideas and sometimes not. the mind-state is what does the great difference.
this is how the human brain is a quantum computer. how it's all about the mind-states and as far as i understand, what defines a quantum computer is that it can have several states at once, in contrast to "ordinary computers".
the that idea we all can practice on a day-to-day basis is what we would define as a mind-state and what mind-states we would like to experience and what we can do to experience them. free your mind!!!
i hope any of this possibly makes some sense. :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

La santé est le plus important,
mais le cerveau aussi pour continuer à fonctionner :lol:
HeartCore a dit:
Psilocybin was promoted by an ex Public Relations CEO of JP Morgan who also happened to be a member of the Council of Foreign relations (Gordon Wasson). It came out that his Russian wife was actually a double spy. Also it came out that another character of JP Morgan around 1840, already was doing some research with psilocybin mushrooms. What exactly do they mean when they say 'Gordon Wasson discovered magic mushrooms'.... And this is only the tip of the psychedelic iceberg (search leary cia, pm me for some amazing breadcrumbs). If someone like that wants you to take psilocybin, you better assume it is meant to hurt you. Maybe not now, but in the long run. It doesn't have to be physical damage, it can be mental, bringing you to a sleep of a whole new level but still, deep asleep. And while you are sleeping, you are convinced that you are so much more awake than the rest of the profane. Don't take my word for it, research for yourself. You can only understand the present and the future by studying the past.

Don't take your history lessons from Terence Mckenna, he won't tell you the really fascinating things but only just enough to keep you going around in circles while planting the suggestion that you are actually learning anything instead of being led around in circles for years and years. When Mckenna talks about Huxley and/or Darwin, he leaves out the real interesting historic stuff. Stuff that he must have been aware of but for some reason, left out of his all his work. He (and mushrooms), had me by the balls for almost two decades. That's almost two decades of following bullshit and propagating that bullshit to everybody who wanted to hear (and everybody who didn't want to hear).

I know nobody wants to hear it, I would have dismissed it as bogus myself only six months ago.

This ios paranoid thinking. Let me see, it is on par with some researchers claims that it was the Illuminati who designed the 'Free Love' 1960s generation so as to 'break up the family'.....Errrr right. You mean that great old 'nuclear' family where all the families are all isolated units living in grid pattern suburbs or high-rise tombstones if 'poor', and 'father' is the tyrant who calls the shots and expects the 'little woman' to be where she 'belongs' in the kitchen, and what dad says goes even when he is a vile homophobic, warmongering, fascist supporting moron who beats his kids and forces them to do 'education' asnd get 'good grades' or else....? you mean THAT family? the ones the Christians are always harping on about.

So let me get this straight. This big shot Wasson, Banker, and hos 'spy wife' happen upon an ancient secret mushroom cult and all of a sudden magic mushrooms MUST be evil because this cat 'discovered' them and reported it. THAT is your logic?

I can only assume you have never had experience with the wonders of magic mushrooms or if you have I dread to think what your set and setting was like!
why must we look down on our own? is it for thinking outside the box?

there is a difference between sincere inquiry, and derogatory insinuation...

the latter is rarely used to further productive discussion or gain understanding.