Elfe Mécanique
- Inscrit
- 15/8/12
- Messages
- 270
This was on December 1st, 2014. I had the trip report saved up and I'm posting it here. I would like to try 40mg again sometime, but my parents would think I'm acting like a hyperactive nutbar. I wish I could get my own place, or maybe be in college, so I could try 40mg or higher of prolintane and get away with it.
Where do I start?! By the way. I'm still under the influence of prolintane. How long does it last?
Got a scale and prolintane
Today, december 1st 2014 at 1:55 p.m.
1:55 p.m.: Tried 40mg prolintane.
2:00 p.m.: Not feeling much.
2:15 p.m.: Started cleaning and folding cloths and washing dishes and sweeping and combed my hair and being overly neat and hyper and anal retentive.
2:30 p.m.: Annoying the HELL out of my brothers and mother and her friend that just came over. Talking like a chatterbox. Talk! Talk! Talk!
3:00 p.m.: Ate half a meal because if I don't eat, I'll die right. Reduced appetite.
3:30 p.m.: Having a strong desire to do homework and stuff. Wondering why there isn't any homework. WHERE'S The HOMEWORK!?!? Asking questions about life.
What if everyone was hyper? Would we all get along or annoy each other? Would we get along sometimes and sometimes argue?
Not caring about negative stuff. Thinking positive! Why doesn't the mega-corporations and Wall street pay fair taxes? What if we had a functional government that cared about society and stopped the phony war on terror and phony war on drugs?! Would college costs lower to the point of being free and would we have more jobs and a more productive society if the mega-wealthy pay their fair share?
Seeing my brother's origami stuff.
4:00 p.m.: Talked to my friend on the phone. he said he had to go shopping with his parents.
4:15 p.m.: Went to the library. Writing up this report.
4:30 p.m.: Wondering if gangs and mega-corporations and idiots in government didn't exist and if the shelves were stocked with prolintane based energy drinks, we would possibly have a very productive society(perhaps occasional chaos and super-hyperness here and there, but it would be fun).
4:35 p.m.: Thinking I need a shower because my armpits smell. Remembered that I forgot to put on deodorant. Feeling very different and not-like my usual self. This is too much hyper even for me, but I'm liking it. Need to stop being hyper, but can't. Being hyper ROCKS! It's happy hyper. Mostly mental. Is this what ritalin feels like? Confident.
4:40 p.m.: Confident and listening to music on the computer. Thinking if I'm some kind of angry optimist. Quietly typing and sometimes looking around. Occasional fidgeting.
What is this? Thinking if I should play computer games to pass the time or something. Feeling like what would I do if I stop typing this report.
Confident, yet just normal happy. Feeling like always needing to do something to pass the time. Need to be preoccupied, otherwise, I just get all hyper. I look crazy being THIS hyper.
4:43 p.m.: Am I wired? This is totally going to replace caffeine!
4:45 p.m.: I'm totally being a total Beavis from beavis and butt-head. Beavis is SO HYPER! I like being Beavis! I don't like being "that annoying person", but being hyper ROCKS! It's good hyper. Not like that gym hyper you get from DMAA that makes you workout a lot.
4:47 p.m.: I'm not high. I'm not sure if I'm clear headed. It's like I'm just wired. WIRED!!! Stuck on SUPER-HYPER!!!
4:49 p.m.: Is this what tweaking is like? Is this wired? Is this what ritalin is like? Are all NDRI's like this? I think it has more adrenaline release than ritalin, but less norepinephrine release and dopamine release than ritalin. Have never tried ritalin, but since prolintane is so safe, prefer prolintane.
4:51 p.m.: I used to consume energy drinks just to get this level of hyper. Now who cares about energy drinks? This prolintane stuff ROCKS! No urge to redose like propylhexedrine causes(which is good).
4:52 p.m.: Having fun and a total BLAST! Maybe I'll play computer games or something. I don't know.
4:54 p.m.: Maybe I'm more productive, but I'm also more hyper. Am I more productive. I'm feeling like a lab rat. Or a lab rat wearing sunglasses!
Everything good is cooler and thinking that the world would be a cooler place if everything was fun and cool and less violent and no gangs. This might be the have fun in recess and do classwork and homework drug. If I HAD homework. Would I do homework on it? I don't know. Classes should focus on getting people to their jobs and professions faster, instead of quote on quote "having them well-rounded". Well roundedness is soooo boring! It's fun to have laser beam focus on one or a few particular areas of interests. Also, they should bring back old shows and de-stereotype the term "nerd". The term should mean an intellectual individual who loves cartoons and videogames and a few subjects of interest regardless of what they wear. Come to think of it, I'm a lot like Beavis and a like a nerd personality wise. I'm shy at first, but warm up quickly. I like dancing. I like videogames. Sure I wear stylish cloths, but I love science and cartoon shows and used to love mathematics.
5:02 p.m.: Wondering if things and life are never a nerd's world, but a wealthy man's world. Thinking sure, we can't all be nerds(personality wise), but why are stereotypes, racism, and ignorance so prevailent? Why can't we all be a little more tolerant? Why isn't respect taught in schools? Why must they get rid of good teachers and principals and replace them with bad ones? Asking questions in an objective fashion without being consumed by the negativity associated with it. Feeling tingly.
5:05 p.m.: Feeling tingly. Is this drug sort of like focusyn from the simpsons? It's technically legal, so I'm not very worried.
5:08 p.m.: This feels rushy and focusy. Wired-like. Makes you feel like a different person. Occasional lost of train of thought. Time seems slow for some reason(like the world can't keep up with me. I feel speedy like the flash.).
5:11 p.m.: The music i usually listen to is still cool, but slow. It's cool though because I can process the depth of it. Everything almost seems to be like it's moving in slow motion. I feel like I want to rush through everything, do tons of mental work, and take on the world academically. I have a feeling that this is definitely something that works better if you're already smart. Making more spelling errors, but correcting them on the spot.
5:14 p.m.: I don't know if I've ever been this hyper in my life. Weird taste in mouth and thirsty, and also have to use the bathroom a little. Feeling pretty great. Thinking what should I do with so much spare time. Is this flash-ZT or something? Trip in progress. Talk about squeezing productivity out of yourself. I feel like I've been overclocked like a PC!
5:18p.m.: I'll update this progressively.
5:19p.m.: Feeling like every second counts and that time is money. Feels like time is SOLID GOLD! Feeling like I miss the good old days where anyone could become a success if they put enough effort. Thinking that as long as there's no mega-wealthy people and that science is robustly funded, a few rules here and there would be good. Freedom is good as long as no one takes advantage of one another. An intelligence race. Rules are needed, but not excessive rules. All work and no play leads to boredom. All play and no work leads to chaos and mayhem and laziness. There needs to be a balance. Society lost it's balance somewhere along the line.
5:24p.m.: We need more places with more music. We need funner teachers and sometimes more challenges. We need breaks once in a while. We need a society that respects ravers and overachievers and teaches us, but also teaches us to teach ourselves and think for ourselves. So many things can be done, but no one wants to do all the micromanaging associated with these things. Micromanagements.
5:27p.m.: Micromanaging is key? Perhaps, but there needs to be micromanaging that works in our favor and abolishes ignorance. Ignorance is a disease that society is infected with. That and greed by the mega-wealthy. As fellow human beings and brothers and sisters of this planet Earth, we must respect nature, abolish greed, bigotry, and runoff capitalism(some capitalism is ok, but not too much. It's very motivational to work and study for a better life, so long as everyone gets that chance regardless of economic or ethnic backgrounds). We must not be afraid to overachieve or become superhuman. Science can help. Good health and good eating can help. Exercise and parties and homework can help. We must go where no human could go before.
5:33p.m.: Do I feel limitless? Perhaps. Let's reach infinity! Still need videogames and homework I guess! Homework anyone? As long as it's fun homework and not boring homework. We need more parties. Society needs to legalize MDxx. I'm not saying to try any substance and I don't want to glorify anything. It's harm reduction! Also, my mind might be everywhere yet somehow focused. Like I could focus on the task at hand perhaps. Safety is cool, but so is the right to express ourselves in a mature manner. So many things going on I guess. WOW!
5:39p.m.: Figured out that some ego is good(to feed yourself, have confidence, be productive), but not arrogance. Too much ego is bad. How come some ego is good you ask? Because without it, you'll just sit there watching life go by without eating and you'll die. From the day we're born, we cry for our food, and adults protests injustices out of frustration and some ego(not too much ego).
5:43p.m.: I'll update this another day!
6:08p.m.: I'm at the computer lab. I kind of want the effects to wear off aready, but at the same time, not really. I don't like gangs and ganglike people, but as long as they don't cross me or bother me, I won't flip off. I seem to be objective about stuff though. I'm gonna stand up for myself.
6:19p.m.: I spoke what I felt and the comperter center manager helped. The 3 goons that were not behaving well left. There was no need for security to kick them out because they had at least a few brain cells to leave the place.
I was totally in "security guard" mentality for those monents. I said "either you act like adults, or you leave."
Is prolintane making me stand up for myself more and stand up for maturity and order? I stood up in a more mature manner instead of randomly of keeping to myself.
6:24p.m.: It feels a little nerve wrecking though. It's kind of like I'm becoming like that limitless guy. Am I thinking like a superhuman? I need invulnerability or indestructability though. It's like I'm doing things I would never do and doing them in ways that shock and scare me. It's like prolintane is making me think like a semi-sophisticated super soldier or something. Super soldier?
6:27p.m.: Prolintane scares me because what if I'm in a situation similar to the Limitless subway fight scene just because I give myself some value and think that I as a human being have a right to have a place that doesn't seem like a wrestling arena or an idiotic ape-fest? I wish I WAS indestructable so that if I have to face 20 or more people just to make an escape route, I could live to tell the tale.
6:31p.m.: On prolintane, I could do things I probably would never do. Those things established order, but they weren't me. "No the way it works".
I know how it works. I totally get it! You feel invincible! I want to really be invincible though.
6:33p.m.: Contemplating that in some ways, prolintane scared the crap out of me. What if I become a security guard in the future as a part time job? Prolintane is almost like super soldier serum for your mind and psyche.
6:36p.m.: Still can't believe how prolintane makes me have the sheer guts to give my mere mortal human self some value. Prolintane is freaky!
Like I said, some ego is good. I found some much needed ego and self confidence from prolintane. Maybe I'll shake off this PTSD after all! Huh? WHA!?! Confidence!?!?!
6:38p.m.: Still contenplating how I was a little scared, yet confident. Amazed at the cojones I grew at that time. I guess that's courage. Standing up for what's right even if the fear is consuming you alive.
6:40: Am I limitless? AM I!? Mentally yes! Confidently, absolutely. Prolintane totally acted like a living anti-freeze. It unfreezes in situations that would otherwise freeze you up.
6:41: Prolintane is amazing. Perhaps too amazing? Who cares, I never had this much guts in my life.
Prolintane = Guts!
6:42p.m.: I'm kind of scared of myself in this altered state. I'm amazed at myself, yes! However, I'm a little intimidated at this new self! What obstacles lie ahead?
6:44p.m.: Prolintane. A nootropic for sure. I know it's not NZT, but it could be close! In the way that you'll stand up for what's right. In that it gives you that surge of confidence you never had before. Maybe I could learn something from this alternate self.
6:46p.m.: Being proactive and having courage is the answer to combating ignorance! Could it be that I could learn something from me 2.0? SkyblueMolly learning stuff from SkyblueMolly 2.0? Maybe this has been a learning experience for me without even knowing it.
6:49p.m.: So much can be learned from our transcended versions of ourselves I guess, but the only way to learn from our transcended selves is to transcend in the first place. That is perhaps why governments keep all of us in lowered down, powerless, apathetic selves. Because they know that if we transcend, we would realize what needs to be done and try to take action with all the courage we can gather. They prevent transcendence and fuel ignorance and also a lack of confidence. They know that they can no longer centralize wealth and power if people have the guts to stand up for what's right. Too much learning experience for one day I guess.
6:54p.m.: Is this NZT-jr? I have to also mention that while it's not as hyper right now, it's still apparent. Like a background energy and confidence. Could the effects be starting to fade off slowly? Like a gradual comedown?
Prolintane is a tannish white powder that you mix in water or juice or soda. It's probably tannish white due to minor impurities. I measure it and mix with water and drink the solution. It taste awful though.
Where do I start?! By the way. I'm still under the influence of prolintane. How long does it last?
Got a scale and prolintane
Today, december 1st 2014 at 1:55 p.m.
1:55 p.m.: Tried 40mg prolintane.
2:00 p.m.: Not feeling much.
2:15 p.m.: Started cleaning and folding cloths and washing dishes and sweeping and combed my hair and being overly neat and hyper and anal retentive.
2:30 p.m.: Annoying the HELL out of my brothers and mother and her friend that just came over. Talking like a chatterbox. Talk! Talk! Talk!
3:00 p.m.: Ate half a meal because if I don't eat, I'll die right. Reduced appetite.
3:30 p.m.: Having a strong desire to do homework and stuff. Wondering why there isn't any homework. WHERE'S The HOMEWORK!?!? Asking questions about life.
What if everyone was hyper? Would we all get along or annoy each other? Would we get along sometimes and sometimes argue?
Not caring about negative stuff. Thinking positive! Why doesn't the mega-corporations and Wall street pay fair taxes? What if we had a functional government that cared about society and stopped the phony war on terror and phony war on drugs?! Would college costs lower to the point of being free and would we have more jobs and a more productive society if the mega-wealthy pay their fair share?
Seeing my brother's origami stuff.
4:00 p.m.: Talked to my friend on the phone. he said he had to go shopping with his parents.
4:15 p.m.: Went to the library. Writing up this report.
4:30 p.m.: Wondering if gangs and mega-corporations and idiots in government didn't exist and if the shelves were stocked with prolintane based energy drinks, we would possibly have a very productive society(perhaps occasional chaos and super-hyperness here and there, but it would be fun).
4:35 p.m.: Thinking I need a shower because my armpits smell. Remembered that I forgot to put on deodorant. Feeling very different and not-like my usual self. This is too much hyper even for me, but I'm liking it. Need to stop being hyper, but can't. Being hyper ROCKS! It's happy hyper. Mostly mental. Is this what ritalin feels like? Confident.
4:40 p.m.: Confident and listening to music on the computer. Thinking if I'm some kind of angry optimist. Quietly typing and sometimes looking around. Occasional fidgeting.
What is this? Thinking if I should play computer games to pass the time or something. Feeling like what would I do if I stop typing this report.

4:43 p.m.: Am I wired? This is totally going to replace caffeine!
4:45 p.m.: I'm totally being a total Beavis from beavis and butt-head. Beavis is SO HYPER! I like being Beavis! I don't like being "that annoying person", but being hyper ROCKS! It's good hyper. Not like that gym hyper you get from DMAA that makes you workout a lot.
4:47 p.m.: I'm not high. I'm not sure if I'm clear headed. It's like I'm just wired. WIRED!!! Stuck on SUPER-HYPER!!!

4:49 p.m.: Is this what tweaking is like? Is this wired? Is this what ritalin is like? Are all NDRI's like this? I think it has more adrenaline release than ritalin, but less norepinephrine release and dopamine release than ritalin. Have never tried ritalin, but since prolintane is so safe, prefer prolintane.
4:51 p.m.: I used to consume energy drinks just to get this level of hyper. Now who cares about energy drinks? This prolintane stuff ROCKS! No urge to redose like propylhexedrine causes(which is good).
4:52 p.m.: Having fun and a total BLAST! Maybe I'll play computer games or something. I don't know.
4:54 p.m.: Maybe I'm more productive, but I'm also more hyper. Am I more productive. I'm feeling like a lab rat. Or a lab rat wearing sunglasses!

5:02 p.m.: Wondering if things and life are never a nerd's world, but a wealthy man's world. Thinking sure, we can't all be nerds(personality wise), but why are stereotypes, racism, and ignorance so prevailent? Why can't we all be a little more tolerant? Why isn't respect taught in schools? Why must they get rid of good teachers and principals and replace them with bad ones? Asking questions in an objective fashion without being consumed by the negativity associated with it. Feeling tingly.
5:05 p.m.: Feeling tingly. Is this drug sort of like focusyn from the simpsons? It's technically legal, so I'm not very worried.
5:08 p.m.: This feels rushy and focusy. Wired-like. Makes you feel like a different person. Occasional lost of train of thought. Time seems slow for some reason(like the world can't keep up with me. I feel speedy like the flash.).
5:11 p.m.: The music i usually listen to is still cool, but slow. It's cool though because I can process the depth of it. Everything almost seems to be like it's moving in slow motion. I feel like I want to rush through everything, do tons of mental work, and take on the world academically. I have a feeling that this is definitely something that works better if you're already smart. Making more spelling errors, but correcting them on the spot.
5:14 p.m.: I don't know if I've ever been this hyper in my life. Weird taste in mouth and thirsty, and also have to use the bathroom a little. Feeling pretty great. Thinking what should I do with so much spare time. Is this flash-ZT or something? Trip in progress. Talk about squeezing productivity out of yourself. I feel like I've been overclocked like a PC!
5:18p.m.: I'll update this progressively.
5:19p.m.: Feeling like every second counts and that time is money. Feels like time is SOLID GOLD! Feeling like I miss the good old days where anyone could become a success if they put enough effort. Thinking that as long as there's no mega-wealthy people and that science is robustly funded, a few rules here and there would be good. Freedom is good as long as no one takes advantage of one another. An intelligence race. Rules are needed, but not excessive rules. All work and no play leads to boredom. All play and no work leads to chaos and mayhem and laziness. There needs to be a balance. Society lost it's balance somewhere along the line.
5:24p.m.: We need more places with more music. We need funner teachers and sometimes more challenges. We need breaks once in a while. We need a society that respects ravers and overachievers and teaches us, but also teaches us to teach ourselves and think for ourselves. So many things can be done, but no one wants to do all the micromanaging associated with these things. Micromanagements.
5:27p.m.: Micromanaging is key? Perhaps, but there needs to be micromanaging that works in our favor and abolishes ignorance. Ignorance is a disease that society is infected with. That and greed by the mega-wealthy. As fellow human beings and brothers and sisters of this planet Earth, we must respect nature, abolish greed, bigotry, and runoff capitalism(some capitalism is ok, but not too much. It's very motivational to work and study for a better life, so long as everyone gets that chance regardless of economic or ethnic backgrounds). We must not be afraid to overachieve or become superhuman. Science can help. Good health and good eating can help. Exercise and parties and homework can help. We must go where no human could go before.
5:33p.m.: Do I feel limitless? Perhaps. Let's reach infinity! Still need videogames and homework I guess! Homework anyone? As long as it's fun homework and not boring homework. We need more parties. Society needs to legalize MDxx. I'm not saying to try any substance and I don't want to glorify anything. It's harm reduction! Also, my mind might be everywhere yet somehow focused. Like I could focus on the task at hand perhaps. Safety is cool, but so is the right to express ourselves in a mature manner. So many things going on I guess. WOW!
5:39p.m.: Figured out that some ego is good(to feed yourself, have confidence, be productive), but not arrogance. Too much ego is bad. How come some ego is good you ask? Because without it, you'll just sit there watching life go by without eating and you'll die. From the day we're born, we cry for our food, and adults protests injustices out of frustration and some ego(not too much ego).
5:43p.m.: I'll update this another day!
6:08p.m.: I'm at the computer lab. I kind of want the effects to wear off aready, but at the same time, not really. I don't like gangs and ganglike people, but as long as they don't cross me or bother me, I won't flip off. I seem to be objective about stuff though. I'm gonna stand up for myself.
6:19p.m.: I spoke what I felt and the comperter center manager helped. The 3 goons that were not behaving well left. There was no need for security to kick them out because they had at least a few brain cells to leave the place.
I was totally in "security guard" mentality for those monents. I said "either you act like adults, or you leave."
Is prolintane making me stand up for myself more and stand up for maturity and order? I stood up in a more mature manner instead of randomly of keeping to myself.
6:24p.m.: It feels a little nerve wrecking though. It's kind of like I'm becoming like that limitless guy. Am I thinking like a superhuman? I need invulnerability or indestructability though. It's like I'm doing things I would never do and doing them in ways that shock and scare me. It's like prolintane is making me think like a semi-sophisticated super soldier or something. Super soldier?
6:27p.m.: Prolintane scares me because what if I'm in a situation similar to the Limitless subway fight scene just because I give myself some value and think that I as a human being have a right to have a place that doesn't seem like a wrestling arena or an idiotic ape-fest? I wish I WAS indestructable so that if I have to face 20 or more people just to make an escape route, I could live to tell the tale.
6:31p.m.: On prolintane, I could do things I probably would never do. Those things established order, but they weren't me. "No the way it works".
I know how it works. I totally get it! You feel invincible! I want to really be invincible though.
6:33p.m.: Contemplating that in some ways, prolintane scared the crap out of me. What if I become a security guard in the future as a part time job? Prolintane is almost like super soldier serum for your mind and psyche.
6:36p.m.: Still can't believe how prolintane makes me have the sheer guts to give my mere mortal human self some value. Prolintane is freaky!
Like I said, some ego is good. I found some much needed ego and self confidence from prolintane. Maybe I'll shake off this PTSD after all! Huh? WHA!?! Confidence!?!?!
6:38p.m.: Still contenplating how I was a little scared, yet confident. Amazed at the cojones I grew at that time. I guess that's courage. Standing up for what's right even if the fear is consuming you alive.
6:40: Am I limitless? AM I!? Mentally yes! Confidently, absolutely. Prolintane totally acted like a living anti-freeze. It unfreezes in situations that would otherwise freeze you up.
6:41: Prolintane is amazing. Perhaps too amazing? Who cares, I never had this much guts in my life.
Prolintane = Guts!
6:42p.m.: I'm kind of scared of myself in this altered state. I'm amazed at myself, yes! However, I'm a little intimidated at this new self! What obstacles lie ahead?
6:44p.m.: Prolintane. A nootropic for sure. I know it's not NZT, but it could be close! In the way that you'll stand up for what's right. In that it gives you that surge of confidence you never had before. Maybe I could learn something from this alternate self.
6:46p.m.: Being proactive and having courage is the answer to combating ignorance! Could it be that I could learn something from me 2.0? SkyblueMolly learning stuff from SkyblueMolly 2.0? Maybe this has been a learning experience for me without even knowing it.
6:49p.m.: So much can be learned from our transcended versions of ourselves I guess, but the only way to learn from our transcended selves is to transcend in the first place. That is perhaps why governments keep all of us in lowered down, powerless, apathetic selves. Because they know that if we transcend, we would realize what needs to be done and try to take action with all the courage we can gather. They prevent transcendence and fuel ignorance and also a lack of confidence. They know that they can no longer centralize wealth and power if people have the guts to stand up for what's right. Too much learning experience for one day I guess.
6:54p.m.: Is this NZT-jr? I have to also mention that while it's not as hyper right now, it's still apparent. Like a background energy and confidence. Could the effects be starting to fade off slowly? Like a gradual comedown?
Prolintane is a tannish white powder that you mix in water or juice or soda. It's probably tannish white due to minor impurities. I measure it and mix with water and drink the solution. It taste awful though.