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Post your Piece!


Elfe Mécanique
haha lets see your collection of bongs, pipes, vaporizers, bubblers, whatever! post some pics!!
wow i got a free password to an email account...check the picture on the down left corner! :wink:
lol there's a mail with password...

edit: you were faster! I didn't refresh before posting :lol: .......................................... what are all those HAIRS on the hand anyway?!??
hahaha thats not even the password for the email account and the hairs from my wool sweater its a sweet sweater handknit in nepal man
:lol: sorry but it looks like overgrown pubes!

I cannot post my pipe because I lost it :(

I have to buy pre-rolled or make them myself...
i only have a homemade vape
I broke my bong about 3 weeks ago, gave my bubbler away and had to give someone my pipe for breaking their pipe. I could post a pic of a pack of papers and a rolling machine :p
lol mybe he is a sasquatch... lol what did you pay the nepali with?
???????? a dit:
:lol: sorry but it looks like overgrown pubes!

I cannot post my pipe because I lost it :(

I have to buy pre-rolled or make them myself...
prerolled? 8[

man, rolling is one of the best parts of smoking MJ ;) unfortunatly I don't do it anymore, as I'm not allowed to smoke tobacco, and rolling pure would be too hardcore.
Dantediv86 a dit:
lol what did you pay the nepali with?

the broken hearts of young children which i obtained during my quest for the lost text when i had to travel through the underworld battling many species of toad
heres my homemade vape.
homemade alright. How does it work??
you put stuff on bottom of lightbulb
take lighter
light it
put lighter on bottom of lightbulb
wait for vapour
put mouth on straw
inhale :o
enjoy :D
I had a bubble like that, but it wasn't very handy.
The substances burned in stead of vaped, i know, i was doing it wrong, but if i want to smoke i don't want to be busy all day :P
it will burn a little bit. but healthier then making a chery on the weed.
"The substances burned in stead of vaped, i know, i was doing it wrong, but if i want to smoke i don't want to be busy all day"

I supose thats relative to the amount of time a smoker might spend in hospital before he dies of lung problems ???
nice reply god.
Boys and girls , the photos are a bit very big . You can very easily resize them with nero so that they fit on the page .
how do u do that???????
I cant use my nero at the moment , but if you look at it with nero photo snap or photo viewer it gives you the opertunity to work on the picture . There you can resize it and save it . Then post the resized picture . Maybe someone elsse can explain it if you cant suss it , its very easy , just try it and see what happens . I cant use mine at the moment because i tried to update it to the new version from today and broke it off in the middle . Now it doesnt work . If no one explains i will do it later .