hes admitted intent to supply by saying he gave some to a mate, whether it was for money or not.
passing a joint or admitting to passing one, is supply also, always smoke ya own or at least say its yours if caught with one.
i know when the alarm bells ring because youve just been pulled with illegal substances the tendancy is to say, "its not mine!!", thats also good enough to say intent to supply because when you turn the sentence around, your gonna give it to someone..
the 8 8ths themselves he might have got away with saying it was 8 fiver deals and for personal use... always downplay the value.
if the cops gonna search you let them take it out your pocket, dont pass them it, its a dirty trick and you wont be laughing when u get charged with supplying a police officer with drugs!
he should have said, it was all his, there was 40 quids worth, its just shitty weed, he bought it like that, and walked away with a caution.