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[poem, kind of...] Thank you fellow travellers

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Ok, I don't have any writing skills, but I had this sudden expression wich I like to share with you (mainly because it also concerns you ;))
This is something I wrote in Dutch, so it is a translation:

Thankfull for everything

with new eyes watching the world

this physical expression of my soul finds itself on the virge of embracing itself with everything that is pure.

What kind of lesson will this bring allong?
Shall I be able to mentally contain it?

The piece of being of my essence that I am...
searching for the essence of and the connection with

the Self

On a journey to the core
and never alone

It is going to be a beautiful journey!

Thank you fellow travellers

Space-is-the-Place a dit:
It is going to be a beautiful journey!

Thank you fellow travellers

Coulnd't agree more. :D :D
dutch version? ^^

its nice in english at least! :lol:
Beautiful and while I know you shouldnt answer questions in poems, I couldnt resist but I know you want me to ;)

What kind of lesson will this bring allong?

Self realisation

Shall I be able to mentally contain it?

When you get there, you dont need to mentally contain it anymore ;)

Can I greet you with some letters, some bigger thenother

May flow thE spice bounTyfull on orAkis. and behGond.
And so it went.
History has it, we're into this together.
repeteated countless tiMEs.
Now stop and look around you!

HIstory told us the future of tomorrow
may flow the spice bouNtyfull on orakis. and behGond.
and so It went.
HiSTory Has it, wE're into thiS togetHer.
repeteated countless tImEs.
now sTop and look around you!
history tells us the future of tomorrow

The future is a nature technology symbiont
Why not see the magic.

Ah, there she is.

Miss Salvia, may I introduce you to Dimitri ?
Salvia; Dimitri,
Dimitri; salvia

This went trough my head when a friend told about Salvia.
When will we invent mind phones, let me know.
That would have been so much quicker.
metagaming IS the shit ..

.. and tell me when you've got them mindphones, i'll tell you tales from the future .. it's just about to be truth