GhostlyOne17 a dit:
Well you said go off Enivid, so I kinda did.
Yeah, intresting indeed, so thanks
. I kinda felt like the life we live is just an ellaborate illusion that is non-solid. So I don't see my flesh die, I see myself as an entity that only uses this vessel as of this moment - and everymonent of my waking life.
The deepest question I have yet to understand is - why am I aware now. And since I am aware and so happy with life, what is my purpose? I know my body needs more attention, and Im giving it the attention needed, but otherwise externally I've never made enemies and always sent positive energy and been forgiving my mistakes and foremost learning from them.
I always been thinking of my awareness and how life seems to go by. Since I am aware now, and not in the future, that means I haven't died and its meant. Like Morpheus says in the Matrix.
Still, all things seems to happen for a reason - cause my life ain't boring. It's fun and challangeing in a good positive way. But still, why am I aware, and how will things unfold. Is there a meaning in searching for answers in drugs?
I feel like drugs are tools to create a better reality, a better world, a more loving and peaceful world where we all are happy with and without drugs.
I believe Gaia has eyes in every corner of it's surface. I'm sure alot of you have gotten that feeling after a strong peak on mushrooms that everything is somehow ok, no matter what, that is my feeling.
Could you ellaborate that a little bit?
I feel like all we do is seen, watched, I think even I'm watching myself from the future, and maybe even trying to help me? But that would infringe on my free will, and now we're back to being aware now and not then
. And also free will and the choice too do something bad and die, and I'm not about to do something bad - I mean last time I did something bad I felt bad for I dunno how long, but too long
My question for you Enivid What do you do when 2012 passes and nothing happens.
Well, I do believe in the expression that we literally Create Our Own Reality. And this is based on basic fundamental laws that we have learned and adapted to.
But when we start to realise that we might share our awareness (we're all one), this does start implications on the notion that we create our own reality. This makes us co-creators.
And I see that the co-creator we have is the mainstream and its bullshit that brainwashes the general people into co-creating hate, wars, famine and unjustice.
So, when I look at 2012 I look at a self-fullfilling prophecy started by ancestors too help us become more aware of the notion that we're all one.
I must admit I had a vision once where is saw a new world to come.
A world being guided by the beat of the shaman drum.
Sounds cool, and we should take care of the visions, even if they never become true they are still enjoyable. I've always enjoyed others visions and ideas
Everybody got his own connection to what you call the divine source.
I do agree. And the reason is that nobody can be me, cause me is occupied, and that's my connection to the source. That we can say we're individuals but really we're the same at the source which is just expressing itself in different ways such as you and me.
When you recognise you´re own divinity, you will also see the divinity in others.
Yeah, this is what makes me feel sad, I see so much potential in my fellow people and they don't know that they could have it all. They struggle to survive and get poisoned by aspartame, flour and bad food such as McDonalds. I see the divine being in their eyes being torn away in fear and despair.
I haven't had a day of despair in over a year. But I've shed tears, tears of forgiving me and the world, forgiving cause that's what drugs have made me do. LSD had me cryin' when I came down, and it was tears of joy and sadness, but in a positive and loving way. I remember as a kid I used to cry sometimes over dead pets and girlfriends or us moving. It always felt nice to cry, I almost wanna do it know just thinking of it
. But no, I won't do it, I have no reason. I know all will be well, but there's still pieces of the puzzle missing and I guess patience is what this will learn, trying to solve the mysterious questions that never can be answered. But I do understand that we're all one, and we're all divine.
I don´t believe in UFO, 2012, Atlantis, hallow earth, reptilian, alien conspiracy´s.
I am sceptical to most of the stuff. What I do believe in is the power of entheogens.
Since my third eye works like my ordinary eyes retinas, I do believe in what I can see in my dreams. Why should that be anything more unreal then what I see in the "real world"? The only difference is the possibility of the unreal in the real world due to the laws and rules we've learned to obey (booth physics and social).
What do u guys think of magic like sorcery? Its said that if you believe in Voodo, you can be used as a voodoo doll for example. You can get "hexed" or what its called. I don't belive in it, but I guess the moment you do, it can be used on you. And science today proves we create our own reality, and magic mushrooms can give us deep connection with the divine source - how can we not then use this to help make this world a more peaceful place? Im off in my imagination now, but think of an army of peaceful people not believin' in death but just a moment, and if we're aware - how can we die? Since I rather die then live in this life and its strife, cause afterlife is a better place, and I can't die, it must mean that this life will be great. And we're learning that with todays spirituality, knowledge sharing and science
peace and love!
- Enivid