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Please help me identify a salvia plant i found in my area in australia??

Can someone please help me identify a salvia plant i found growing in my town, i understand the only salvia divinorum plant comes only from the mountains of mexico but I'm pretty sure this is the right plant i have found. Salvia is illegal in australia so i'm unable to buy it, but if i have found the correct plant can someone please shed some light?? I'm new to sally d but i have done a lot of research, i've smoked the leaves and made a crude extract with acetone but i'm still only reaching 'S' on the 's-a-l-v-i-a' scale... I am new to the beautiful sally plant but the more i learn about it, the more I'm intrigued and want to try it :) The stems in the photo's are hollow and square..
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i dont think so. salvia leaves are eye shaped, these are spade shaped. also, these leaves are too textured. salvia leaves are smoother. it very well could be of the salvia genus, but to my knowledge it is not divinorum.
firstly thankyou, for your input ophiuchus and bugger that's a shame, i thought i had the right 1 4 about a week there. I've found a few different species but none matched this 1 because of the hollow square stem which i've researched is a dead give away 2 the divinorum, guess i need 2 do more research, perhaps buy some books, also that explains why smoking my extract didn't do much lol. so by 'eye' shaped do u mean more circular? and by 'texture' of the leaves, do u mean smoother like plastic'y no hairs?? or?? I've looked at alot of pics, and have read about the divinorum alot but nothing compares to seeing and touching the real thing which i haven't done, hence "generally people can't learn everything from books." I'm sure you get that. So in your opinion can you please describe the stem and leaves 4 me? what they feel like and any certain distinguishing features that separates the divine sage from its large look-alike family 4 me please?? I'm guessing you have seen a live divinorum?? A googled divinorum picture says a thousand words but i need someone's personal description from their own eyes. where there's a will there's a way so i believe i'll eventually get some cuttings ordered over the internet, i've already found out a friend of a friend got some discreetly through the mail, smokable fortified extract i mean, so i'll get my hands on some eventually i think. I've read the laws and consequences and weighed up if it's worth trying to order or not. From what I've learnt about the plant, especially peoples personal encounter's with the indescribable remarkable experiences, I've weighed up, it's worth the try and I'll accept the consequences if i get caught, It's well worth it i think :) plus i'd love to argue in court about how great the plant is, such as it's medicinal purposes that have been used for thousands of years...anyway thankyou again ophiuchus please get back to me when you have time and any1 else please feel free to comment, the more knowledge the merrier :)
when i say eye-shaped i dont mean spherical, rather the classic, elongated shape with the points at either end. other than that i am no expert. perhaps make a visit to your local library and see if you can find a book on botany, or plant taxonomy. sage plants are very common so finding info on their physical traits and habitats should not be tough.
Not salvia divinorum. I grow it, this seems like a salvia officinalis strain.