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Piracetam ; Journal

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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I was talking to someone recently who'd lent a friend a lot of money to set up a smart drugs company.

The company failed and the owner disappeared without paying any of it back.

I also keep forgetting to take my intelligence enchancer. :D
i've messed with piracetam on and off since '06, by itself, and with a slew of compounds. it's reported to increase membrane permeability, so as to enhance bioavailability of some compounds. it's hydrophilic, so it does not readily pass the BBB

i fav aniracetam enough to where oxiracetam seems like a waste of money, as it's considerably more expensive. ani is lipophilic (as is oxi), and noticeable within 20 mins of taking it. downside is half-life, about 2 hrs. tried ani several times with mushrooms and dmt, it definitely kicks it into high gear, no placebo there. just beware of apathy when taking aniracetam by itself

for me, vivid elocution on either piracetam or aniracetam becomes more fluid and effortless, a nice perk that isn't present with ritalin or adderall
though racing thoughts are also inherent to these compounds
my suggestion is, take it when needed, preferably with alpha-gpc (one of the more effective choline precursors)
I have taken around 7 grams a day, both at once and over a few hours. I have never 'felt' anything, besides a loss of vocabulary, which I find is in direct constrast to your post.

I'm not sure if there is a direct correlation between vocabulary loss and piracetam, but it seems so. I have about 200 grams left of the stuff, and I'm not really excited to take it in conjunction with anything, but I may attempt ani or oxi in the future.

alpha-gpc I haven't heard of, I have just been taking acetyl choline & choline bitartrate.

I think neurology is just getting to the point where we can start really analyzing and designing helpful drugs. Still, I am a strong advocate for natural, these nootropics seems like a fresh start for some neurological medicine.

I'm just waiting for them to become controlled by the FDA.

*I feel like on ritalin I speak fluently to people I know well. However, nervousness does seem to take over in front of a class.
then perhaps consider the original chill-pill, propranolol. it's not habit-forming like benzos, and is particularly effective when one must perform or speak in front of people.
keep in mind, the racetams affect people differently, obviously. they are most noticeable when you're in a mental funk, caused by excessive drinking, pot-smoking, or what have you.

I'm not a fan of dopamine reuptake inhibitors, which adderall, ritalin, and cocaine are. the crash isn't worth it, imo; big pharma and industry favor such compounds because productivity is the bottom line. the repercussions are drastic changes in mood.
I favor racetams because of their low toxicity; in particular, the AMPAkines, such as CX717 and the like, show real promise, and I hope research continues with this novel class. the AMPA-glutamate receptors are directly correlated to learning and cognition.
"it's not habit-forming like benzos"

True in the sense that there is no euphoria. However, beta-blockers when used regularly cause a physical dependence - upon cessation of its use, there is a dangerous rebound in blood pressure. But, when used sporadically for stage-fright and the like, there isn't an issue and nothing else comes close in effectiveness.
Hmm, thats interesting.

I haven't taken addirol, and it's addictive properties scare me away. I know its effectiveness can vary ritalin in giving focus and motivation though...

This epinepherine inhibitor seems interesting to me though. I choke hardcore on stage - ritalin helps me speak, and keeps me focused and in-depth in the subject, however, my tension can sky rocket on doses of 2.5mg or more...

Maybe I'll speak to my doc about that stuff. You need a prescription right?

MAN Just loading myself up with shit I don't know enough about. :D
IAS sells Inderal* without an Rx

(*do not take propranolol if you are susceptible to type-2 diabetes)
Bought some. cheap as dirt too, sept the shipping doesn't make it worth it... Damnit.

Ohwell thanks for the heads up. I will make sure to increase my chances for type 2 diabetes.
I tried asking a psychiatric team for some Valium at one point. They wouldn't give it to me. :D

I was asking for it because I continually end up incredibly tense and stressed out. When I was asking for it, I was clenching my hands together so often and so hard I'd blistered the palms of my hands where my fingers where pressing into the skin. I usually have to get absolutely shit face drunk, on a regular basis, to stop it.

But I know a lot of drugs that relax people are also addictive. I'd still really love to try some valium, I can't describe how stressed out I am a lot of the time. And drinking a weeks worth of units on a daily basis is a terrible idea. Using either weed or alcohol like that wrecks my body, costs a fortune and results in my lying around in a mini-coma.

I'm off the alcohol for now. But, from previous experience, my mind is a ticking time bomb once it's not chemically distracted. And if a psychiatric team aren't going to give me something for it, I'm not sure who will. They keep telling me to try chilling out and maybe doing some breathing exercises. I'm all for simple solutions first, but I think I'd know if that worked by now! Having tried multiple (often extreme) methods of getting rid of it.

I've had draws full of boxes of anti-depressants and anti-psychotics, but they do absolutely fuck all. So I stopped taking them.

I have spent a lot of my time thinking about killing myself. Not because I'm depressed, but because I'm so angry that I can't get rid of the stress.

It's not drug induced either, I've been like that since I was born apparently (one of my parents said I used to sit in the cot clenching my hands together). Tripping actually helps get rid of it for a while.

In terms of intelligence enhancing drugs, I do think it's a very interesting idea. I just don't think they've got the neurobiology of it down yet. The reported effects are all over the place and polar opposites a lot of the time.

If I were designing them, I'd start looking at things like up-regulating the production and release of neurotransmitter esterases, which should increase the bandwidth across the synapses. Maybe I should have a chat with Alex S. about that, although I think he's disappeared for a while.

I would suggest obtaining a prescription of Xanax XR or something of that sort. it is an extended release version designed to keep a controlled level in your body, so the peaks and valley of the drug don't exist. It reduces the addictive potential and also stabilizing nicely.

The last thing you should be doing with anxiety is to be taking any sort of stimulants - even of the methylenedioxy kind.
So, I've got about:
500mg Oxiracetam
500mg Aniracetam
1g piracetam
inside o'me.

I just feel like I could concentrate so hard I would blow up. End of post.