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pineal gland ?Question?

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Alpiniste Kundalini
3 questions.

Q 1:Does any one know, is the Pineal Gland always active a little?

Q 2: does any one know the Doses given to the patients during the tests documented for the book 'DMT the spirit molecule'?

Q 3:does any one know what type of DMT is released naturally from the pineal gland?
1 question.

why are you asking these questions??

i dunno lol the first question somehow reminds me a bit of the concept/idea of synchronicity or so...
no idea for the other questions sorry lol.... i know a little bit about brain chemistry, but DMT is still
a great mystery to me. :)
as far as i understand the pineal gland has got to do with light and the hair...

i was just wondering what role the pineal gland has.
as even doctor Strassman seemed not 100% sure in the documentary, i think?
but i have not ever opened the book 'DMT the spirit molecule' maybe i should.

i know many people think it is active during death, or when the body believes death is inevitable, but this statement is never mentioned in the movie, i suppose this may never be able to be proved with factual data, accounting the situations needed.

And i think it is fact that the pineal gland is first activated at, '48-9days?' conception, bringing with this action the first signs of life in the fetus making it a baby.

in the movie Dr. Strassman, mentions a theory of its role in everyday life, just a little activeness in the pineal gland, and we get our awareness of reality. but i dont think he had investigated this?

Has anyone read the book?????
my friend borrowed it off a friend before the movie and i was like, oh my god you have 'the spirit molecule' book but it was massive and i did not go further than a look.


then i thought, i wonder if it is Pure DMT that is excreted from our pineal gland, or a similar molecule like 5-meo-DMT or i dont know there must be millions of DMT type molecules?

and naughtily i thought i have tried dmt a bunch of times, but not in a while so was thinking brave now, and my friend she is a registered nurse and i have pure crystal, i have NEVER used a needle, aha but maybe she could ya know shoot a little in me??
its crazy i know, but if i ever did use a needle it would have to be some crazy reason.

i hate needles, scared shit-less of them.
i have had a bunch of blood tests, we all have, and drips and been shot up with Morphine a hand full of times in hospital, so i basically have done it before lol.

i thought if i ever did use a needle it would have to be DMT,,, or a perfect mixture of, pure LSD-25+Ketamine+cocaine Plrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Reeaaaggggghghghhhhhhhh

ahaa :rolleyes:
I just thought imagine if the pineal gland was always slightly active, releasing controlled % of DMT,

and this DMT release was the base function of life

So before every other function there is this DMT release that fuels everything else?

So before metabolism, before blood flow, before senses, before nervous system, before brain function, And just before electric conductivity energy is this -DMT-

thats trippy aye
to put it simple, spiritual reality is disregarded a lot. so the pineal gland in some sense is disregarded also.
ignorance has been ruling humanity for a long time. in some sense i would even say we still live in the
dark ages... a main aspect of that is that a lot of people only can see shit too one-sided.

BrainEater a dit:
to put it simple, spiritual reality is disregarded a lot. so the pineal gland in some sense is disregarded also.
ignorance has been ruling humanity for a long time. in some sense i would even say we still live in the
dark ages... a main aspect of that is that a lot of people only can see shit too one-sided.
True say man.

All I know is that the pineal gland is supposed to be responsible for awareness, spirituality and dreaming. Those are all important functions of the brain and of the person, and FLUORIDE is known for damaging this physically, so avoid toothpaste with sodium fluoride in it, and check if your local water supply is fluoridated. If it is, there are walter filtering systems out there, just search on google :)

Also, brainwashing (TV, Media, Propaganda, and now today the shittest music on the planet), the 5 day a week to shcool educational system where the government pressurizes teachers to make their students get good grades, which ends up putting a too large of a workload on students as well as a lot of stess (fact, I know it to be like this in England and in France, not too sure how it is in other places though, to be honest).

If you think you've been affected, try taking LSD. And no, sir, I am not even joking.
Won't fix any physical damage, mostly caused by GMO foods and fluoride, but it has the potential to give you a huge milestone in your understanding and perspective of things. Worked for a lot of peole, including myself, Lemmy (from Motorhead), Robert Scott Weinrich, Frank Zappa, and a lot of the hippies back in the 60s. They weren't dumb junkies in colourful pyjamas (although that would be pretty hilarious ^^). They were just a new generation of people who realised that there was a lot more to life, to our planet and to this universe which we live in than most people thought or realised.
Then you wonder why it was made illegal to the public. Ha.
yeah man... if i had the opportunity i would take LSD for sure. i think the 60s and 70s were a wave or so... now we can observe what it did to the ocean when the wave rolled back... probably a lot of good things, but also bad things... in some way just another pair of glasses to view reality.. but we all know how much that can change...

i can tell you what the deepest reasons for things like the anti-drugs movement are. they don't want us to wake up.
it's just really sad... they sold their souls to the commercialism and capitalism religion. and they even think it is the
only right thing to do, so they want us to do that, too.
but that's the point where we have to be able to say "until there and no further". something like that.
we have to wake up. if we would all work together and not just pretend to do so, maybe we could change things,
faster than we may think. we have to realize that we are being played out against each other...
the serious question we have to ask ourselves is why it could help everyone if we worked together.
we live in the same environment, the same planet and nature.
that's why we are going into another social revolution that will show people what it means to care... a tough lesson for
many. :? :x :

the lies movement wants us to destroy ourselves. but we can look through that... the duality of things etc etc...
and we can choose our own path. just be honest and loving to your self. know yourself etc etc... :) :wink:

hmm i think the concept of free energy can also be seen symbollically... the power of thought is held hostage by a lot
of mental prisons... but i think free energy holds certain risks, too... for example the abuse of power. but as society
evolves by being given challenges, these risks can also potentially be reduced.

btw on topic: have you studied the pineal gland symbollism?? i think it's something like a gland comparable to the
function of a penis LOL.... at least in some sense or so.... but i don't like such analogys's at al basically, it's just a thought, i am not saying it is like that at all... maybe more like flowers or so... well as far as i can understand thought is like a bridge
between the unmanifested and the manifested, and the pineal gland has got to do with thoughts so yeah.. it would make some sense lol... but it's stupid...
