i was just wondering what role the pineal gland has.
as even doctor Strassman seemed not 100% sure in the documentary, i think?
but i have not ever opened the book 'DMT the spirit molecule' maybe i should.
i know many people think it is active during death, or when the body believes death is inevitable, but this statement is never mentioned in the movie, i suppose this may never be able to be proved with factual data, accounting the situations needed.
And i think it is fact that the pineal gland is first activated at, '48-9days?' conception, bringing with this action the first signs of life in the fetus making it a baby.
in the movie Dr. Strassman, mentions a theory of its role in everyday life, just a little activeness in the pineal gland, and we get our awareness of reality. but i dont think he had investigated this?
Has anyone read the book?????
my friend borrowed it off a friend before the movie and i was like, oh my god you have 'the spirit molecule' book but it was massive and i did not go further than a look.
then i thought, i wonder if it is Pure DMT that is excreted from our pineal gland, or a similar molecule like 5-meo-DMT or i dont know there must be millions of DMT type molecules?
and naughtily i thought i have tried dmt a bunch of times, but not in a while so was thinking brave now, and my friend she is a registered nurse and i have pure crystal, i have NEVER used a needle, aha but maybe she could ya know shoot a little in me??
its crazy i know, but if i ever did use a needle it would have to be some crazy reason.
i hate needles, scared shit-less of them.
i have had a bunch of blood tests, we all have, and drips and been shot up with Morphine a hand full of times in hospital, so i basically have done it before lol.
i thought if i ever did use a needle it would have to be DMT,,, or a perfect mixture of,
pure LSD-25+Ketamine+cocaine Plrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Reeaaaggggghghghhhhhhhh