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Philosophers Stones...HELP!!!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion ACid_BuRN
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Alpiniste Kundalini
Hello Mushy People!!!
I received my package of Philosophers Stones today(30 grs),but i don't really know a lot about these mushies,so i was wondering if any of of you guys cold help me on this,based on your personal info and experiences.I've searched through the web on info about them,but i can't find anything accurate.I´m familiar with Cubensis and LsD,so i'm thinking about taking 15grs of this fresh ones.How different are these ones,from the cubensis?
Are they weaker than the Cubensis?How long and how should i store them safely,without losing potency?Are there any other ways of taking them,besides eating?
What would you advise?
hehe 15 gramms is a good start ( 20 should be max to feel somthing )

i took 5 gramms and it was just ok ( not enouf : /forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif )

5 gramms i had feelings like the Cubensis , but that

depends with every person /forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
You can keep them fresh in the fridge for 2-3 weeks. The best way to comsume is just to eat them. As good dose for a more experienced user would be 10-20 grams, so 15 sounds good te me. You can expect a happy, long lasting, non-visual trip. /forum/images/graemlins/dancing222.gif My own trip on the philosopher stones lasted for 6 hours. I took only 10 grams so the trip was not so strong. Also important is that the taste is 10 times better that the taste of the other psycoactive mushrooms! Good luck /forum/images/graemlins/hug.gif
Hello Guys!thanks for the hints on the stones.But i think i screwed up this ones ,cause i received them on friday,and only today i've put them in the fridge,i kept them inside the box but when i looked they got all white!!!Does this "white stuff" that looks like fungus,mean that this ones are somehow contaminated and are history??? /forum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
I had some philosophers stones a while back. I kept them in the fridge for about a week. They went white anyway. The trip was dandy so dont worry you should be OK. I think they are quite robust little fellers anyway!
Thanks,i´ll give them a try then.What do you mean by "dandy" trip?
thanks again.
Dandy is a secret tripping language we use in the UK.

Only joking. Actually it means fine/good.
hello mushy people!
Ok,i thought that it meant that the trip was not so good.
I´m going for them,maybe tonight... /forum/images/graemlins/cool.gifi´ll let you know about the trip,afterwards.Thanks a lot,guys!
I can't wait for you to post you tripping details. That's the 2nd best part (besides actually doing it). Don't forget to post how much you consumed.

Philosopher stones : a very smooth en
easy trip with very much color but no 'mindfuck' as it can be on mexican shrooms.
Very fun, also in low dose at a rave or in a bar.
9 grams gives me a 'normal' trip and 18 grams a more strong one.
Hello!Well the trip was preety smooth and soft,not even close to the cubensis,but very nice with a dreamy like feeling and very intense body/mind feeling of inner peace and pleasure.I took them on an empty stomach,in my house with two of my bandmates,and after we took the shrooms we picked up the instruments and started playing until it came on...and when it did,we had to stop because the intense relax/pleasure felling was so that we started laughing like mads about it.The trip was not visually and mind intense but it was a long one too and we all enjoyed it a lot,because of that difference of trip from the mexicans,Ph.Sts are different but very good too. /forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif /forum/images/graemlins/cool.gif
I found exactly the same thing with Philosophers Stones. Very easy and mellow and quite smooth. Not at all mind bending and although visual this was slight and quite different from cubensis.
that's also what I think of stones.
I only had 10g, next time 15g...
You can expect a happy, long lasting, non-visual trip.

Non visual trip?? and what about all the waving, and auras around the lights, and 3d mutant and moving patterns? i know it was NOT my imagination... :blobber: you can even feel nausea, if you try to "freeze" what you see. Or see the "usual reality". Depending on the way you react, phil sotnoes can be VERY visual, even in low doses.
What! Philosopher's Stone no mindfuck? No Hallucinations? Hahahahaha! Well, i get siriusly fucked up by eating one third of a 'trip', which is i guess something like 8 grams. Heavy shit indeed. Its Mexicans and Hawaians that make me more giggly and make colors more intense. Still its funny to see that these things seem to be so different for everyone.