Philip Morris' devious new cigarette

braineater, nicotin is a neurotoxin which can be used as a pesticide. and it is not added to the tobacco, we were talking about other chemicals:
- acetone

there are more than 4000 (yes, thousands) chemicals on the tobacco. and that includes DDT (with double D :wink: ), toluene, naphtalene...quit that fucking shit. tobacco is not a friend, it is a vermin that feeds on you until you are nothing but a dry and sick zombie. "friends don't lean on each other", as someone said.
yeah thats why i prefer smoking natural tobacco. also i think when not smoking too much it's not too bad, but anyway it depends on everyone. there are people who die from lung cancer after a fear years of smoking and there are people who smoke their entire lives and have "kind of" a good health...also i think the lung is supposed to regenerate itself completely in maximum 7 years.
Water extractions of tobacco was used to kill roaches and other bugs
back in the old days before synthetic chemical pesticides became prevalent.

Did you know that the CIA trains it's agents to be able to make an improvised poison for assasination purposes 'in the field', out of
nail polish remover ( acetone ) and cigarette butts?

Nicotine is added to cigarettes to enhance it's addictive qualities, by companies such as Philip Morris, et al.....

....and those fuckers have been sued, and lost, countless tomes, their legal tactics are EXACTLY the same as exxons, or budweisers, for that matter;

deny, obfuscate, and disinformation propaganda. :twisted:
braineater, i used to think like that. "i smoke a good brand, it isn't as bad as the rest of it". "i smoke one or two cigarrettes a day, it can't be that harmful". "the lung regenerates, and since i'm not a heavy smoker, everything's fine". i tasted my first cigar when i was 9. i loved it. i smoked until my 12 years. then i stopped. then, i restarted when i was 15 or 16, and smoked easily a pack every week. then, a pack every few days. then, i turned 18, and i felt real happy, because i could do whatever i wanted. i started smoking a pack a day. then, two packs a day. then, three packs a day. when tobacco prices started to go up and up, i changed to hand-rolled tobacco, which i smoked for 4 years. perhaps i am not the most respectful person to talk about this, since i only have quitted smoking a month ago, but i guarantee you: once you see the true evil of the tobacco industry, you'll never touch a cigarrette again.
now, i don't get it why i doesn't even get you high. it is a waste of money and of health.
yeah daytripper its true what you say. but i think the tobacco (rolling cigarettes) i smoke is really good... also i don't smoke as much as you probably did... just whenever i feel like smoking :D but well it's like maybe 5-10 cigs on a day if any at all. i smoke weed and i don't smoke when smoking weed. well obviously i am "smoking" when smoking weed, but i mean i do not apart of that, smoke when i'm high. :weedman: but for sure it's kind of a waste of money, but most of the times i smoke i enjoy smoking so it's alright i guess. i mean it might sound stupid to say "i don't smoke because of addiction, i smoke because i enjoy/like it", because some people would say then that i'd only like it, because of the addiction and the releasing of the drug in the brain and therefore the goodfeeling. well whatever :D

i'd like to know more about what i said earlier (EDIT: about the legalization program of tobacco companyes), maybe it was just a rumor
but i remembere reading it on a local "legalization"paper that was comparing the harmfullness of smoking in general and was advertizing the non-smoke use of marijuana and such.
ps i grow Nicotiana Rustica and i just need to handle the leaves to go to la-la-land. i also use a water extraction concentrated to kill bugs like spice said
therefore i never smoke it not even when i have to charge my bong.
seriously smoking tobacco is bad
also because it's a plant very subject to parassites and therefore it needs constant care.
big companies don't have the time so they spray lot of shit on the plantation.
not only that they have slaves like the cocoa and coffe plantations and they handle the leaves
i also saw a documentary on Indonesian Tobacco and it's kinda scary to see the workers condition due to tobacco handling and use(chewing) and how they get addicted :shock:
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Not all current research claims that. Some might point out that there are higher concentrations of certain chemicals in the smoke which are carcinogenic,

I totally agree with you, but those negative articles are the ones that get the press. Also you never see the negative article talking about vapos or other methods of using mary jane.

To be fair I've never been addicted to cigs so I can't really vouch one way or another. I smoke one now and then (like once a week or so) and usually enjoy the rush.. but if I don't smoke for a while, I don't feel the overwhelming urge to do it again. I do notice that it affects me mentally, i sometimes feel somewhat emotionally drained the day after, and for this reason alone it makes me want to do it less. I think the natives who used tobacco for ceremonial purposes must have thought the white men were pretty strange for smoking that stuff multiple times per diem. Yuck!

The only drug I've ever felt the strong urge to do over and over again is LSD, to the point that I've had periods of weeks on end dreaming about it every single night and getting shaky and depressed because there was none available anywhere. And I've only done it maybe 7-8 times :D But the drug is not addictive supposedly, it must be purely psychological, as I genuinely enjoy the mental state of being on LSD, it is like pure bliss for me. Go figure?! Gawd if I ever find a sheet someday :D
BrainEater a dit:
i think the lung is supposed to regenerate itself completely in maximum 7 years.

Could be possible.
But if you smoke for a very long time (let's say for 40 years) and/or smoke very much (let's say 2/3 packages a day), then i think that you've made it very difficult for your lungs, not to mention how hard it will be for you to quit smoking.
daytripper a dit:
there are more than 4000 (yes, thousands) chemicals on the tobacco. and that includes DDT


if anyone is looking for a serious reason to quit smoking (braineater!!) then research if your brand sprays/has sprayed this shit in their product!

Seriously, this substance is EVIL! it's like the first modern pesticide and it's classified as "moderately toxic" but it more than makes up for it with it's disastrous effects when exposed to it for a sufficient period of time. It doesn't occur naturally (all man made) and since its synthesis it's been widely used for it's effectiveness in killing things! It's also known to be a Persistent Organic Pollutant which means that long after people started banning it after realizing the poison it is for the planet it continued to exist in the fat tissues of animals! there is a "grasshopper effect" by which DDT moves vast distances thanks to the food chain and it remains in cold climates because it's harder for it to volatilize in cold temperatures so it's been found to go as far as Antarctica!

The Stockholm Convention banned DDT and other 11 chemicals for this reasons, but it's been used illegally anyway.

I know all this because of a paper I was assigned in a course I took, and because of Wikipedia :wink:

I understand when young people smoke, everybody does it, it's not frowned upon but rather encouraged by society, many reasons more, I smoked my share in the past BUT seriously, when you educate yourself on the subject you see that there is no reasonable reason to continue poisoning yourself with this shit.

Yes, nicotine it's quite effective as a pesticide but one should see no further than the fact that nicotine is an antiherbivore chemical, a defense mechanism, plants actually produce this shit to keep YOU at bay!!
There is no legalise it campaign financed by tabaco firms to my knowledge . Cigaret companys have owned patents on marijuana cigarets since at least the middle of the 1970s . It was in several news papers and canabis magazines . Reynolds and Philip Morris were two of them .

"As most current research is claiming that smoking cannabis is more carcinogenic than smoking tobacco"

No they dont . Those studys are about canabis smoked with tabaco and only say that tabaco is even more dangerous if mixed with canabis . Two of those studys were made in Australia and New Zealand . The one was done with 79 people and the other with 10 so they can not be taken seriously . Some pseudo studys keep bringing up the fact that canabis contains more carcinogens than tabaco . It has been proved that tabaco causes cancer , the same has not been proved with canabis . Remember that some carcinogens are more carcinogenic than others and that canabis doesnt contain nicotin or radioactivity wich are the main reasons that tabaco causes cancer .
So it's a typical case of sensationalist journalism then. But this "cannabis is more carcinogenic than nicotine" story is starting to pop up all over the web..
"this "cannabis is more carcinogenic than nicotine" story is starting to pop up all over the web.."

This is the bigest problems with the net , it can be manipulated very easily and its not a reliable source of facts . We should reply in every forum , and anywhere else that we have the chance to , and bring up the facts , opinions and questions that have been raised here and in other threads on the same subject on this forum .
GOD a dit:
Some pseudo studys keep bringing up the fact that canabis contains more carcinogens than tabaco . It has been proved that tabaco causes cancer , the same has not been proved with canabis .

You nailed it right there.
isn't cannabis-effects supposed to be anti-carcinogenic??
GOD a dit:
"this "cannabis is more carcinogenic than nicotine" story is starting to pop up all over the web.."

This is the bigest problems with the net , it can be manipulated very easily and its not a reliable source of facts . We should reply in every forum , and anywhere else that we have the chance to , and bring up the facts , opinions and questions that have been raised here and in other threads on the same subject on this forum .

I've tried that a couple of times, but people who are against cannabis, just assume that the few studies that show that cannabis increases the chance on cancer are right and will not listen to any study showing otherwise. Plus I fail to come up with a good overview of these studies. Does anyone know a webresource that has reliable information on this? I do have a book called Understanding Marijuana that is fairly balanced on this, but it is hard to get people who are against cannabis to read this.
isn't cannabis-effects supposed to be anti-carcinogenic??
Yes, the herb itself, and the smoke, contains anti-carcinogenic compounds.
But the smoke also contains carcinogenic compounds.
So cannabis smokers expose themselves to both carcinogenic and anti-carcinogenic compounds.
Tobacco smokers only expose themselves to carcinogenic compounds.
And those who eat or vaporize cannabis only (or mainly) expose themselves to the anti-carcinogenic compounds.

And then it again depends on which type of cannabis you use, and which part: high quality bud, or crap that mainly contains stems and leaves.
You know what made me into a real nicotine junkie? Smoking bong hits with tobacco. Often a lot of tobacco (like 3/4 tobacco and 1/4 weed or hash). I damn myself now for doing it. I really knew I was hooked on nicotine when I quit smoking cigarettes at home and smoked only bong hits instead. Even without weed, when I just wanted that nicotine hit. It was that step from relatively under control to "I NEED IT" - just like when someone who sometimes snorts coke starts smoking crack...

The bad thing about nicotine addiction is that the only thing I like about it seems to be the addiction itself: the build-up of that craving, then taking that first breath, aaaah. One second of joy, then it's basically over and you can wait for the craving to build up again. I don't even like the actual effects of the smoke - like when I have my first cigarette of the day I often throw it away after two or three breaths because it makes me dizzy. The only thing I'm hooked to is that first millisecond of joy-rush in my brain. It's pathetic...
I'm hoping that with more and more people quitting and less places where you're allowed to smoke it will become easier to quit. I once quit for over half a year and started again because most of my friends were smoking and at my new work almost everybody was smoking as well.