Philip Morris' devious new cigarette

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
If you've ever stood in the cold, sucking smoke into your lungs to get your fix of nicotine, or if you've ever walked through those toxic clouds to enter or exit a building, you know the addictive power of nicotine. So do the tobacco executives. Their latest idea is a shorter, more potent smoke that will dose you faster and get you back inside to work. What a concept: quicker addiction for greater productivity.

The new cigarette is Marlboro Intense. The chief executive of Philip Morris International was proudly smoking one of them for a Wall Street Journal story this week about its new products and strategies. Right now, it's available in Turkey, but don't be surprised if it turns up in this country too.

In the United States, Philip Morris tries to portray itself as a responsible company that will somehow both sell you cigarettes and help you quit smoking. At the same time, however, it is spinning off Philip Morris International as a separate company from the parent Altria Group, to gain more flexibility in lucrative, wide-open foreign markets. The future of nicotine addiction is in countries such as China and Indonesia. In that island nation, they sell Marlboro Mix 9, a flavored cigarette with double the normal jolt of the drug.

Those countries should protect the health of their citizens by implementing the World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, signed by 152 nations - not including ours, a major tobacco power.

One thing we can do here is urge Congress to pass long-pending legislation to allow the FDA to regulate nicotine. That's the only way to defend against Philip Morris' bringing to the United States some of the death-dealing innovations that it's trying out overseas. Without real regulation, too many Americans will succumb to the lethal addiction-sellers.

Source: Newsday
I believe they should outlaw all cigarettes. They are among one of the most dangerous substances on this plant, and they are legal. They should just fill those cigarettes with Marijuana instead :D
^I hope you're being ironic. Outlawing a drug doesn't help, you know.
user_1919 a dit:
I believe they should outlaw all cigarettes. They are among one of the most dangerous substances on this plant, and they are legal.
won't solve the problem. instead, there will be a whole lot of crime.
edit: fork was faster :(

What an idiotic idea. people won't smoke less, their body will get used to these amounts of nicotine. I think it will only be harder for some people to stop smoking..
misery a dit:
What an idiotic idea. people won't smoke less, their body will get used to these amounts of nicotine. I think it will only be harder for some people to stop smoking..

That's not idiotic... They are masters at drug-dealing
These company's are as sick as hell, there killing humans and or animals with their stupid money profits. It's really sad to know that they filling the longs of helpless and defenseless laboratory animals. In these last decades they have killed thousands of animals for these killing cigarettes and all the other products which are made by these huge company's like Marlboro.

I think that the most people start smoking tabaco in their school days , as a sort of sign , "look at me i am smoking , i must be grown up" . Then they get adicted and become even bigger loosers . I am always amazed when i see some stinking asoicial junkie masturbating themselves with tabaco who dont realise that their taste buds and sense of smell are dead , that they are killing themselves and the people around them and that they dont come over as cool because they stink like a dustbin from 2 meters away . Every time i have to get in a lift i demostrativly hold the doors open and take a good smell first and if the people inside stink i refuse to get in and walk up the stairs . This often causes a scene when the people in the lift ask me why i wont get in and i say because of the tabaco stink , and that if i did i would have to wash my clothes and have a bath afterwards . I think that smoking tabaco would soon stop if there were adverts on TV where people smoking were labled as stinking , asocial junkies .

Last year i had a computer to repair and i had to put it on the balkony because it was covered in a yello film , made my living room STINK and every time i came within 2 meters of it i got tears in my eyes .

In New Zeland they have just started testing ekectric cigaretts with no tabaco in them . They are a sort of mini vaporiser wich contain nicotin .
GOD a dit:
In New Zeland they have just started testing ekectric cigaretts with no tabaco in them . They are a sort of mini vaporiser wich contain nicotin .
my stepdad has such a thing.
for one part, it looks ridiculous because there is a red led which lights up if you suck at the "cigarette". it looks like a toy.
and there is waaayyy too much nicotine in it.
+ it stinks too, though not as much and in a different way. anyway, it stinks.

I think it's shocking if you count up how much money people actually spend on tobacco.
when my dad stopped smoking he made an excel-sheet where he constantly calculates the money which he otherwise would have spent on cigs (1 pack a day). unbelievable how much this is.
edit: I calculated it (assuming that marlboro cost 4€), it's ten years ago: 14.600€
Cigarette companies are pretty evil to be sure (no more than any other corporation), but considering cigarettes are becoming effectively banned more and more these days, here in Canada in some places even in private apartments and public parks (and all public outdoor areas in some towns), and the number of smokers is rapidly decreasing in this generation, it is becoming far less of a worry, although these laws are going way over the top... Here in my city all the middle eastern shisha/hooka bars had to close, these were places that people who don't do any other drugs engaged in a cultural tradition..

As most current research is claiming that smoking cannabis is more carcinogenic than smoking tobacco, whatever restrictions affect tobacco will affect cannabis as well.
As most current research is claiming that smoking cannabis is more carcinogenic than smoking tobacco, whatever restrictions affect tobacco will affect cannabis as well.
Not all current research claims that. Some might point out that there are higher concentrations of certain chemicals in the smoke which are carcinogenic, but no one has proven that the smoke as a whole causes more cancer (and which one contains more anti-carcinogenic chemicals).

Besides: it only applies to smoke. They will have to ban all forms of smoke, rather than the herbs that give off smoke when combusted. There are some vegetables which, when smoked (!), are even more carcinogenic than tobacco and cannabis combined.
did you know that the Cigarettes companies have a program "in case Mrijuana becomes legal"? they are the DEVIL!!!
did you know that the Cigarettes companies have a program "in case Mrijuana becomes legal"?

Yeah, those are called Worst Case Scenarios in industry ;)
Second hand smoke equates to assualt, in my book.

I wouldn't have a problem with people smoking anywhere they wanted, even next to me in a restaurant if they had this giant, 200 gallon plastic bubble that they could keep all that carcinogen-filled,stinky cigarette smoke to themselves.

I don't make everyone smoke a loint when I do, why should cigarette smokers be allowed to assault everyone around them with PROVEN cancer-causing vapors? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
GOD a dit:
In New Zeland they have just started testing ekectric cigaretts with no tabaco in them . They are a sort of mini vaporiser wich contain nicotin .

Also here in The Netherlands.
A very expensive, large, ugly and heavy "cigaret".
Some think that smoking cigarettes look cool, but this thing definitely doesn't look cool :lol: Don't forget to chage the batteries in time :lol:

I have some friends that have one, they all say they become sick after they smoked it. If you smoke way too much, then you turn very sick...
Brainstormed a dit:
did you know that the Cigarettes companies have a program "in case Mrijuana becomes legal"? they are the DEVIL!!!

I would like to hear err read something about this program, do you know more ????
Sorry, I guess I just didn't think about what I said. Banning a substance will only result in the underground trade. But I do think it should be illegal for these companies to put such harmful chemicals in the cigarettes. I mean what is the true purpose of this? Why must they put addictive and very harmful chemicals into the cigarette. It is for the purpose of getting one addicted so they don't stop buying?
Cigarettes don't give people much heavy effects like hallucinations etc.
It's like similar to coffee, it's an substance that you take, but you will be able to operate machinery or to do stuff that needs proper attention.
Guess that is the point what make cigarettes legal.
Banning tobacco will not solve anything. But I think that the companies should not be allowed to add ANYTHING in the cigarettes, it's like they are allowed to hurt people!!! And also I would make them pay all the costs when someone is hospitalized for something that is directly related to their tobacco use.
I know they don't have profound effects on the mind such as hallunications and are socially acceptable. My last post was intended to ask the question, "Why are they allowed to put such harmful chemicals such a Nicotine, Hydrogen Cynide, Hydrogen Sulfide and many many other harmful chemicals into the cigarette?" Why do they not have a brand that is free of these harmful chemicals and just made of organic tobacco? I would really like to know why they are allowed to do this. If there is not really a reason, these companys should be sued for murder of millions of people....

hmm isn't nicotine already in tobacco?? i think it isn't added...cuz i smoke tobacco which is ´supposed to be without any additives and has the nomal stuff in it...well i don't know much about it, but yeah it's insane wtf they put in cigarettes... i guess they'd say it's for the taste, but dunno what they'd say referring to the harm the additives cause... i heard the additives and flavours are the worst for the health...nicotine and tar shouldn't be too bad. it's the fucking chemicals :D

well in the old times tobacco was said to having been used as a shamanic plant too. i think tobacco has a slight effect on the mind, maybe only something like relaxation? but still...anyway dunno would be nice if someone knows anything about it.

i'd say also the companies can be seen as murderers...well indirect murders, cuz it's "kind of" in the choice of the consumer to buy cigs, but when having gotten addicted not anymore... ?! well they can be seen as direct murders too, considering the addictive substances in the cigs and the therefore must-smoke of some people and the following lung cancer and death ? !

wtf ... sick shit is this

peace! :D

p.s. i only smoke american spirit natural tobacco if you know it.. its a bit more expensive but has a nice taste and "is supposed to be" or is very natural wiithout additives and stuff like moisture-regulators... i dont think this tobacco is too bad when not smoked least i don't feel bad in my lungs... sure its not too good but not too bad either...:P