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Perception - The reality beyond matter

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
  • Date de début Date de début
Totally agree, but in big lines the macroscopic world is deterministic. Quantum mechanics stirs it up a bit, but even those reactions work according to a system. Denying causality is denying the possibility to scientifically research the system behind things. And that's just plain pessimism. MAYBE it's all just an illusion, but illusion or not, it works and it shouldn't be considered less important for your being.

"at the top of a mountain you may believe you stand above everything else; and this is a terrible mistake."
Indeed, but you have conquered something that is a real heavy task for a human being, so in a way you have transcended yourself, which has many implications :wink:
Lets put causality to scientific, self-actualizing scrutiny. :)

Big rock boulders do seem to roll downhill in pretty deterministic parabolic curves but on the realm of animalia for example, it gets tricky: When you get up from bed in the morning its pretty easy experimentally to determine you've actually gotten out of bed and you can calculate kilojoules with utmost precision BUT can you calculate the amount of energy and its degradation (AKA entropy differential), it took for electron dynamics (AKA soul) in synaptic field to decide you were getting up one nanosecond latter?!

Are animals quantum amplificators? We do seem pretty chaotic organisms...
Is the fact that we killed the titans and bring order about with the Greek Parthenon, that we have denied chaos and threw it to the depths of the unconscious, reflected in that quantum gibberish roams about in Planck scale 10^-36 magnitudes down the road, hidden!?

excuse me, when I'm high I write nonnsense. :lol:

Meduzz a dit:
Indeed, but you have conquered something that is a real heavy task for a human being, so in a way you have transcended yourself, which has many implications
Excellent, you've done it!
Nomada a dit:
We do seem pretty chaotic organisms...
To ourselves, that is... :wink:
Don't forget chaos theory and applications arise from difficulties of the human mind itself to understand very very complex systems.
The tricky part is the observation itself has an effect on the system (because information must travel). But that doesn't deny that things work in a deterministic way, it just points out the limitations of man to understand the world surrounding it. :wink: