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Pennsylvania to ban salvia, bath salts, synth. cannas., 2-C*

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion saveourstates
  • Date de début Date de début


S.B. 1006, A bill in Pennsylvania originally designed to ban the major components of so-called 'bath salts' (various cathinone-derived substances), has expanded to include a swath of synthetic cannabinoids, of 2-C* drugs, and Salvia Divinorum (and its major constituent).

The bill is on the desk of the governor, so prompt action must be taken to guide the governor's hand. Allegedly the governor will read correspondence sent in on the matter of the bill. Because the bill passed the legislature around June 16 and there are usually 10 calendar days for a governor to make a decision, the time to ask for a VETO is NOW!

The bill text and info about its passage can be accessed at
http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/bil ... =B&BN=1006

Contact info:
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
Phone: (717) 787-2500
Fax: (717) 772-8284
[email protected]
The best way to contact this office with urgent correspondence regarding the bill is by fax. Go to a Kinkos or some office store, or if you are living in your parent's basement, you can send a fax online from various services, see http://www.google.com/q=free+fax for example. Consider calling the office an hour after you fax to make sure they are in receipt. There is probably a preference for correspondence that includes identity information (not for verification but for appearing legitimate. I don't doubt people make something up.)

There are various reasons from which to appeal to the governor, legal, moral, scientific, practical, etc.

One example of something to do, if you can't find someone important to expediently get a letter to this governor, is to retransmit old letters by important people. As you may or may not know, for example, Daniel Siebert is one of the prominent salvia divinorum researchers, and on a similar bill, he sent this letter to congress -- http://www.cognitiveliberty.org/drug_po ... etter.html -- which is every bit applicable to S.B. 1006 because of the wording of this state's drug acts. Consider writing a prefatory paragraph regarding the important person's status and how their letter is applicable here, and then just append the text.

A failure to act here invites domino theory among the states and corrupts society on the value of drugs (and property and liberty generally) -- when something is against the law, people are more often taught it is 'bad', and those interned notions usually prevail over critical thinking, a power that usually increases over time.
I always new my state sucked. Friends and myself have been wondering how long it was going to be until they banned salvia. I could care less about the Cathinones. My community has had an increase of violent home invasions and robberies due to the usage of those substances. A friend of mine's home was broken into and to protect her children froma crazed maniac on Mephedrone she ended up stabbing the dude in the leg. The ban on synthetic cannibanoids will suck as I have been looking at purchasing some since I can't smoke regular cannabis due to drug testing. I haven't much experience with 2Cx but I have done some and that will suck as well.
as long as you all get no more upset about it than this, it'll never change.

Peoples capacity to TAKE IT is so great that the 'authorities' must never stop laughing at our governed asses.

Passivity gets you these things.

Here's a quote;

'He who gives up liberties for protection deserves neither"

Kiss the drugs goodbye, thats a forgone conclusion

but where is your 'line in the sand'?

Will you wait until they ban certain types of music?

you know spice has a point

most of us are guilty of passivity in this form
i know i certainly am

and where DO we draw the line?
The government piles heaps of overflowing stacks of bureaucracy in the form of a wall protecting its power and covering its hand which clasps firmly to our leash

what ever happened to liberty? how is it even possible that they have the power to stop me from doing what i want to do when it doesnt harm anyone
suicide is legal
marijuana/salvia(insert harmless entheogen here) is not
I live in pennsylvania this does fuckin suck but there are some head shops around that are still selling synths. I kinda see it as their little fuck you to our gov. It is quite funny but seriously we need to organize as the people because this gov. Seems to be going from "by the people for the people" to strictly for the elite few i mean come on the masses support medical marijuana but cancer patents and other who nee it cant get their medication because of a line that sepperates the states or te fact that we as people are not free we just believe what we wer taught i mean if you told a child an rabbit is a dog since the time they were born they will believe it thia ia the same as our freedom i mean come on the "public" school in my town Is one requirement short of having uniforms i mean to keep gangs out of schools is fine and dandy but when the tpwn you live in has vertualy no gangs what the fuck is the uniform for to eliminate cluques and bullying because of financial status but honestly do people realy think because a school sais you are all supposed to dress the same that all problems will stop this is bull shit because this will never stop we need to unite and recieve the freedoms we are guaranteed