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PCP, anyone?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brugmansia
  • Date de début Date de début
to meduzz:

sorry i meant phencyclidine, not phenthylamine...if the spelling's right.
Out of body experiences are just a poor and theoretical description for the psychological effects of dissociatives.

They are much more complex than that and the experiences leave a mark of melancholy on me. They are extremly exciting to me in a doubtful way. Just because I never know where my consciousness flys through. But despite this, there's always protectable warmth.

And afterwards, I'm sitting on my bed watching right in front of me, staring and thinking about the sleep with nostalgia for unknown reasons. Over a period for the next month, I'm getting access to more of the events I have been in. And get more recall about the encountered entities, and images of the gods which I had met internally. But on the same day, I can recall only very very slighty parts of the journey. I still have the scan in my mind from the very first female Egyptian God who I met and she's the one who gave me my first lodging in the K-world. And she then put the key on my chest to enter the tomb if I wanted to return.

It's very vague and clear to me at the same time, it's everything what's not. O_O
Don't do PCP, that's almost meth, and meth is horrible.
There are certain drugs you don't stoop to, PCP, Meth and heroine. Fuck them, they are dirty.
Brugmansia a dit:
Out of body experiences are just a poor and theoretical description for the psychological effects of dissociatives.

They are much more complex than that and the experiences leave a mark of melancholy on me. They are extremly exciting to me in a doubtful way. Just because I never know where my consciousness flys through. But despite this, there's always protectable warmth.

And afterwards, I'm sitting on my bed watching right in front of me, staring and thinking about the sleep with nostalgia for unknown reasons. Over a period for the next month, I'm getting access to more of the events I have been in. And get more recall about the encountered entities, and images of the gods which I had met internally. But on the same day, I can recall only very very slighty parts of the journey. I still have the scan in my mind from the very first female Egyptian God who I met and she's the one who gave me my first lodging in the K-world. And she then put the key on my chest to enter the tomb if I wanted to return.

It's very vague and clear to me at the same time, it's everything what's not. O_O
hm... egyptian, you say? that's strange, that baphomet is structurally an egyptian god. humanoid body with goat's head. i met him. vassago, though, is the most powerful one i've met. or at least he showed me more than others. i destroyed a few demons out there.

i was given a robe, myself, and 'crowned' equal to them. it was rather strange. i haven't found the black portal again, though. i haven't been to interested in these things for months now.
IJesusChrist a dit:
Don't do PCP, that's almost meth, and meth is horrible.
There are certain drugs you don't stoop to, PCP, Meth and heroine. Fuck them, they are dirty.
beginner :P

the analogues are the same. the only reason that i believe that those are feared more than the rest is because the first too can be smoked (making them more addictive and apparently more intense, and much more difficult to gauge), and the third because it can be IVd. Their analogues are just as powerful.
Psyolopher a dit:
Thats not the only factor mr!
Addiction, strength, and the difference in the high!
That is also a factor you need to look at!
speaking from a strictly neurochemical point of view, adjusting dosages on analogues will make it so that each drug has comparable effects. i've gone as far as you can safely go with different sorts of opiates, and they're all the same. addiction comes from association of the wellbeing or reward feelings in the brain to the drug. smoking or IV is more potent for addiction because the subconsicous association is more rapid that if done orally, snorted or IM.
"Out of body experiences are just a poor and theoretical description for the psychological effects of dissociatives".

Out of body experiences are out of body experiences and dont nesecerily have anything to do with drugs .

You are talking out of your arse Rymmen . Baphomet has nothing to do with egypt . You call people "beginner" and then say "the analogues are the same." what the fuck do you mean . PCP is not an analog of meth or heroin .

"smoking or IV is more potent for addiction because the subconsicous association is more rapid that if done orally, snorted or IM."

Smoking or fixing something doesnt make it adictive or more adictive .

And yes i have had out of body experiences . Without drugs .
But you obviously haven't had an accurate update recently.

You bot should get an upgraded AI.
"But you obviously haven't had an accurate update recently. "

Explain please .
GOD a dit:
You are talking out of your arse Rymmen . Baphomet has nothing to do with egypt .
If you'd read my post carefully... I was saying that it was weird that Baphomet has an animal's head and a humanoid body, like an egyptian god.
You call people "beginner" and then say "the analogues are the same." what the fuck do you mean . PCP is not an analog of meth or heroin .
I'd expect you people to know that. By analogues I was referring to say, K or DXM to PCP (even though these aren't really analogues), amphetamines or dextroamphetamines to meth or codeine or morphine to heroin.
"smoking or IV is more potent for addiction because the subconsicous association is more rapid that if done orally, snorted or IM."

Smoking or fixing something doesnt make it adictive or more adictive .
Actually, it does. Because your mind associates the dopamine more with the drug the faster the absorption.
And yes i have had out of body experiences . Without drugs .
Then you know what I mean when I say that these experiences are quite cool.
Brugmansia a dit:
But you obviously haven't had an accurate update recently.

You bot should get an upgraded AI.
We don't want to hurt his feelings...
i've smoked pcp about 20 times or so. i just hit a dip a few days ago. its not something i do often but its definitely fun once in a while in moderation.

and i'm someone who will NOT touch heroin, meth or even coke for that matter.. i'm very much turned off by those drugs.. but not pcp.

anyway, the thing with pcp is dosage. in moderate dosage, for me, its extremely euphoric and pleasant. definitely psychedelic and definitely dissociative at the same time.

if you overdose you become completely dissociated, can't talk, move, ect. or you can flip out and become violent. my advice to anyone who wants to try it, is STOP hitting it as soon as you feel euphoric and happy. 4-7 hits is usually a great experience for me though. going further than that and you could quite possibly od and be very very unhappy lol.

but my experience over the years has been in moderation its extremely pleasant for me similar to peaking off mdma in feelings/emotions, but the body high is stronger.

but yeah i smoked some a few days ago and it was great. i don't use drugs much anymore but it was very nostalgic to have a psychedelic experience.
And what units are actually sold and for how much? I'm the most interested in liquid form.

In Los Angeles, I would buy a bottle (called a por) for $20... and you can dip about 3-4 ciggarettes worth from it. like i said its not a good idea to smoke an entire one by yourself though. or you could by one dip for $10. every por i have ever seen is a small brown glass bottle. the smell of pcp is EXTREMELY distinct and potent. If someone opens the little bitty bottle near you.. you will go "wtf is that?". Its a strong chemical smell that you will never forget.

I live in Texas (Austin) now, and the going rate is double what it is in cali. The pors they sell out here are exactly half the size of ones in l.a. for $20 for the same price.. and i see people charge $20 for one stick. The other day someone told me the $20 por in l.a. is called a double and goes for $40 here.

to dip your ciggarette, you put the cig into the liquid in the bottle (the cig will fit perfectly into the por maybe an inch deep), then pull the cig out and pull at it as if taking a huge puff.. this makes the liquid pcp move through the cig and almost to the filter. then you pull the filter out (some people just most of the filter and leave some in). when you light it, you light *another ciggarette and put that cherry to the dipped cigareete. if you put the dip in your mouth and light it with a flame it will quite possibly blow up in your face and you do not want that lol.
Thanks for the info and especially the tip about turning it on. Never read that PCP was so flamable, so handy to know.
PCP is shit!
It's too borng.
DXM and ketamine are quite more interesting things))
Brugmansia a dit:
Thanks for the info and especially the tip about turning it on. Never read that PCP was so flamable, so handy to know.

its the etherit comes dissolved in that is flammable
i've tried ketamine, and dxm and like pcp much better than either without having to think twice about it.
for pcp.

shit is euphoria. straight up and down.

straight heaven. :lol:

i'm a happy man....

let the spirit