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PCP (angel dust)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion j-lazy
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Glandeuse Pinéale
after reading much about angel dust it got me intrested. did someone on this forum use it?. what are the effect's on yourself? is the drug worth it to use?.
PCP is pretty hardcore to use. It's pretty much crap, there are much better drugs on the market.

Besides that, it's very hard to get it in the Netherlands. I only know some heroine dealers in Amsterdam tend to sell it sometimes.
Same, I have read that PCP is just some kind of "low" ketamine, so my advice is to try something else...

Like DXM (this is just a personal opinion :wink: )
AFAIK there is a good chance you will end up panicking and beating up everyone around you. I have heard only bad news about PCP, so I guess there is hardly any good news about it...
PCP is quite a crappy drug, there are way better drugs to use than PCP.

Angels dust is also known as fake-mescaline. Because ppl tend to pay alot of money for mescaline, dealers rip people off with PCP.

And what tryptonaut says is true, there have been reports of people getting agressive, panick, and even start fights.

My advice is not to lay a finger on PCP, so I think it's definately not worth it!

(Offtopic: Love your sig tryptonaut :P 8)!)
Same, I have read that PCP is just some kind of "low" ketamine

I read on Erowid that PCP is a close relative to Ketamine, both are dissasociatives. However PCP bears the danger of aggressive behaviour as soon as you black out from an overdose (and it seems hard to dose).
Many reports also say that people got tunnel vision and panicked.
There are some reports that say you will get positively clear-headed from low doses (but, as said before, it seems easy to overdose).

Entheonaut, it's from Pink Floyd's "the Gnome", quoted by Terence McKenna who described the entities living in DMT-space as "Gnomes" - the audio sample from McKenna was then used by Shpongle in "A New Way to Say Hoooray!"
I wil try to hear the sample when I gona see sphongle on fullmoon :P hope he plays that song :)
I wil try to hear the sample when I gona see sphongle on fullmoon

I envy you... :)
Will Shpongle be playing? I can see 1200 mics and Raja Ram on the website, but not Shpongle. Whatever, I think Raja Ram loves using McKenna-samples, so you'll gonna hear some for sure! :)
tryptonaut a dit:
Entheonaut, it's from Pink Floyd's "the Gnome", quoted by Terence McKenna who described the entities living in DMT-space as "Gnomes" - the audio sample from McKenna was then used by Shpongle in "A New Way to Say Hoooray!"

Yeah I know, that's why it made me laugh when I read it in your sig :lol:... Gotta love Mckenna :p
hello readers,
I am a little bit lost in this page, can someone please show me the exit?

Thanx & Peace
from an human called Roberto
Sorry for the OT, but the initial question had already been answered, so why not have a little OT chat at the end? ;)
My pcp trip was one of the most bizarre trips i've ever had. strong visual hallucinations. feelings of being superior than my normal self. i felt like i was very tall and physically strong.
i had trouble interacting with other people. my voice seemed to be deeper, and slurred. everything seemed to be in slow motion. within a minute of my first hit of the laced cannabis i began to feel very weird. at one point in my psychedelic state i came up with the concept that i was a lion in a humans body. during the trip i was very confused. i didn't even recognize the streets of my town. i remember seeing a fire truck in the middle of the road we were walking on. this really brought a lot of paranoia to my experience. all in all it was a very powerful experience, would do it again.
That sounds like an average PCP experience really.
The experiences I have heard and read, are often bizarre and there's agression in it, too.

I heard once about a guy who combined Speed with PCP, he was fighting with everyone who he encountered, he became physically strong and it was nearly impossible to stop him. And the the weirdest thing of all, he couldn't remember ANYTHING after the experience.

You can just start walking without knowing and do whatever the PCP decides, just like Datura.
Brugmansia a dit:
You can just start walking without knowing and do whatever the PCP decides, just like Datura.
PCP somehow reminds me of the seritonin syndrome from what I hear on here...
I can speak of the seritonin syndrome... it was fricken scary. But I loved it for some strange reason... (perhaps b/c of all the seritonin) twas quite the trip... and it has send me looking for new trips... though I'm quite a noob here or anywhere else it comes to drugs...