yeah. I guess a good way to think about it is 'induced' vs 'natural'. You induce by taking a chemical/herb/plant/whatever which induces the state through modifying your body chemistry at an accelerated rate vsus achieving it naturally through 'normal' mechanisms such as endorphins and so forth.
I hate using the term chemical cuz it feels to me like its only chemistry like man made stuff. Even though yeah everything is made of the same stuff I see a difference between natural like mushrooms and chemical like lsd yet both are 'inducers' if that makes any sense.
I personally see in the psychedelic framework near constantly. In fact generally if I dont feel at least somewhat psychedelic I wonder whats wrong. Usually means I 'bumped into something' spiritually that jarred me away from my natural mind state.
I spend most of my 'research time' trying to augment/modify/control my psychedelic perceptions. Been experimenting with regular low doses of salvia divinorum before bed. Seems to help me concentrate while I pray and fall asleep as well as calm and relax me. Makes me slightly groggy the next morning but usually wears off in an hour or two if I focus and get my day going and get away from it.
I think I can see more clearly this discussion on this board about the whole psychedelic=shamanistic states. I see a heavy correlation between psychedelic/shamanistic/spiritual and see them flowing back and forth near seamlessly. I see the differences more of nuance or particular people's paradigms in terms of historical context.
For example I can see in the spiritual world psychedelically and in fact you could say that the apocalyptic writings of the new testament and Daniels/revelations are psychedelic in nature. When I operate in the spiritual/psychedelic world crossing back and forth between them, some times the apocalyptic writings are the best ways to describe what I am experiencing.
With that having been said classical Christianity would argue that the spiritual world is only made up of angels and demons where as I see there being a 'level' at which that is true, but then there is another level where the spirituality of other things comes forward and though demons and angels can exist and interact at that level there are other forces at work as well.
I for one thing see each of us as having our own spirit that interacts in the spiritual world and often separate from our 'mind'. When our spirit and our mind our out of sync we have discord in our lives and feel as if things are wrong. As our spirit and our mind become more joined in awareness of each other then we find peace and a natural flow in our lives. I believe our number one goal besides relating to God is to become aware of ourselves and find our natural flow. Some people flow themselves naturally at a subconscious level but most people have discord in their lives and cant understand why everything seems so unnatural.
I specifically interact with the spiritual/psychedelic/shamanistic realms very naturally and near constantly and so I find I can often speak to peoples spirits and understand what their spirit wants vsus what their mind wants and in that I attempt to guide their minds to find their spirits. I have been doing this for the last 7 years or so without understanding why or how and basically calling it psychedelic because of it feeling that way but never thought of it as shamanistic until the discussions on here and researching it somewhat and finding out that that is precisely what shamans do. Bring healing to the mind and spirit by helping them connect.
So here Ive been a Christian Shaman for 7 years or more and not known it and only known the psychedelic because of my relationship to the LSD back in college. I knew that I had transcended the 'induction' side because I had stopped doing all forms of inducers 10 years ago and besides those two times with salvia had been 'clean' as it was called in my environment and yet entered into the awakening of my experiences even a year after the flashbacks stopped. During and after the awakening I had control over the experiences as opposed to just living them.
Strange world. Strange God. I love it.
Oh and I dont feel so bad babbling in this thread cuz its my thread hehe.