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parallel dimensions, universe of the mind, time travelling

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What you write about the metaphysical plane, the tranportive effect of music/paintings and the time fragment we live in, i understand and feel the same.
I think the theory should be more simple though.
When i was above all life using salvia i saw all my possible places and choices. It's beyond words but i didn't want to see it (yet), and shouldn't. Returning to my body was the most strange thing ever. I went inside my eyes again and tried to move my arm but time stopped. Like a cd repeating the same second over and over again.. Time and life are a fragment of reality.
I see it like this, for now. Our soul wants to escape, it feels captivated here. To keep our balance we dream and escape reality for some part of the day. Our soul can freely do what it wants. Some part of our ego will know bits and pieces of other lives/times/dimensions and use it. It is like a collaboration of souls and minds on many different levels. Why we live this life is because this is the most important reality, there is something we have to experience not possible sometime and -where else.
The strange thing i sometimes feel we can wake up in an other life and believe it is just another day of our life.. This is what salvia seems to show, you accept every reality because we recognize it like it's ours.
Interesting thread here, and a topic that fascinates me ...

Can anyone here who has experienced an "out-of-body" type of trip, or one where they felt they were in the presence of different types of beings, or one where they felt that time did not exist ... tell me what entheogen you were using, and at what dosage?

thanks! :D
yah i feel like time doesn't exist, at least not the way we were told to perceive it, but no drugs here... like time gaps are amazing things that people mostly do not notice. they just think 'oh well that was strange' and they go on with their lives, or think ' funny coincidence' and that's all.

a strange guy i noticed on the sidewalk moving like some kind of dancing snake and wearing a space suit or something, and when i passed him by on my bike he was almost getting into a bookshop. 2 hours later i passed by that street again, and there he was, still in the same place, almost getting into the bookshop.

once a girlfriend of mine (we had smoked haxixe, one of our first trips, we were 17), she told me she was having the very strange feeling that she had lived that moment before, and i got the goose bumps, and she said maybe the feeling was not that she had lived that moment but that it was supposed to happen, and then she went on saying what she felt. we had this thing about writing a book, and she said 'our books are already written, but we are going to write them again, because it's already written that we are going to write them' and she also said that there was someone with us at that moment looking at us from another dimension, who had already lived that moment too, and knew everything that had happened so far, and everything that would happen from that moment on, because everything had already happened.

ok, 17 years later i was writing my first book and when i was describing this trip i got the goose bumps again, because hell, i was the one who was looking at them (us, the two girlfriends) from another dimension, and i knew everything that had happened to them and everything that would happen to them after that moment of the trip, because everything had already happened!

so i concluded that my girlfriend had found a time gap, or something, when we were 17, and she had spoken to me in the present when we were 17, which was the past when i was 34 and writing the book, but she was also speaking to me in the future when i was 17 because she was also speaking to me when i was 34!

since then i think time doesn't exist.

lucy :wink:
Nice post Alice!

When I introduced a good friend to LSD, at some point I was looking at him and at once, becoming him. No question about it, I was him, I felt him, I remembered him. I wanted to speak out to him (myself) but the moment I opened my mouth he began to speak:'O MY GOD MAN, I am you!!! I am completely you.',

This broke the magic and the moment was gone.

Another time, no drugs. I was in France, my ex wife kind played a nasty game having the effect of my hitting the streets and she running off with a milionaire and my kids. I found shelter at a good friends house. It was 1am and I was completely becoming insane, I had so much stress, I felt like I was going to explode, litereally. Then at the point I felt like I was going to collapse, the phone rang. My very good, old, friend, a wise woman who is very spiritually and NEVER calls me up, ever, is on the phone:'Hi, I felt the unstoppable urge to call you, tell me whats wrong.'.

So now I wonder why I tried to bash the movie here in the first place ;)
yeah, those coincidences are great! makes you feel like you're connected! :wink:

I GREATLY enjoyed reading this thread.

I personally find that psychoactives do not give the power to leave for other dimensions or great things like that. To me they are merely tools in order to better understand the inner and outerverse. Although sometimes this understanding comes in the form of an alien being babbling an unknown language yet still understandable I still feel its just how my mind chooses to process the tool.
I didn't have an out of body experience while on any drugs. But I had 2 when I became lucid when I was dreaming. The first time I knew I was dreaming and to test it I tried to fly. Immediately I could feel the power of flying above my village, it was very real and a very naais experience. The second time I was in a house I didn't know and I try to go through the wall, I succeeded in doing that!!! From the moment I realised to much what whas happening I was BLOW back into my body and I could feel that. When you doubt about it, you definitely come back.

I have read a lot spiritual stuff and it is not possible to not coming back because there is the Astral Matrix (a silver cord that is connected to your body, some can see it, others can't see it (I couldn't see it)).

I think that there are 2 cases you never come back and that is when you go OD while in another dimension or when you have a Near Death Experience and you decide not to come back even if you can. But most people choose to come back because we are here to learn. When you choose not to come back you will have to relive another live with the same problems you encountered (if you where an alcoholic, you will be an alcoholic in your new live as well).

This may all seems a little absurd, but I must say reading is the power of all knowledge!! ( http://www.ourultimatereality.com/ -> this book contains every knowledge you must know.)
I haven't had OBE's in this reality, meaning that my conscience is percieving this physical reality my body is bound to. But I do have had many profound Salvia Divinorum experiences.

On these experiences, I leave as only my conscience. Parting from my body in this way, to me, is no problem at all. I just let go without noticing it.

The Salvinorin leads me to a place that is visually projectable. So I can see a lot of things there, and they are dynamic and immensly beatyfull. I see a sort of world consisting of many things I cannot name, simply because I haven't seen these things in my physical form. I lately start to recognize this place, this world, as the place in which thought are being created. Not thoughts for the conscience, because my conscience can observe freely and can observe and anylize thoughts being created, but just thought and ideas for the actual, physical reality. These thoughts are visual objects. I actually see things, that are in fact (or in my perception) ideas/thoughts. These things move through a layer or a border towards reality and pop into existence as a thought.

Last time was quite interesting again, because I saw a 'thing' moving into this border and I saw/knew that this thought was a though that I'd be taking along from the Salvia world as well when I would leave .. but I also saw this thought was someone else's and it was not NOW, but it was future.

I knew that this place was unbound to time because I had already seen past in previous experiences, but now I saw a future thought/idea/memory. Funny :)

But now I'm just rambling about Salvia again, well .. it's just the tool for me to see ...

But boundness to time .. ? We are in with our phisycal perception and body. Things like gravity and nedding to sit in the train for sixteen minutes before I am at my work, things like that. But I do think that outside the physical reality (places we can reach by meditation or substances) time is a whole different thing .. if not inexistent.

Also do I think that the UNconscience is a part of our body, our brain. I think that it's a tool or protocol for our conscience to connect to our body, brain and menorie and such. It is also an intersting pessesion of us, but I do think that it's bound more than our conscience. I don't see it as something we take along after life, or to other non-physical places.

After life I think we'll have some 'time' to reappraise and oversee our whole life by our conscience. This way the conscience can learn and grow. Before if needed start another life to learn some more. Perhaps if our conscience has reached a state that is fullfilled for it's potential (even conscience may be bound) it's time for the conscience to evolve, perhaps into a reality of it's own.

Well .. these are just some ideas of mine. I have many more details in my mind about this, but this post is getting way long allready .. sorry for that :)
There are moments, when everything is everywhere- conected layers of reality
weaved together by a meaningfull Presence.
There are moments of importance, when people feel conected, and other moments, when people feel lost .
The dreems and the sacred plants are here to remind us of our Nature.

Most of the people most of the time do not remember what they have dreamed last night. BUT when a car hit the body, crosing the street on a green light, it was not only "me" who made that body to jump just a moment before the colision.
Than me remembered all of my dreams and memories between the frames of the "here and now"..
I survived with insignificant injuries, and almost forgot what happened.
This was BEFORE trying any psichedelicks.
Than I tyied diferent plants and felt that I've already been there not just once...

seems like the expanded conciousness is how Life is dealing with the quantum engeneering
patilan420 a dit:
There are moments, when everything is everywhere- conected layers of reality
weaved together by a meaningfull Presence.
There are moments of importance, when people feel conected, and other moments, when people feel lost .
The dreems and the sacred plants are here to remind us of our Nature.

Most of the people most of the time do not remember what they have dreamed last night. BUT when a car hit the body, crosing the street on a green light, it was not only "me" who made that body to jump just a moment before the colision.
Than me remembered all of my dreams and memories between the frames of the "here and now"..
I survived with insignificant injuries, and almost forgot what happened.
This was BEFORE trying any psichedelicks.
Than I tyied diferent plants and felt that I've already been there not just once...

seems like the expanded conciousness is how Life is dealing with the quantum engeneering

greatly "explained", especially when considering that these cosmic feelings are so difficult to express :)

I have been very interested in this subject for a while lately after some wat u could say bad experiences just over a year ago i was intertubing on some rapids with my best friend and he had coaxed me into going down a set of rapids that were way out of my skill range and when i got close i started getting scared and had a very sick feeling in my stomach my friend went down the rapids on a boogie board and took a perfect line down i went after him and went straight over the top of a large rock in the middle of the river that had a 4 foot dip on the other side of it for some reason i tried as hard as i could but it was like something was dragging me to it and i flipped off the intertube and i remember getting caught on a rock and being thrashed against the rocks on the bottom of the river and i can still see me self hitting against the rocks and were my sandle was wedged holding my foot under the water and seeing my knee being bashed i remember seeing a white light and then popping out of the water but then going back under i finally built up enough will to find the intertube which was 5 feet down stream and i climbed back onto it ever since ive had a huge fear of fast deep water, my second experience of the type was ridding my friends gokart i flipped the go kart and rolled it 5 times both of my friends were stunned by how baddly i was slammed around in it and i was knocked uncouscious for about 30 minutes and during that time i had a dream of that whole hour leading upto the crash but as soon as i hit the stump that got me airbourne i came to and thought it was months previous for about 10 minutes and i snapped out of it. i was very terrified not knoing who i was and where i was... those experiences morphed my life a lot but has made me more curious about everything...
Please, dont't shun punctuation, because this is quite unreadable ..