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Out of body(without drugs)

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tryptonaut a dit:
So "short faints" really exist? I mean I diagnosed it correctly even I didn't have a clue. I should've become a doctor, I guess ;)
Whatever it is, it is pretty trippy nevertheless. I mean many shamanistic practices include things that make you faint from heat or pain. So fainting (or almost fainting) can be a psychedelic experience, I guess.

yeah you should become a doctor :)
1 question about the shamanistic practises..
this heat or pain.. how do they induce it??
cause I know a technique which I use sometimes to help people with pains and stuff.. by just keeping my hand at the painfull spot and telling them to focus the pain to a little dot if they can.... and feel the warmth of my hand... and push the pain out into my hand..
so the bigger part comes from them and I just help them a bit
Haha, throwing something during half sleep! I have seen so many people fall asleep in trains etc, i imagine you waking up from a black eye caused by your own mobile :p You know, someone throwing it back to you. Haha.
I am still feeling funny because i suddenly remember this game i was playing as a small child. There was a group of children sitting in a circle, talking one at a time. It would be so broing i would stare at something. I just kept staring... Al of the sudden the perspective would change :) You know, distance and size would change. I have had many strange dream-alive wakenings. Sometimes i, as most, can't even remember my name, or the place waking up. That is some scary shit.
petfles a dit:
I am still feeling funny because i suddenly remember this game i was playing as a small child. There was a group of children sitting in a circle, talking one at a time. It would be so broing i would stare at something. I just kept staring... Al of the sudden the perspective would change :) You know, distance and size would change. I have had many strange dream-alive wakenings. Sometimes i, as most, can't even remember my name, or the place waking up. That is some scary shit.

Yeah I had the same thing when I was a kid! :P
Only I didn't do it out of boredom, but I wanted to see if I could change an object by just staring at it :D
Usually ended up completely spaced out asking myself who I was and where I was and how this all fitted together.
Man being a kid was fun, I also had lucid dreams as a kid.
I have to start training if I want to master it again.

MindAstronaut a dit:
yeah you have a book about this its called Self healling through the power of the spirit (in dutch: zelfgenezing door de kracht van de geest)
by Kurt Tepperwein, it uses this similair technique by imagine numbers from 7 till 1 in diffrent colours
like : 7 red , 6 orange , 5 yellow , 4 green , 3 blue , 2 lilac , 1 violet.
to reach the Unconscious state of mind
where you can rest your mind or just simply think your body healthy.
this takes some practice and should be done for 30 day to have effect.
This therapy bin called Psychobernetica and is pretty interesting in my opion if you consider that you normal only use 20% of your brain capacity, and with this therapy you might can take full advance of your brain capacity.

The Unconscious is a powerfull tool.

Man thanks for the tip! I really was looking for this again.
Better go to the bookshop tomorrow :D
One time I got up in the night because of strance feeling of cold fear and felt that I can't move... I heard strange noise and voices, tried to wake up but I couldn't... I made great efforts and finaly fall on the floor from the bad. I did wake up and tried to switch on the light but nothing happened... And then I turned and saw my body lying on the bad o__0
It happened many times, and when I was a chield, too...
Once when I was in Highscool I fell Asleep on my desk in class and in my dream I saw myself sleeping from the door as if I were standing @ the door looking inside and saw myself sleeping, I was scared shitless and since then it has never happened again. :(
I fell asleep in class a couple of times also ..
and I also had once lucid dream then .. it just didnt last that long :P
cause the teacher woke me up hehe
When I fell asleep last night, I immediatly fell into a certain meditation, unconsciously however. I felt the funny feeling as if everything was blown up to have become spheric (it's very hard to explain this feeling). It's a feeling I remembered from childhood when I started meditation since last year or so.

Normally I have to breath rightly and clear mind and so, but this time I was just thinking about things, I dunno what, and felt this feeling. Then when I started focussing on it, this feeling quickly increased to rather intensly felt. It feels very confortable, besides weird.

Next however, I felt my right hand go numb a bit, so I thought my arm was in such a position that a vessel was clasped so I moved my arm around and it got less. But it quickly came back so I focussed on my other hand, to which happened the same now, but it's allways better in symetry :) I started to relax my body completely (like on Salvia) and felt slowly becomming distantiated from my legs and arms. This went on and on untill I was only 'attached' with my face to my actual body.

I felt my 'astral body' (the other body, whatever detached) hanging down to my actual body attached by a decreasing face. Perhaps I choose not to let go, but I was connected at the narrowest point only between my eyes, above my nose. This was the only feeling of contact I had with my body. I have never experienced this before, or I must have been very young still. It was a very intense but interresting feeling. Unacalled for, but intriguing.

I have to get more in tune with the possibilities and states of our conscious, because I have recently experienced some new states.
I love to write poems while falling a sleep. That moment when i'm still conscious enough to notice that my mind is already wondering about, and that what i'm thinking is no longer conscious (no longer my choice) but coming from some unknown place. Then i make poetry that really touches me. I have a book and a pen next to me in bed, and i write down in the dark, sentences that i don't know where they are coming from, but go good together and sound beautiful. They tell me about mysteries.
I like that :wink:

Oh man I can quote everything from this topic! I too have this 'strange' effects and only since I used salvia I can remember certain memory's from my childhood and they seem to look like what you all describe.

Only I didn't do it out of boredom, but I wanted to see if I could change an object by just staring at it
Yeah I loved this as a kid(and i'm loving it as a kid nowadays). I alsow used to squeese my eyes when I watched in to a light.. You get to see all those stripes wich I loved as a kid.. In summer time I used to look in the sun with my eyes close and I saw every colour of the rainbow I loved this...

When I was 16 I read about salvia and other psychedelics.. and I really got in to the subject and combined with lucide dreaming quantum fysics and my borderless fantasy my life is looking good at the moment.
The most funny thing is this: when I was first thinking about using psychedelics I was afraid my deep believe in science would some how would be mixed up by spirituallity expierences. But it turned out my disbelieve in God grew and my believe in science alsow grew..
That's why I want to study Psychobiology in 4years.. 8)

To the OBE I want to add something. A friend of my has a mental problem and the chemicals in his brains are fucked up a little.. His intellect is in order but order part of the brain don't function normal and due this derealisation and depersonalisation he sometime's just has an OBE when walking out side.. Just out of the blue.. He now has perfect medication and therapy and he's making real quick progress. So next semester he's going to school again.. The strange part is that I as a psychonaut can normaly explain exactly what I feel when I've an OBE but my friend who just feels them has no idea whats so ever what the fuck is happening to him..
JosVU a dit:
Oh man I can quote everything from this topic! I too have this 'strange' effects and only since I used salvia I can remember certain memory's from my childhood and they seem to look like what you all describe.

Only I didn't do it out of boredom, but I wanted to see if I could change an object by just staring at it
Yeah I loved this as a kid(and i'm loving it as a kid nowadays). I alsow used to squeese my eyes when I watched in to a light.. You get to see all those stripes wich I loved as a kid.. In summer time I used to look in the sun with my eyes close and I saw every colour of the rainbow I loved this...

When I was 16 I read about salvia and other psychedelics.. and I really got in to the subject and combined with lucide dreaming quantum fysics and my borderless fantasy my life is looking good at the moment.
The most funny thing is this: when I was first thinking about using psychedelics I was afraid my deep believe in science would some how would be mixed up by spirituallity expierences. But it turned out my disbelieve in God grew and my believe in science alsow grew..
That's why I want to study Psychobiology in 4years.. 8)

To the OBE I want to add something. A friend of my has a mental problem and the chemicals in his brains are fucked up a little.. His intellect is in order but order part of the brain don't function normal and due this derealisation and depersonalisation he sometime's just has an OBE when walking out side.. Just out of the blue.. He now has perfect medication and therapy and he's making real quick progress. So next semester he's going to school again.. The strange part is that I as a psychonaut can normaly explain exactly what I feel when I've an OBE but my friend who just feels them has no idea whats so ever what the fuck is happening to him..
maybe he's still scared to be found weird and still has the big conditioned fear of being "weird". (too bad society kind of puts this in all of us)