Oh man I can quote everything from this topic! I too have this 'strange' effects and only since I used salvia I can remember certain memory's from my childhood and they seem to look like what you all describe.
Only I didn't do it out of boredom, but I wanted to see if I could change an object by just staring at it
Yeah I loved this as a kid(and i'm loving it as a kid nowadays). I alsow used to squeese my eyes when I watched in to a light.. You get to see all those stripes wich I loved as a kid.. In summer time I used to look in the sun with my eyes close and I saw every colour of the rainbow I loved this...
When I was 16 I read about salvia and other psychedelics.. and I really got in to the subject and combined with lucide dreaming quantum fysics and my borderless fantasy my life is looking good at the moment.
The most funny thing is this: when I was first thinking about using psychedelics I was afraid my deep believe in science would some how would be mixed up by spirituallity expierences. But it turned out my disbelieve in God grew and my believe in science alsow grew..
That's why I want to study Psychobiology in 4years.. 8)
To the OBE I want to add something. A friend of my has a mental problem and the chemicals in his brains are fucked up a little.. His intellect is in order but order part of the brain don't function normal and due this derealisation and depersonalisation he sometime's just has an OBE when walking out side.. Just out of the blue.. He now has perfect medication and therapy and he's making real quick progress. So next semester he's going to school again.. The strange part is that I as a psychonaut can normaly explain exactly what I feel when I've an OBE but my friend who just feels them has no idea whats so ever what the fuck is happening to him..