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On psychedelic literature

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Matrice Périnatale
This is my first post, so forgive me if it's lame. In my pursuits for understanding I eventually hit the barrier where I needed to dabble with various substances in order to keep going. Sadly I have not been able to attain, for whatever reason, the real gatekeepers and guides due to the fact that they are, frankly, illegal. The only other course of action was to read up on them. Unfortunately I have read/heard everything from they are life changing and enlightening, to they are self contained hallucinations about as meaningful as Napoleon Dynamite. However there have been some books, such as those accounts from authors like Carlos Castaneda, who claim that they open up our perception to, for lack of a better term, other worlds. There have been some fantastical accounts, as well as truly frightening tales. Not having tried them myself I am left with more questions than answers. We have all met those Bleach enthusiasts who have no intelligent or relevant things to discuss, as well as new age fanatics who get a little bit of truth and try to create their own doctrine based their own beliefs. I don't mean that to dissuade people from offering their accounts or ideas, but I am hoping to attract people with first hand experience or who have read and can debate multiple ideas and viewpoints. The idea that we have the truth stops us from pursuing truth. So I suppose the question is: Is there any truth to the idea that certain psychedelics like dmt or peyote open one up to other dimensions and other beings?
greetings!!! i don't think your post is really lame, if at all... i think i would mostly agree with what you say. it definately seems to me that you have a good point. it does make a lot of sense to say the responsible use is rather important. psychedelic literature is however of course most certainly not the same as psychedelics themselves. i believe that regarding psychedelics one sensible idea is to say for some it may be the right way and for others not. so maybe you could say the same about psychedelic literature and for example what about saying it may be a good way and not a good way at the same time???
seems like a little bit startling idea at first. however maybe saying something like that would come closer to the truth in some sense? not totally sure... maybe think about with what sort of mindset or so to think about this??
if you ask me, there is in fact some truth that psychedelics like for example psychedelic cacti and other plants can open one up to other dimensions and other beings.
i believe it can be truly fascinating. plant intelligence and wisdom is probably still underrated very much... :Oo::-o

peace :weed:
Indeed there are many roads in life, and drugs have to be a willing choice in the end. I feel the need to clarify the Bleach comment. I have nothing against the show or it's viewers, but there have been too many accounts where people claim to get powers exactly like the guys from Bleach,or who claim they vanquished oni, or demons, or whatever. Bear in mind that whatever you see has to make sense to you so if the hallucinations manifest as Bleach references, by all means please still share. The comment was to discourage those who simply want to indulge in fantasies, or try to constantly draw parallels between them and heroic idols. "The wise man looks to the greatness in himself, the fool only sees it in others." If you had experiences where you "believed" you truly encounter other worlds or entities, please feel free to share as it is the "belief" that lends credibility to your account. After all, there is no real way to prove any of it. And thank you BainEater for your post. I agree that the taboo and closed minded mentality towards psychedelics and plant intelligence has stunted genuine exploration and research.
Some people believe psychedelics can open up other dimensions and report coming into contact with other beings. It can seem like psychedelics are opening a door to another dimension. You can have a psychedelic experience come into contact with beings , entities or spirits. You may have all kinds of strange visions.
The iboga and ayahuasca shamans have a tradition where the presence of spirits is not uncommon. Other tribal people from all around the world have similar traditions where the spirits play a big role.

So what are these visions and what are these entities and other worlds people on psychedelics experience. is it real. is it fantasy and hallucination.
I do not know the answer. And i am a skeptical at those who claim to have the answer.
To me it is like dreams. In dreams we can also enter into other worlds and encounter beings and people.

What is real depends on what you believe If you believe spirits and other dimensions are real then they are real for you.

The books of Carlos Castaneda are mostly fiction. A lot of it he actually made up. The books are fun to read, but if you ask me they are not that useful for learning about psychedelics. What Castaneda is right about is that the native people do believe in spirits and the super natural.
This shamanic approach is one side of psychedelics. You can also approach psychedelics on a psychological level Or try a therapeutic a religious or a scientific approach.
the name psychedelic means to make the psyche visible. open up the psyche.
quite a quality facts i am getting towards all things phychedelic .. by the way, i totally agree with the facts and reasons given there and now enjoying it more and more
Well said Finarfin. Very well said. Thank you for your response. Short, succinct, but lots to consider.
who claim that they open up our perception to, for lack of a better term, other worlds. There have been some fantastical accounts, as well as truly frightening tales. Not having tried them myself I am left with more questions than answers. We have all met those Bleach enthusiasts who have no intelligent or relevant things to discuss, as well as new age fanatics who get a little bit of truth and try to create their own doctrine based their own beliefs. I don't mean that to dissuade people from offering their accounts or ideas, but I am hoping to attract people with first hand experience or who have read and can debate multiple ideas and viewpoints. The idea that we have the truth stops us from pursuing truth. So I suppose the question is: Is there any truth to the idea that certain psychedelics like dmt or peyote open one up to other dimensions and other beings?

1. solitairecardgame
Jami123 a dit:
who claim that they open up our perception to, for lack of a better term, other worlds. There have been some fantastical accounts, as well as truly frightening tales. Not having tried them myself I am left with more questions than answers. We have all met those Bleach enthusiasts who have no intelligent or relevant things to discuss, as well as new age fanatics who get a little bit of truth and try to create their own doctrine based their own beliefs. I don't mean that to dissuade people from offering their accounts or ideas, but I am hoping to attract people with first hand experience or who have read and can debate multiple ideas and viewpoints. The idea that we have the truth stops us from pursuing truth. So I suppose the question is: Is there any truth to the idea that certain psychedelics like dmt or peyote open one up to other dimensions and other beings?

Read my previous post.

I don, t know if there are other dimensions and other beings. I don, t know if these things are real.
What is reality anyway?

What i do know is that on psychedelics it can feel like you are opening up to other dimensions and coming into contact with other beings.
Psychedelics can bring you in a trance like state. Psychedelics can give you visions of other dimensions and of beings entities ect.

When you are in this trance state you may have visions and you may encounter entities or beings. These things or not uncommen at all.
Are these visions real? I don, t know. Native people all over the world say these things are real.

I think these things are like dreams.
A dream is a dream. Does it matter if dreams are real?

The title of McKenna, s novel is: true hallucinations.
So what is a true hallucination anyway? I do not know.

When we talk about hallucinations we can make a distinction between visuals, visions, and hallucination.
With visuals you see stuff and you know it, s the effect of the psychedelic.
Ussualy you see colors geometric and organic shapes and patterns.
With a vision you go into a trance like state. A world opens up and you go into it. It,s here you may encounter entiteis. These entiteis may look like humans and animals or other creature. Often they take on the form of a well known archetype such as buddha, christ, mother maria and such.
These visions sometimes seem to have a message. Sometimes it, s vague and sometimes it, s very clear.
A hallucination is when you see something that is not there, and you think it is real. Hallucinations happen during a psychosis for example. Hallucination also happen with some of the more disasociative substances.
With datura fir example people see all kinds of hallucinations but totally forget that it is not real.
i feel like maybe the "machine elves" are personified parts of your personality... sure feels like they're alive though!
I am hoping to attract people with first hand experience or who have read and can debate multiple ideas and viewpoints. The idea that we have the truth stops us from pursuing truth. So I suppose the question is: Is there any truth to the idea that certain psychedelics like dmt or peyote open one up to other dimensions and other beings?
@Parker1: It is rather difficult to prove the truth of an inner experience, isn't it?