Matrice Périnatale
- Inscrit
- 21/11/13
- Messages
- 12
This is my first post, so forgive me if it's lame. In my pursuits for understanding I eventually hit the barrier where I needed to dabble with various substances in order to keep going. Sadly I have not been able to attain, for whatever reason, the real gatekeepers and guides due to the fact that they are, frankly, illegal. The only other course of action was to read up on them. Unfortunately I have read/heard everything from they are life changing and enlightening, to they are self contained hallucinations about as meaningful as Napoleon Dynamite. However there have been some books, such as those accounts from authors like Carlos Castaneda, who claim that they open up our perception to, for lack of a better term, other worlds. There have been some fantastical accounts, as well as truly frightening tales. Not having tried them myself I am left with more questions than answers. We have all met those Bleach enthusiasts who have no intelligent or relevant things to discuss, as well as new age fanatics who get a little bit of truth and try to create their own doctrine based their own beliefs. I don't mean that to dissuade people from offering their accounts or ideas, but I am hoping to attract people with first hand experience or who have read and can debate multiple ideas and viewpoints. The idea that we have the truth stops us from pursuing truth. So I suppose the question is: Is there any truth to the idea that certain psychedelics like dmt or peyote open one up to other dimensions and other beings?