"Obama, will you consider legalizing marijuana...?&quot

adrianhaffner a dit:
i hate the fact that he can't even prepare his own announcements like a regular human being would. he got together with his little group, brainstormed, and then got peer pressured into his lame ass remark.

thank god someone else out there recognizes this, so many of my peers seem to have fallen into obamamania as if he personally has the power to save the day. it's been clear to me all along that obama is a brand name for the team behind him, much as is any president. i'm sure things will be better than they would have been under mccain.. but i'm talking about the lesser of two evils here
Agreed, Obama isn't going to change everything overnight, he isn't a miracle-worker.....agreed again, he is by far the lesser of two evils when compared to McCain, who has no qualms about a hundred years occupation of Iraq.

BUT REMEMBER, everyone, that public opinion and sentiment is moved with gradualism, not an overnight announcement of 'this is now how it is'.

The great thing about the president elect isn't who he is, but the fact that the pendulum has shifted so utterly and completely to the other end of the political spectrum, in other words, LOOK at all the people he is utilizing....these are all LIBERAL democrats, and yes, they are part of the system, but they are not war-mongers, they are advocates of constitutional rights in so many ways that Bush wasn't.

You have to look at the big picture here, which is that there aren't going to be big shifts in momentum, YET.....give it a little time. Once people settle down and ACCEPT the fact that he's president, and the world hasn't ended,
then there will be a gradual shift to liberal policies on a large scale, which will affect these types of laws. It's coming......

Remeber how the public was nudged and shifted towards war?

Why would anyone expect anything different here? People need time to accept this, and they will have to be moved incrementally towards this pattern of thought. But make no mistake, most of these people ARE pro-legalization, they just have to work within the confines of the system.

Obama IS for legalization but he can't just admit it so brazenly yet, or the forces of evil will polarize and begin using it as a lever to influence peoples thinking in other areas. This is the nature of the beast.

Mark my words, and watch for change near the end of his first term.
i personally cant imagine ever seeing cannabis stacked on shelves alongside the cigarettes. the bush administration is over, he takes the fall for (his )mistakes ... obama takes over with the usual promises to put things right.. dont u guys ever think these are just a public front for the big guns, who really run the show, from behind the scenes? personally i think its more of a decison of whose ass does the puppetmasters hand fit best.
well .. the war staved off the recession, for a while ...
an idea of no criminality from the authorities (all of them) for the medical issue of marjuanna for chronically ill suffers of various illnesses would be a start... but i would think they make more money from the "alternative" treatments rather than marjuanna itself, and as soon as profit is involved, the pro legalisation supporters hit a huge concrete wall.
marjuanna might become legal once the government can make more money from it [been] legal but, dont hold ya breath!
i guess the best we could hope from obama would be a lightenening of jail sentences, saves em money, diversion of resources to harder drugs :roll: i could imagine civil penalties, fines etc going up dramatically though
were been fed crumbs from a table...
Well, the jail sentences are getting better anyway, with state after state decriminalizing it, and state after state accepting that med cannabis has validity.

Irony is a motherfucker, because one of the core beliefs of real conservatism is the fact that a states rights trump the federal governments oversight.....

This is biting them on the ass now, because one after another, states are jumping on the med pot bandwagon.....I expect I will be moving to one of these states in the next few years, and it is entirely possible I may strive to ally myself with medical providers.

Obama just happens to be 'in the right place at the right time'......politically, that is.

There is no doubt that the policies will improve, not in my mind anyway.

Remember the 90's??

I don't know about anyone else, but there sure was a lot of LSD, X, killer kind
bud, raves, cool clubs and other stuff going on the last time democrats were in control.

You think it was a coincidence, huh?

These laws, and the attitudes toward enforcement come from the top....

shit rolls downhill

Sure they all are ultimately owned by industry, but so is every person in this country, depending on where you drow the line, and what perspective you're looking from......change still occurs within the confines of the system.

Look around, here in the deep south, even MISSISSIPPI has decriminalized pot......there is no more powerful proof of change than that.

This place is RED----NECK and they have abolished jail sentences for 30 g or less.....thats a sizable bag o'weed. It's a hundred dollar fine.....


It is happening......

Some quotes from Obama vis a vis medical marijuana:

"I would not have the Justice Department prosecuting and raiding medical marijuana users. It's not a good use of our resources."

(when asked if he would have the fed stop prosecuting medical PROVIDERS, aka growers, he said;)

"I would because I think our federal agents have better things to do, like catching criminals and preventing terrorism. The way I want to approach the issue of medical marijuana is to base it on science, and if there is sound science that supports the use of medical marijuana and if it is controlled and prescribed in a way that other medicine is prescribed, then it's something that I think we should consider."

" "Voters and legislators in the states—from California to Nevada to Maine—have decided to provide their residents suffering from chronic diseases and serious illnesses like AIDS and cancer with medical marijuana to relieve their pain and suffering," said campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt.

"Obama supports the rights of states and local governments to make this choice— though he believes medical marijuana should be subject to [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] regulation like other drugs," LaBolt said. He said the FDA should consider how marijuana is regulated under federal law, while leaving states free to chart their own course."

seems quite clear to me.
tobaccocompanies are already buying land all over america for if marihuana becomes legal.
ZOF a dit:
tobaccocompanies are already buying land all over america for if marihuana becomes legal.
You made me big time curious with this remark. Do you have any link to back this up?
I read it in the paper, washington post, or newyork times or one of those... but i cant find it online on their site anymore.

they also trademarked names like panama green etc.
They have the land and patented trade marks and boxes and adverts since at least the end of the 60s . If i see it i will tell you more .