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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion robhR
  • Date de début Date de début
robhR a dit:
I've had enough telep go out loud moments and fast moving sickle cell healing straightening my spine and getting blood flow back into my brain to have a pretty good understanding of it's real.

I just wish I was a little more than lone crazy person guinea pigging the crazy on the internet.

Nah I like this part.

When I am a better wizard I owe Mr. Smith a good dream infiltration!

[edit: Sorry, me. Tell me about the role you felt in 2012? And your Astral Landscape!]
sorry man, youll have to talk more l?ke a stra?ght ?f you wanna play w?th me.

and dont worry. we are all crazy here.

? loved ?t at f?rst... the exh?l?rat?on of jump?ng from one novel ?dea to the next was ?nv?gorat?ng. but ? guess ? just couldnt take so much of ?t stra?ght.

better w?zard what?

uh, just someth?ng m?nor l?ke be?ng part of a cause of great change. the f?rst t?me was wayyy before those events. ? got that telepathy feel?ng, yknow, l?ke thoughts that d?st?nctly feel l?ke theyre someone elses that are be?ng transm?tted to you. that one had to do w?th sent?ent be?ngs purposefully alter?ng the world (spec?f?cally, and cons?der that ? was h?gh dur?ng th?s exper?ence, al?ens r?dd?ng us of mal?c?ous people). later my thoughts became moreso that we were reach?ng a crescendo.

?m st?ll very cur?ous to see what, ?f anyth?ng, w?ll happen.
robhR a dit:
So you're at without a hint of spiritual in it..
Beind a psychonaut has nothing to do with believing in an afterlife, and neither does being a psychonaut require that one buy into "spiritual" assumptions. In any case I was a seeker long before I joined this website, I never identified myself with the term psychonaut, and I do not identify myself with it now, because there is too much disagreement as to what it means.
take one last lookit me and watch me hope this eventually drops off the first page of google. it cannot be known that this [deleted psudenom. i'm dumb] character posts at message boards. any little thing that might lead to blatantly obviously blowing my cover.

g'night folks! i like you.
Why all the deleted parts? This thread is useless...

EDIT: Does it have something to do with this?
the title has changed, the content has been edited beyond recognition

shame, it was quite interesting