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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion robhR
  • Date de début Date de début
robhR a dit:
It all started when I began to see 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, repeating digits in general all too frequently when I looked at clocks and timers
I did that too when I was a teenager. For me the 22:22 was the target, and I started seeing it very often. But a bit later there were times when I had to wake up at 7:00, and I would spontaneously wake up at 6:59. Similar instances have led me to the conclusion that we are always subconsciously aware of the time. Which isn't that farfetched of an idea, because scientists acknowledge the presence of a biological clock, and according to the new physics our essence seems to be very similar to a pulsar!

The sum total of sensory and mental processes is what you experience as your individual self. There can not be an Other in your body. Bacteria and parasites may inhabit your gut and organs, and cells seems to have a life of their own as well, but the meta-awareness is just 'you'. If you hear voices, no matter how real, they come from 'you', the same nervous system and brain.

How is your sleep pattern and health in general? Before you embark on your assignment, please make sure you're absolutely healthy, free from toxins (heavy metals like mercury especially) and rested.

And avoid imagining there is an afterlife or next life where you can be reunited with a soul mate. I've thought about all these possibilities for quite a while (20 years or so), and concluded that it's extremely unlikely that there is an awareness that survives death. For sure you're not going to survive death by wishful thinking. The universe, earth and fellow human beings will survive your death though. They are worthy of your attention in the here and now.
[i deleted everything else in this topic so i'm deleting this post because i made a misappropriation and i look stupid

hm. first result [edit: i'm dumb] [edit: and i may as well delete the other word...] interesting.

whatEVER... i covered any revealing evidence here.]
Mr. Smith, lay off. Call him what you may, but he's still got a couple things that you evidently lost a long time, dignity and respect. If you can't offer a decent opinion, leave this thread.

For all the others, how ya doing, I'm Cas who was mentioned. And I fully support this thread :D I met Rob over psychonaut actually. Kinda funny ain't it? And ya, I have telepathy too, for those doubters. I found that out in a 2c-i trip whilst tripping with Rob.
These are things you should talk to your psychiatrist about . Dont abuse drugs and give yourself the chance to get well . By abuse i mean that any recreational drug use by a person with your problems is abuse .
you do have the makings of a playwright though. keep posting
And when you feel the pulling at your feet.

You'll know.
You'll see.

You'll be able to see the bottom its a long way
Dont drop
Or do drop, just fall for a while

and melt

go into melting





jesuschrist what exactly r u doing?

some people find it hard to separate reality from the smaller operations of their minds
i dont know what the problem is here, but its seems that there is one
get your head examined, and i mean that in the nicest most sincere way possible

i could be missing the point entirely
oh i really liked how you resumed your life. i could see it all happening in short voiced-overed cinematic sequences.
th?s happened to me back ?n september/october. ? cracked on one of my peyote weekends. what color ?s your snake?

m?ne was red. but ? had that snake runn?ng around my m?nd s?nce ? really got ?nto astral project?ng. have you seen real?ty change yet? have you seen thoughts or ?deas of yours become real?

? remember feel?ng a role ?n 2012 too.

and the vo?ces and halluc?nat?ons. have you talked to real?ty around you, or just other people?

eventually ?t stopped. ? escaped ?nsomn?a and constant parano?a. and synchron?c?ty became much less frequent and someth?ng qua?nt. halluc?nat?ons, too, became much less dramat?c and frequent.

two tabs of ac?d and these problems were gone.

? had to tell the snake that ? wanted ?t out though... and ? w?sh ? could be back where you are now and regret gett?ng r?d of that snake.

?f youre truly there.
robhR a dit:
'Kay, gotcha. I'm'a go ahead and die anyway though. Extremely unlikely, eh? And you call yourself a psychonaut?
I've just not come across any convincing theories as to why brain modulated awareness would survive death. What does that have to do with being a psychonaut or not?