Quoi de neuf ?

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Not to sound like a "noob," but...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion PsycheSmirk
  • Date de début Date de début


...and really, this question sounds extremely stupid, but I can't find the answer in terms that I can understand it in anywhere else...

What part of the brain is affected to make everything seem so funny when you're high? Or, rather, what causes the euphoric feelings?

(Also, sorry if this sounds like something that should be on a medical forum - not my intention)
"Finding a cannabinoid receptor implies that THC -- unlike alcohol --
has a quite precise modus operandi that taps into a specific brain
function. Presumably the drug binds to nerves that have the receptor,
and the nerves respond in turn by altering their behaviour. The
classic effects of marijuana smoking are the consequences: changes in
mood, memory, appetite, movement and perception, including pain.
Researchers think THC affects so many mental processes because
receptors are found in many brain regions, especially in those that
perform tasks known to be disturbed during THC intoxication: in the
banana-shaped hippocampus, crucial for proper memory; in the crumpled
cerebral cortex, home of higher thinking; and in the primitive basal
ganglion, controller of movement."

http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/c ... ogy1.shtml

The implication seems to be that it acts in multiple areas of the brain.
I find it difficult to analyze the effects of cannabis. I heard that cannabis is connected to serotonin/dopamine. But cannabis does not always "make everything seem so funny when you're high". You can easily bad trip on weed. Weed can act as a depressant and stimulant, aphrodisiacum, make you dream more or less, make your perception clearer or unclear. It all depends extremely.
I thought a very simple way to explain is, THC effects your bodies canabanoids and canabanoids basically effect most of your systems (CNS, etc).
Thank god for Erowid though. :D
Cannabinoid receptors make up for over 60% of the whole body hormonal receptors ! That does not mean everyone have good effects from smoking tho, it can be as much an "oil" and free radical scavenger as an abrasive (free radical causer) ; usually it will bring people to balance but in certain cases it does the exact opposite.

It's either because the person has a very active endo-cannabinoid system and it unbalances him or her ; or that there is a disease in the person that goes undetected.

I was seeking for a very interesting study about it but the first video that I clicked on was haha funny to say the least.

Who makes those videos ? LOL

Notice how they try to hypnose you with the keyboard music so it all gets packed in your head ? This must be a joke...

They even try to make a "cool" brain look like a bad thing in the last pictures where they compare the brain scans...

I prefer having a cool brain than a hot one ; shame on your for trying to program me on dopamine !
You get high because the THC docs onto anadamide , a naturaly ocuring canabinoid , receptors . They are not just in your brain .
Exactly, like I said, whole body receptors :)

Thats why cannabis is such a fascinating plant from a scientific standpoint.
Hehe. I have still trouble accepting that such a video exist and they are serious :D
ah yes, I wanted to find it again (the Mouse Party).

Are at least the bodily effects stated there true?