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Not right

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion SEDIT
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Now Im almost on the same page as alot of you all but for a moderator to lock a threed that they them selfs intentionaly disrailed is not right.

"Generally, we aren't fans of meth.
There are no redeeming qualities."

Now this is the first response to that threed in question, can you tell me what it has to do with lithium?Seems a little hypocritical as most of the opinion that where expressed in that threed.

This is synthetics extraction and research and like it or not amphetamines are part of synthetic and you are abusing your power as a moderator to push your personal opinions on others which is about the same thing that the DEA is doing for you and MDMA,

If you dont like a substance then dont discuss it and dont help, I agree that his post is far from standards that should be kept on a forum but to lock it because you dont feel that a substance fits your discription of good time makes you know better then law enforcement.


PS:Viljo Im doing this for my self not for you so dont think that im steping up to bat for your lack of forthought before posting because as i dont agree with that either.Lets keep a little higher standerds here please.
....and that WAS what I was doing, by saying what I said, which meant, basically;

'Don't expect help from me'

and it was locked because it was devolving into an argument about abstractions, and wasn't constructive.

Feel free to complain to ground control, SEDIT.

PS- Why don't you read my third post in the lithium thread and respond to it here?
"Why didn't you help him, then, instead of adding fuel to the fire?"

Well because of two reasons,
First I try to speak of what i have experiance with and although I have studyed it first hand knowlege is lacking,

Second and more importantly is it dosnt appear that he is asking for any help and if so it is unclear the exact question but that is another issue altogether that should have been handled before telling him how much Meth sucks.

If a real question was posed I could do my best to attempt to help as I have done elseware for people asking cocain questions and heroin questions both of which I feel is wayyy worse then methamphetamine.

That threed was shot from point one the very second leeway is given for the band wagon to tell him how much he sucks for likeing MA.
Right away, as many threeds on the subject, any post speaking of the synthesis of methamphetamines quickly get derailed into a disscussion into the rights and wrongs of MA. And it would seem that there was a finger on the trigger before any other responses where made in that threed

"and it was locked because it was devolving into an argument about abstractions, and wasn't constructive.

As do very many threeds here that speak of MDMA or other substance synthesis yet they are tolerated and carryed on with out a problem. It seems as more of a smoke screen then a true reason. You state that it isnt constructive, To whos point of view yours?

Many people can see both sides of the fence in that post of those stating the hows and whys of bad drug use, where as it may not be constructive to the authors original reason that is not his fault and sure as hell not my fault, it lies in the hands of those that would rather complain about MA then keep there hands free of the subject altogether.

Im sorry that It seems ironic that those who lead the threed astray are the ones with there finger on the trigger ready to lock it when it goes astray, just sounds a little fishy to me.

I like it here,
almost ever simular site ect any more is RP/I ratio this
and lithium that
and how to clean this pill
The fact that this site isnt like that is great and why there is ALOT of information here without so much noise to weed thru, But i still dont see that as a reason to discriminate with out a fair hearing.

And yes I read your 3d post and that one was to be expected from someone waiting to shut'r down from the door.

"Feel free to complain to ground control, SEDIT. "

Id rather not I dont feel that bringing others into manners such as this is the way to deal with issues and that its better handled mono e mono as long as possible other then resorting to telling the teacher on some one. Adults can handle things without the help of intervention I would hope.

These are my points of view on the subject and i dont expect you to agree with me in any way shape or form, I would just hate to see this place become a nanny state where they tell us what to think and fell.
"Second and more importantly is it dosnt appear that he is asking for any help and if so it is unclear the exact question but that is another issue altogether that should have been handled before telling him how much Meth sucks."

No, he wanted a pat on the back, and encouragement in making meth.

"That threed was shot from point one the very second leeway is given for the band wagon to tell him how much he sucks for likeing MA."

You're giving me too much credit. I didn't give ANYONE 'leeway' to say anything. I expressed MY opinion, the very thing you're raising so much hell about right now. If a lot of people come down negative on meth like this, maybe YOU should take the opinion under consideration. Maybe there's more wisdom in the consensus than you are willing to grant.

I gave the thread opportunity to evolve into a constructive discussion about the chemistry, it didn't. Start a new one, and stick to the chemistry.

For your information, I suspect a lot more tolerant attitude, in general, will be given to substances which show a positive potential as agents of personal improvement, on the whole, than a bunch of immature Fester wannabe meth-head-meth-cook-car-theif types. My advice to you:


"You state that it isnt constructive, To whos point of view yours?"

Yes, mine, and read the thread again, I'm not the only one.

Tell you what, if you want to start another thread about how meth is cool, do it in the 'Synthetics, Users' forum......I can't do anything to it there.

Very well put Spice mate 8)
Actually, I find the english section to be very laxist (which is both positive and negative, depending on the subject) toward this kind of stuff.

In the french section we had so many issues with coke, meth and stuff like that that we had to remind everyone that this website was about psychonautism, something that has very little to do with the substances mentioned above.
Viljo a dit:
Hang on what happened to my question?
Would the moderators please leave a note when removing (parts of) someone's post?
I'm surprised that thread was locked for going a little off topic, but I also understand you want to keep this section of the forum as organized as possible.
CM, I did not TOUCH anything he wrote. He is speaking rhetorically, I suppose.

I deleted nothing.

I locked the topic, is all.

PS- Here iis his initial post in its entirety;

"Reading though the post I have noted that certain individuals belive that the liquid ammonia reaction with lithium does not work, better yet you guys seem to hate it with a passion.

It's been proven to work!
Also with a 100% conversion rate.
It's also been said that it's a hell of alot cleaner than the red p or hypo methods.

I'm not having a go at anyone,

I brought this up to lern more, anybody with advice, suggestions, comments

I just have to add, "you learn everything after a few times on speed" you got to be kidding!
What about the conversation between friends!
the endless laughing and mucking around in hotel rooms,
the excitment just keeps building, not to mention the sex."


Now, I ask; What was the point of that crap? There wasn't even a question in there. You know, the way an individual presents himself in the real world determines other individuals reaction to him, to a large extent. Well, the way you carry yourself in cyberspace is governed by this reality, too.

Even though I am no fan of meth, taken on the whole, I DO know that certain individuals probably can use it responsibly, but they are in the vast minority. I DO know that certain aspects of its chemistry could be interesting, but I also know that if you can't present yourself legibly, respectably, AND, most importantly, coherently, then you probably don't need to be playing with reactions and reagents which can catch fire, blow up in your face, cause third degree burns of the chemical variety, and many other horrors.

I made a judgment call as a moderator.

As I told them, start another topic on the chemistry of it, and I won't interfere.....but the topics title was 'lithium', yet the word lithium appeared in it once, not in the context of a question, and the whole monologue was rambling, sophmoric, and, in my opinion pointless.

I have no problem with discussing methamphetamines or any other drugs on these forums, however I think spice said it well with, " immature Fester wannabe meth-head-meth-cook-car-theif types".
The thread was turning in to a general flaming fest and honestly really wasn't going anywhere to begin with.
"Hang on what happened to my question? " Honestly I don't even think there is a question other than, "do a google search for me please, where's a recipe?".

By all means if you want to start a new thread pertaining to the use and/or synthesis feel free to, I noted that topic as needless spam from the first post to begin with.

I think spice handled it well, and I gotta agree with him in it.
" I expressed MY opinion, the very thing you're raising so much hell about right now."
At the same time stating that every one elses opinions had no place in that threed hence the reason for locking it.

Look Iv said my peace and thats pretty much all there is to say, When it comes down to it I believe that you and me know why that threed was locked and it dont have anything to do with being off topic.

"If a lot of people come down negative on meth like this, maybe YOU should take the opinion under consideration. Maybe there's more wisdom in the consensus than you are willing to grant. "

I shared the same opinion as every one else at one point in time and belived that it was one of the worst out there because I bought into the DEA propaganda that it makes people psyco and causes them to go kill people for the fun of it, your addicted the first time you try it ect.. ect.. but i did my homework instead of holding bias based on others testimonys. But that is nither here nor there.

I agree on that threed being locked and should have been Right away.
Before any one responded other then yourself.
It should have been explained that there are higher standards here then the usual meth quick cook questions and that his topic has provided no basis for discussion.

What I dont agree with is the reason I fight this war to begin with. Abuse of power. The DEA is using there status to force there ideals on us which has no place in society when it comes to mind altering substances.
I dont fight a war and learn what I learn so drugs will be legal some day, I could care less because that will just cause higher prices and more restrictions on them. I fight it to stop the fact that my favorite hobby has been taken over by the government and anything of any use has been taken away due to abuse of power restricting anything they think may just ...possibly cause some on to enjoy a substance for them self.

BTW: the Voice of reason came when someone steped up and said pushing ideals on others is a bad way to use power. :lol:

Ill tell ya what you spoke of a threed talking about the dangers or lack there of of drugs like Meth then why not use this one since its on topic of it.
you show me how MDMA is so much safer then MA and ill show you how your love of a substance is clouding proper judgment. I personaly like both of them but dont feel that either should be let loose to general public by the masses.
I do agree with you, when I first saw the topic with 0 posts I almost did just delete it but thought I'd let it go.
I do agree that if the thread was locked because of personal reasons that would have been wrong, however I feel it was closed from flaming (just look at the old Hive topic I had to lock it was page after page of flaming).
Honestly there really was no topic to begin with, the subject was "lithium" and there was no question, only a paragraph basically phrasing, "how do I make meth step by step by step", and I doubt it was closed just for the subject matter.

Meth is a somewhat taboo subject on the boards however not in my book and many others I find it to be a very good tool and in the right situations can be a great drug. Drugs don't abuse people, people abuse drugs. ;)
You obviously didn't read what I wrote.

This is what you wrote:

"Maybe it dont work for you or maybe you buy into the DEA propaganda that is fed about its dangers or maybe your just down right bias because all the MDMA has burned out the receptors in your brain no allowing you to have higher logic."

Firstly, I KNOW about meth from EXPERIENCE, not propaganda. I've probably done more than you'll ever see. (to my regret.What a waste of time.)

Secondly, If you think insulting me is the way to go, you've misjudged again.

(some more of your 'wisdom')

"MDMA where as for the few hours your up social anxiety and happeness are there but the next day its farther into that dark corner of your mind then you where at before, followed by hallucinations and dissasociated feelings in your arms and legs, MA dosnt do this and waking up feels like the world is your oyster the next day not your enemy."


Look, you need to get a clue.
Perhaps in certain situations you can change the title of the thread to conform to the content of the topic that's actually being discussed. Perhaps "lithium" might have been changed into "meth..."
Well first off Caduceus I dont think that threed would have been anygood even with a name change or anything of the sorts because it left no room for a decent discussion on , any topic pretty much.

"Secondly, If you think insulting me is the way to go"
First of all I am not insulting any one but judging from

Look, you need to get a clue."

That seems to be the way you handle thing. Now if you would like I could by stating you may have had a bad experiance with MA because you where to weak minded to control your self while using it but Iv tryed to not stoop down to childish insults spice and just got right to the point of my issue.

It seems to me that your high horse your on right now has gotten you to the point of misjudging people but I guess that does not matter. If one pays attention I dont advocate any type of drug use by the mass of people because there is always to many that will fuck there life up no matter what the substance.
How many 30 year old stoners are fucking there life up sitting in there parents basement to lazy to do what need to be done.
How many alcoholics lose there job every day because they couldnt handle not starting the day off without a sip of the sauce?
How many Rave rats have eated so much XTC every night of the week are out there deleating there brains of neuro transmitters from there abuse?
I dont think I need to get started on majority of heroin and cocaine users do I?

You know you should have stuck with your old name of egotrip atlest that would be fitting for you because it really appears that your the one that needs to get a clue brother.

Now Iv said my peace and if you cant hold a conversation without resorting to weak ass personal attempts at ones intelligence then you might as well stay out of this threed.

Or you could do the correct thing to do and state your case about MA instead of just stating that its bad because you dont like it.
Possibly but when you look at examples such as the 1950s where it was socialy acceptable to do amphetamines and they where perscribed for every thing from depression to weight loss there was almost no problem with amphetamines or the users.This is also the time noted as the rouring 50's where there was a huge upswing in social advancement.

Its wasnt until society started pushing them underground that it because an ever increasing problem. This is quite possibly due to the contamination that it recieves from being synthesised in underground labs that are less then concerned with making there product food grade. I would love to see a study about the negative effects of amphetamines produced from P2P to those produced from other means to see if contamination has a big effect of the negative effects of the drugs such as psychosis.
Look, the only reason it was 'socially acceptable' is because we were much more naive as a culture.

In some cultures it is 'socially acceptable' to fuck your daughter, but we realize that that may not be the most responsible behaivour, in the long term.

In classical psychology, anytime you repress something, you create a powerful response, I will agree. But I don't think you can lay the blame for the negative spectrum of effects on impurities, though they may play a part in certain examples. Some substances are just inherently easier to abuse, and harder to derive positive benefit from. As humans, we are creatures of habit, and sometimes this is good, and sometimes it isn't. In the case of meth, a typical response to frequent use is something called 'monomania' the tendency to do something over and over again, to no visible end.

I just don't personally believe that there is that much potential for it to be used in a positive manner. And anyone who does use it, in my opinion, should have a certain degree of maturity and self-control.

It posesses a higher potential for destructive behaivour and its effects are generally more negative. This is something I SEE all the time. In the area I live,
these little meth rats are crawling out of the woodwork, ripping each other off, ratting each other out, and just generally behaving like the irresponsible peckerheads they are.

It chaps my ass that law enforcement sees these little pricks in the same light as someone who uses psychedelics for TRUE self-exploration and as agents of change and self improvement....it also pisses me off when people lump all drugs together saying 'a drug is a drug is a drug'. That is unsophisticated, juvenile thinking, at best.

All drugs are NOT equal, and to see them as such is over-simplifying, and shallow.