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no more tobacco

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion ibiscus
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i tried to quit smoking joints for a couple of times, and always fell back to the old habit.

at one point, i was smoking joints just because i wanted to smoke (probably because of the nicotine inside) and ended up being stoned while i didn't want to.
maybe its sounds stupid, but it was clearly a sign of addiction, cause i was no longer in charge of what i wanted, but the weed/nicotine was.

how i could break the habit, was by quit smoking joints but not quit smoking :wink:
my (personal) solution: salvia.
i wanted to reprogram my brain. When i tried to quit, i was also experimenting with salvia, i happened to have my own salvia plant (which unfortunately died a couple of months ago) and from it, i had plenty of dried leafs, from which i made salvia joints. these where a bit hard to smoke and it didn't made me trip, i just got a light buzz. Even less active as the joints i smoked.
i made those salvia joints out of pure salvia leafs, so there wasn't any addictive nicotine in it, and i started smoking these instead of my weed joints.
very quickly my brain learned that the habit of smoking was no longer rewarding and actually started to hate it, because there wasn't any nicotine coming from smoking and the harsh smoke felt damaging to my lungs.
So within a couple of weeks i didn't even stop smoking i also feel a bit of repulsion from joints. enough for me to automatically decline when someone offers me a joint.

maybe it can help somebody, someday, at least it helped me from an addiction. off course this could work with something else then salvia, a friend of mine is, at this moment, smoking some combination of herbs (without nicotine) to quit smoking
Forkbender a dit:
Have you really quit if you cannot stand the sight of it?

What do you mean? When I had quit I could stand the sight of it, as I said, I just didn't care and just felt bad for the guy who was still addicted to it. But then after a while I thought that just one cigarette from time to time couldn't hurt, so I started smoking like once a week. That led me to smoke 1 or two cigarette everytime I worked, as it is the only time I was thinking about it. But eventually I started smoking everyday again... Now I'm quitting for good, I wasn't working today and am only working friday evening. I hope 2 days without smoking will be enough to make the cravings at work weak enough to be bearable.

And mindmelt... don't put tobacco in your joints! It's the most retarded thing to do! Ruins the high and makes you addicted!
restin and psychoid... you should get one of these
!!! This is a vaporizer....I wonder now if one can replace the liquid nicotine with weed.... :twisted: But yeah, the main thing I took nicotine with was snuff anyways...
Any of the following nutrients and herbs or a combination of them may help you through this stressful period: high dose vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, Rhodiola rosea, Valeriana officinalis, Griffonia Simplificolia, Panax Ginseng, Ashwagandha and Schizandra. Though it's true quitting smoking requires determination and a good strategy, it's best to support the adrenal glands by giving them the nutrients they require for proper functioning: pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and vitamin C.
just checking out:

vitamin B-complex = bananas? (I don't like pills)

vitamin C = citrus fruits?

Rhodiola rosea,Valeriana officinalis, ... = where from?

Ginseng = there are special ginseng drinks in the pharmacy, aren't there?

pantothenic acid = rice, wheat brans, alfalfa, peanut meal, molasses, yeasts, and condensed fish solutions?
restin a dit:
just checking out:

vitamin B-complex = bananas? (I don't like pills)

vitamin C = citrus fruits?

Rhodiola rosea,Valeriana officinalis, ... = where from?

Ginseng = there are special ginseng drinks in the pharmacy, aren't there?

pantothenic acid = rice, wheat brans, alfalfa, peanut meal, molasses, yeasts, and condensed fish solutions?
I think it's much more practical to just take some pills. You'll need to eat about 120 oranges or tomatos a day to obtain a decent amount of vitamin C: at least 3000 mg a day (that's just three tablets).
Suggested dose of pantothenic acid is 500 mg once or twice a day, on an empty stomach with some fruit juice.
There are Rhodiola and Valerian tinctures available. You can get Ginseng extract and dilute it with warm water (yuch!).
But is this huge amount really naturally desired? I mean, the amount of vitamines of 120 fruits is unprobably needed by the body...
We're not talking about a natural situation here: to quit smoking means trying to overcome a strong addiction, with a body that's polluted and depleted to begin with.
ah, OK, I see. Thanks.
3 grams of vitamin C is called mega vitamin therapy and was propogated by linus pauling , i think he was anobel prize winner . He did it every day .A lot of people find it to much for their bodys because they get dihorea and / or vitamin flashes . Some scientists are against doing it regularly , but i think ocasionaly for instance when one tries to give up nikotin it can be helpfull .
try millepertuis
for me the millepertuis stop the craving for tobacco..

Zyban and over stuff is not very far of an anphetamines..be careful
What is "millepertuis " ? What does it contain ? How does it work ?
When I quit 5 years ago after 15 years of heavy smoking, it was because of Allen Carr's book "Easy way to stop smoking".
It might sound strange to quit after just reading a book, but not only did it make me quit, it was acctually(as the title of the book suggestes) easy.

I did not require me to enmass huge amounts of willpower, instead it worked by making me want to quit . And there are different "want to's" ;)

It cost me the same as a pack of tobaccoe and I read it once. Then i quit with minimal discomfort and has never to this day even pondered the idea of starting up again.

The author started a website called "easyway" and it offers all kinds of aids, but all you need is the book.
Johaniskraut - johns wort .

Is a very usefull herb and the effects are not fully understood . Helps you sleep and helps against depression . I cant realy see how it would work against nikotin adiction but if it helps haleluja .
Hi there,

two months and I smoked 5 cigarettes.... Thanks for your support and advices.. I feel great. I sleep less ( 6 hours are enough). I didn't notice any trouble to be concentraded on my work (which was my fear...

I also avoid beer, it calls cigarettes...

I used Ginseng, Griffonia and Valeriana officialis (also vitamines complex) and I used 10000000000 toothpicks ( I look like a little gangster-mafia guy)

The hardiest is the first 10 days, after that, it's all in the head and bad habits...

Have a nice day!
thanks... I must say that getting of an addiction is a powerful stimulant! a challenge that makes you feel stronger, no doubt!

I forgot, I used also during three weeks "Millepertuis", (solevita forte is the brand name of the preparation here in Switzerland)...