sopor a dit:
but sometimes it seems to me that happiness is not caused by achieving some desired state or result, but by lack of depressing influences which i is afraid of. from this point of view trying to be happy is kind of a catch 22 because i must ignore/avoid the negative stimuli. it is still present but not accepted,
i have been through a few life changes, forcing me to give up drugs which i was pretty absolved into doing not much else, and now seeming able to look at reality from a far view point thinking what i am to do next, i have made plans, but was getting really depressed and anxious even to a paranoid point for a while,
Then i heard about 'The Secret' i have always believed in the non-physical layer of the universe just as much as i believe in the physical, but its really good to hear these things and realise many others have come to the same conclusions same feelings, even when you know it just helps it sit better.
and 'The Secret' if you dont know is about unseen forces and connections in-between reality, like an ocean of energy we are inside apart of, and the thoughts we process or project are like frequencies vibrations that interact with this 'ocean' 'energy', and that BY FOCUSING on thoughts that truly make us happy will start a flow of good attraction.
Like its science that, our brains emit frequencies and frequencies have their basis in energy and energy is magnetic, its strange that the world chooses to turn a blind eye towards the proof and the complexities of life, is it because they dont understand these concepts?
Well we have to accept to begin to understand.
by accepting that we may never know every singularity of the universe we may be able to understand the most, what really matters.
like have you noticed when your sad or angry stressed things dont get better Until your happy.
they say to think of things you love, that you feel, you will know its real, then try saying you love something else, and i love and i love and i love,
It has really helped me, i am happy, and less anxious, you know i still have some bad thoughts that pop up but then you quickly change thought to something you love and it is snuffed out.
Love is the highest Vibration in the universe able to shake any emotion, when it is true.
they also say we can attract certain things we desire, by thinking of this 'THING' and being happy about it, act like you have it, now, and you love it, and your so thankful, and keep it up until it is real in your mind.
i have been to the zoo once on LSD, awesome, but i want to do it again on a higher dose.
went last time but was only one trippin soo.
I have always wanted to take LSD and swim with dolphins, i am planning to do it in the next month eghegheghegheghegh LOL also *SPICE* i have just heard of this john lilly dude in a book im reading Ketamine: Dreams and realities, doyou know if he ever dosed the Dolphins with LSD? i bet let them have low dose egheghegehgeheghegehgehgeheghegheghegehgehgehg feed them fishys beautiful dolphins