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New forum for Synthetic drugs?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Dr. Leospace
  • Date de début Date de début

Dr. Leospace

Alpiniste Kundalini
Some people talked about adding some new forums to discuss about chemical drugs. Because there is only 1 chemicals forum right now compared to about 6 for natural drugs. This is mainly because when this forum started it was part of a webshop selling natural drugs.

But times changed so maybe we can create seperate forums for LSD, MDMA or GHB.

:?: What are your ideas about this :?:
well, the current synthetics forum is about all kinds of drugs really, not many topics about either ghb or lsd.
so maybe we could make another sort of split, like "common" (ghb, lsd, speed etc)"uncommon" (research chemicals (shulgins books))
or maybe "Synthetics" (for use related) and "Chemistry" (for extractions, conserving and preparing chemicals)

good thing to see some things changing on the forum ^^
I think it's useless really.

The thing I like about this forum so much, is its easy use. Splitting synthetics will not make a better forum. Only make it more cluttered.
Maybe we can set up a research chemical forum, a MDMA forum (There are quite a few post about MDMA in the synthetics forum), and a 'other chemicals' category.

But I'm not sure if everyone will understand the term 'research chemical' and if the difference between other chemicals and research chemicals is big enough.

The synthetic(users) and chemistry distinction also sounds nice... difficult...difficult :?
A research chemical part will most likely result in people posting links to (quite often illegal) RC vendors.

Making it a bitch to hold it within forum policy.
i dont really agree.. i think most of the people here are wise enough not to.
give them a warning when they post a link, if it happens again u get banned for a month and next time permanent.
I agree with Bomski. We do not have much 'illegal' posts, and if we do have them it's mostly the posting robots, and they don't look at the name of the forum they just post bullshit.

In a research forum there is room to post about your own herb/plant extractions or about synthesizing research chemicals.
I also agree with BombSki, I don't think that will be a problem.

Didn't know about forum-bots though? Damn :shock:

Dr. Leospace a dit:
In a research forum there is room to post about your own herb/plant extractions or about synthesizing research chemicals.

That's a great idea! I'd say try the research forum, there's enough to put in there ;) hehehe.
Yeah but the distinction should be very clear ^^

what about the names...?
- MDMA forum - maybe include "XTC" in the forum name because maybe not everyone know what MDMA is
- Synthetics? Common Synthetics?
- Chemistry? Research Chemicals? Chemical Research?
(listening carefully)

On the subject of research chems-

Strike thought this subject was so important, he wrote a whole book on it, called 'Sources'. People shouldn't even be discussing chem sources openly, only with trusted associates

It is too easy for the trolls to shut things down, if all they have to do is click on a hyperlink. Make it forum policy that moderators will lock and delete open source exchange, and protect everyone.
Dr. Leospace- Sounds like a plan.

If I can help in anyway, please let me know....

DevXavier- No offense, but you sure do spend a lot of energy discouraging
DETAILED chem discussion.

I understand your position on this subject, but if you'll read the very first post I ever made at this site, I clearly stated why i was here and what my intentions were.

I'm here because there are too many people parrotting 'what they read on the net'...and passing that along as 'information' without critique or examination.

My exact words were, I believe, " Sadly, the signal to noise ratio still needs help"....

...and I'm sorry if my 'bloody long posts' (your words) offend you, but its hard as hell to impart accurate information about something we cant even see (molecules) ...

..in a sound bite of two sentences. Attention span IS required to get anything out of my posts...

...and you can't get synthetics without a 'synthesist'

So, back on topic, I think it's a great idea to expand, guys, and I'm available to help in the areas I can...any of you can PM or email me
BombSki a dit:
good thing to see some things changing on the forum ^^
ahh, too bad things never actually changed

spice- we never said anything about 'openly' discussing RC vendors.. you might wanna re-read the thread where its stated that such links are against forum policy
i dont really know what the changes on the forum have to do with why you are here though

i like the fact you wanna help out, but the admins here are lazy :) just the fact that no forum ever came after this thread which is 2 months old says enough, even when i bumped it some time.

im still for making 2 forums for synthetic drug use and chemistry ^^
my point of view is that its not really needed ..
maybe something about extractions and stuff ...
but a seperate MDMA is in my eyes very unnesecary ..
the way it now is ... is that everyone knows where to go for there questions,suggestions or whatever about chemical drugs
and its not like that topic is so busy it needs to be taken apart ...
it really wouldnt make things easier
do I agree with devxavier on this one..

I know change is good .. but this one is unnecesary

but if u are gonna change it anyways
I suggest a part about psychedelic or hallucinogenic synthetics and... others..
like uppers and downers , dissociatives and stuff like that
Maybe dividing the forum in the nature of the drugs is a possibility?
'Mind-narrowing', 'Mind-expanding' and perhaps an 'extraction and production' area

Although there is always something mind expanding about mind narrowing drugs ofcourse, but they make you feel a certain way (and again, this is something for all drugs).. This is all subjective, so that would be the downside of this proposal (this is me criticizing myself :p) And now I'm writing this I doubt this is a good idea.. But anyway, this is just another possibility..
yes, the disctinction could be; uppers, downers, psychedelics, dissociatives etc, in theory that would be a nice way to divide the forums, but i guess many people will post in the wrong forum or not post at all

but why are we even discussing, nothing is gonna change anyway
if they post in the wrong forums that's ok .. we have moderators for that..
and they will learn the differences between synthetics because of that.
also .. they people not posting ?? I won't miss them
u never even know if someone would not have posted something
BombSki a dit:
yes, the disctinction could be; uppers, downers, psychedelics, dissociatives etc, in theory that would be a nice way to divide the forums, but i guess many people will post in the wrong forum or not post at all

but why are we even discussing, nothing is gonna change anyway

Hey :x :roll:

We created the poll with no other purpose than bringing some changes to this category, depending on what most people like and what would generate the most posts (if you can speak of it in that way)... so don't be a doemdenker :wink:
no offence but very little is changing on this forum

ive talked to both rutger and leospace before, about a chatroom, a moderator-forum (which i still cant access) and about some stuff like changing forums, so far nothing has changed and i wonder if it will ever change
People of this Earth, this is my announcement, and if YOU like it and understand it, you will see that Synthetics are in small corner and overloaded with everything! Synthetics should and must be divided in maximum TWO or THREE new category's.

How can it be done? How to divide chemistry and the minds with subjective expression?

First this forum shouldn't have subjective Category's or as now only one , but in topic with name like 'GHB' you can write subjective (and objective) experiences. Why? Soulcatcher would like in here something like this Mind-narrowing', 'Mind-expanding' and perhaps an 'extraction and production' area THIS IS WRONG WAY AND LIKELY PATH TO THE END.
Man I only saying what I think, so sorry and no harsh filings.
This Forum must be objective at first and than when you go deeper will find experiences. Little mystic is, and search trough topics very producing!

Second. Synthetics can be divided in way as:strictly chem.,half-synth,old drugs,new one,tropans,triptamins,phenlytilamins,NMDA antagonists,GABA,high or down drugs, Ergot synthetics amides,custom or research drugs and so on. FROM ALL OF CATEGORY'S, SYNTHETICS ARE THE MOST NUMBERED ONES!!! So even this is no good.

Maybe the best way is to put old-known-produced in tons-many users and many experiences drugs in one and NEW ones-mystic-dangerous-little explored in second category. Lots of people knows what is cocaine and they have try it but only small number have taken and XP the 2-c?, or something from Shoulgin drug list.
