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Need help for mushrooms identification

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Spidi
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I read somewhere that not all psychoactives bruise blue and not all that bruise blue are psychoactive. oh well I just wanted to be sure.
thanks anyway
you're not wrong, but, for all practical purposes, if it's something that WE could easily identify, it's probably gonna bruise blue. there might be one or two other members that i can think of, (one, who can't post here anymore) who might know of psychoactive mush that dont bruise blue. to my knowledge they are pretty rare in this psychonautic community. good luck hunting, wasn't trying to seem like a dick
dont try to pick your own, just dont. there are hundreds of look-alike psychoactive fungi that are DEADlY poisonous. so dont even try to touch them unless they bruise blue, ALL Psylocibe fungi WILL bruise blue, dead give-away. i pick edible mushrooms and they are very easily identified but when im trying to find psychoactives 1: they are extremely rare and only grow in certain places at certain times of the year.2: there are many mushrooms that look and have the same descriptions as some psychoactives but are extremely posionous.3 i picked ones once that i thought were Cubensis but were in fact some of the most poisonous mushrooms that grow in my area, the only reason i didnt die was because drying them made the poison less potent.
plain and simple, dont pick you one unless the are as blue as the ocean, because its a really good way to die!
Growing some mushrooms would be a better plan ;)

Greets and Love,
hey been reading bout amanita's for few months been wanted to try them for long time always wondered about them, and just found a patch.
but i am yet to try them, so am not too positive if these are amanita muscara they were growing along side lots of PINE trees so thats 1 up. any experienced info please thanx.

They all look really the same, gills and stem.... they loose the spots as they grow right. there were some really round bright red ones as well but i felt bad enough taking these ones. and i know they still havnt matured. i taped them and all but will use a knife to cut them next time instead of just breaking with my hands.

I have more photos if wanted just say. plus some cool ones i like.
They look like A.muscaria,

but i always thought that muscaria only grows in August - september - october.. I can be wrong here though :)

edit: searched the internet, and apparantly A.muscaria normally grows in late summer and autumn (in northern hemishpere)
so, i'd doubt it's a fly agaric actually
Oh, you're from Australia i see

than it could be a fly agaric indeed :D
If you think that this one on the picture is Cubensis, I'm afraid that you know allmost nothing about
The fungi that interest us are not so easy to identify. Take care.
First of all... those picture are fucking ridiculously huge. It should be mandatory law that pictures are resized to board scale. I don't even bother looking at them if they're that big.

You are also correct that not all psychoactives bruise blue. For instance, liberty caps don't.

Shrooms that bruise yellow are generally best avoided.

Before eating handfuls of suspect psychoactives, you should try nibbling a tiny amount whilst not drunk or stoned. It won't tell you much about whether it's toxic or not, but you may be able to detect the first signs of something psychoactive (e.g. things appear a tiny bit brighter, you're daydreaming more than normal or there are other slight visual trickeries at work). Generally, if it's psychoactive, it's not horrifically toxic.


Hey everyone,

Okay, so I'm thinking of having an Amanitas trip. I'm fine with shrooms of any sort, but I've never had an amanitas trip so I'm thinking it's about time. Any advice on whether I should, best way to do it, best things to do would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Cook them or boil them after picking / getting them.

It's not really like psilocybin, its more of a delirient. I only ate about 5/6ths of a cap back a while ago and I felt like I was waking from a dream the whole time - made me very groggy, but I also didn't cook or boil them (got some poisons).

I puked but felt great for a while - then just really out of it. They are kind of a "whoa.. blahhh yeah haha" feeling if that makes any sense.

After you cook them eat one. If you don't feel really sick then go for 1 more or 2 depending on how you feel off of one. If you do feel sick, cook them some more *cook* means just heat up in an oven btw.

I didn't see any worth personally, maybe if you really have nothing better to do.
This is a picture of what came in my purchase of Amanita Muscaria from a website that seemed extremely professional. Dont want to advertise it but this is what they sent me and it doesnt fit everthing I've read about the Amanita Muscaria and so I wanted to make sure that I know what I am getting myself into. Please if you can help me identify what I am looking at. Is this all just different strains of Amanita Muscaria or are there other things in here that might hurt me? Will some be stronger then others? I tried to group them by type, I can see ateast 3 or four different 'types'. If you know which are stronger or not I would love that.


I dont want to bracket img the image because it wont fit and i want it high rez so people can zoom. The image is here:

http://schwanke.org/RandomFiles/Psyched ... ckage1.jpg

Thanks again!
i've never seen them without spots, but i vaguely remember reading somewhere that they have a close cousin that is similar, but has no spots. I'd double check that though. eat the ones with spots for now :)
Well I guess then how do I check that? I'm horrible at researching stuff on the internet. I saw a few pictures on erowid and some sites it linked to but nothing that really told me it was exactly the same as say the brownish pumpkin bread colored ones. I guess its possible I could take the photo and try and contact the company I got them from. They seem to be very honest about what they do and so I dont imagine they are anything other then Amanita Muscaria but since they do the whole this is a poison not for human consumption thing it really is on my head to get it right if I am going to use it for that. It may be some of those varieties on Erowid that I just cant get pictures for. The ones I could get were blurry and badly labeled lol.
Two things to add:

1. I also remember that the spots can wash off in old age. Says that a few places in Erowid.

2. I looked and one of the variations of Amanita Muscaria has the same coloring as the light brown but has spots on Erowid so that could be the variation in old age.

And finllay the UGH part. I took them out again to examine them to compare them to the pictures on erowid and they had bugs in em :(. Three or four little wierd multie legged worm lookin things. Rather irritating. Glad I didnt just eat them. Dont know what affec THEY would have on me. Parasite who knows.

Does mean if I do anything with them I am going to break them up and check them carefully.

I think I may just stick to smoking these. The fact that they were the B grade and have so many problems like not being the right coloring, poorly handled, bugs, suggests to me they probably werent handled well enough to be consumable though smoking atleast I know I can break them down small enough to check for uglies and he dose will be low enough that I shouldnt hurt myself except maybe get a little nausious if its real bad.

I actually already smoked some of the dust tonight, not hard core just puts ome bits and pieces in a pipe and smoked them. (Put that in your pipe and smoke it! lol) I am no even sure why I did that considering I was worried about them being the wrong type. I think somewhere in there I have this instinct that they really are Muscaria and not some off shoot thats deadly. I'm more worried about not living it down if I throw up for half an hour while my parents are home and I have to explain I was doin legal shrooms lol. Atleast if I die I go to heaven lol.
I wrote to them and told the what happened. They said their B stock is their worst grade and said it must be infected so they gave me a full refund + a 10% discount on future orders on everything in stock + they are throwing out their current B supply.

Thats service! :D

They recommended a brand to try I wont be disappointed in so I am hoping this time it will be the right kind its called:

Washington A+ or A++

Does that ring a bell? I'll try and google it myself.
washington just means they were picked in washington. to be honest the company seems very legit. even if you get some good ones, please boil them and drink the tea, bake them and eat them, or do something to make sure you're not ingesting any other fungus.

also clean them off...

its just safe practice.

it would be the best if they came completely dry and vacuum packed.