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Need help for mushrooms identification

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Spidi
  • Date de début Date de début
Mort de rire mon gars.

T'es en parti Anglaise là mon pote.

Par contre ça n'en est pas, c'est des champignons des bois classique.
Les psylos des champs sont plutôt gris et ont un petit tétons sur le dessus du chapeau.
Stonix a dit:
Mort de rire mon gars.

T'es en parti Anglaise là mon pote.

Par contre ça n'en est pas, c'est des champignons des bois classique.
Les psylos des champs sont plutôt gris et ont un petit tétons sur le dessus du chapeau.

Thanx bro sui une nouille en informatique désole . J vais en chercher d autre à bientôt
Hi i found this mushroom it seems like one that i ate sometime, it had the purple ring too, but it have little differences too, like doesnt drop purple liquid when i cleaned it like the other (that was a little more pointy too) and i have heard that when you cut a psylocibe the stem become purple, and that didn't happen >_>
What do you think?

No, do not eat it.
I Have never seen one like it. If you take a look at wikipedia and search for liberty caps it will show you the right one(Psilocybe semilanceata is the latin name). But I would strongly recomend not picking or eating anything unless you and a more experience person is 100% sure of what you are eating. Also one would not be enough. When I do magic mushrooms I do may hundreds in one go, they are small.
they look like hay caps or at least thats what they are known as in UK, they are a similar looking mushroom that grows in similar areas but it does not look like psylocibin. they are known to have hallucinogenic properties but they are very low in concentration and other toxins may be present. As always unless you are 100% sure dont eat it
Panaeolina Foenisecii similar mushroom with Panaeolus Cinctulus;)
Possibly there is one species that grows in pine let me find something online. Don't eat them yet.
Do not eat those mushrooms .

They are not Psilocybe Cyanescens .

Never pick mushrooms that you havent 100 % identifyed .

Get yourself a GOOD book by an internationaly famous expert and read it a few times and learn how to identify mushrooms properly .

Dont pick mushrooms that have turned black .

Never pick unripe mushrooms because many unripe mushrooms look like many unripe mushrooms .
Thank you guys for the replies!
I don't either think they are psylocybe cyanescens
But they really look like psilocybe semilanceata. They printed a kind of dark blue coloration on the paper.
I read a few books talking about shrooms and I didn't saw any deadly shroom that look like these one so I'm really hesitating to eat them...
Dunno what to do :s.
They not Psilocybe semilanceata. They in woods for a start. If you do try them do the skin and lips test check how to check foods in survival guides dont kill you self. And dont worry if they bad the season's only just starting there will be more.
Hi Folks.. A friend of mine just received something from the netherlands.. Vaccum packed shrooms... But we dont know what type of shrooms this are... PLEASE HELP... Below you find the Photo Link.. They are brown and look like a bit like Hawaaian but without stems(stalks)..

What are they.. And how long can they be stored vacuum Packed AND how long do i need to dry them out of the Vacuum before eating....
Bilder-Upload - Kostenlos Fotos hochladen und ins Netz stellen

Bilder-Upload - Kostenlos Fotos hochladen und ins Netz stellen
Hi everyone. I just found some mushrooms in a field this afternoon. Does anyone knows what kind of mushroom it is ?


Hi all - new here ,

Can anyone tell me if these are Liberty`s?

Any help is greatly appreciated..

Thanks in advance guys...


there are no such things as mushroom strains. someone might be able to tell you if it is a psilocybe cubensis or not, but will not be able to tell you if it is a liberty cap or a mexican or w/e because there is no real difference. it is only a marketing ploy. majority of mushroom appearance is dependent on growing conditions. hope this helps. also, if you want to easily share photos with us, imgur.com is one of the easiest site i've found to upload to. once you upload there, it will provide you with a link you can post here. honestly, you'll have an easier time just uploading it to shroomery.com. they are a very skilled and active forum. good luck :)